Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (2024)


  • Rogues can be powerful regardless of their race, as each race offers unique advantages and abilities for rogues to utilize in their gameplay.
  • Deep gnomes, high elves, eladrin elves, tabaxis, kenkus, tieflings, githyankis, halflings, owlins, and fairies all have race-specific traits that can greatly benefit a rogue character.
  • These traits include darkvision, innate spellcasting, stealth advantages, enhanced mobility, skill proficiency, and the ability to deceive or trick others, all of which can enhance the rogue's abilities and effectiveness in various situations.

In , designing a character starts with the two most basic traits: the character's race and their class. Some combinations are far more effective than others based on a particular D&D race's inherent stat boosts, abilities, and even innate spellcasting in some cases. For some characters, choosing either their race or their class will make the other much easier to decide. This also applies to the rogue class.

Rogues are several things at once: skill savants, scouts, assassins, and thieves. A good rogue character can make up for their lack of magic with flexible skills in and out of combat, their burst damage, and their sheer stealth in any environment, from a castle's dungeons to a cave or even a forest setting.

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (1)
Dungeons and Dragons

A fantasy roleplaying tabletop game designed for adventure-seekers, the original incarnation of Dungeons & Dragons was created by Gary Gygax in 1974.

Dungeons & Dragons

Original Release Date
January 26, 1974

Wizards of the Coast , TSR Inc.

E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson

Player Count
4-8 Players Recommended

Age Recommendation

Length per Game
3 hours +

Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition , Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition , Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition , Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition


Dungeons & Dragons is the fantasy tabletop role-playing game that has persevered for nearly 50 years and continues to grow strong. Created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, the game first made publication in 1974 and now falls under the Wizards of the Coast publishing wing. A typical game of DnD consists of 4-6 players, with one player acting as the Dungeon Master. Players can take a sheet and by consulting the various rule books and expansions, can create their own character with weapons, skills, and physical appearance. Once all characters are created, the Dungeon Master sets them off in a campaign of their choosing or design, where players will have to follow the rules of the DM as they roleplay their way through storylines. The characters will level up, find equipment, and experience permanent changes based on the way the story plays out. A roll of the dice can mean the difference between a successful hit, and a painful end. The most recent edition of Dungeons & Dragons is the 5th edition rule book.

Rogues Can Be Incredibly Powerful No Matter Their Race

10 Deep Gnomes Have Disguise Options & Darkvision

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (2)

The gnome race is often associated with the artificer class, but deep gnomes also make great rogues thanks to their many other traits. To begin with, deep gnomes have darkvision up to 120 feet away, which is vital for a rogue sneaking in a dark area where they can't afford to use artificial light to see.

Deep gnomes also have some innate spellcasting, such as Disguise Self starting at level 3, a fantastic way for any deep gnome rogue to openly sneak into an area where they don't belong. The deep gnome race also has the Svirfneblin Camouflage trait, meaning they can make stealth checks with advantage, which makes an already stealthy rogue practically impossible for hostile NPCs to spot.

9 High Elves Can Use Booming Blade & Relevant Feats

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (3)

The elf race may be associated with the ranger class and perhaps druid too, but elves can also make fine rogues if they are built correctly. Elves get +2 to DEX, which is key to building any good rogue, and the three subrace options offer even more.

High elves get +1 to INT and can cast one wizard cantrip, with the Booming Blade spell being a solid pick for rogues who use finesse weapons like rapiers up close. Also, elves of all kinds have access to the Elven Accuracy feat, allowing a high elf rogue to reroll a d20 when attacking with advantage so sneak attacks are all but guaranteed to hit. That feat can also be used for a +1 DEX bonus if needed.

8 Eladrin Elves Have Misty Step & Elf Feats

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (4)

Eladrin Elves Aren't the Only Fey Beings to Have Fun With

Eladrin elves are variant elves with strong Fey elements to them. The eladrin elf race has slightly fewer traits than the regular elf race, but they make up for it with great features for any rogue. To begin with, eladrin elves have custom stat boosts, so an eladrin elf rogue can have +2 DEX and any other ability score increase by 1, depending on the build.

Eladrin elves can perform the Misty Step spell starting at 3rd level with the Fey Step ability, which helps any eladrin elf rogue teleport to or away from enemies as needed. Like other elves, eladrin elves have proficiency with Perception, which is good for scouting rogues, and access to feats like Elven Accuracy helps, too.

7 Tabaxis Have Natural Stealth & Mobility

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (5)
See Also
Cheap Shot

The tabaxi race is ideal for the rogue class since most of their racial traits revolve around enhanced mobility, stealth, and perception. This race has darkvision, since real cats can see well at night, and they even have a climbing speed so tabaxi rogues can climb up trees, brick walls, and other surfaces during a scouting mission.

Tabaxis have natural proficiency with the Stealth and Perception skills, which are central for any scouting rogue, and Feline Agility is even better. Tabaxis can choose to double their movement speed for one turn, and recharge this ability if they don't move on their next turn. With Feline Agility, any tabaxi rogue can run up to an enemy to stab them up close, or flee a powerful group of foes without needing teleportation.

6 Kenkus Have Incredible Skills & Can Trick People With Voices

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (6)

Playing as a Kenku Can Be Great Fun

The kenku race is clearly based on ravens in every way but flight. Players may feel disappointed that their kenku rogues cannot just fly to and from danger, but this race's other traits make up for it. Kenkus are skill-heavy people, which is great for a skill-oriented class like rogue. In fact, a kenku character can choose any two skills for proficiency.

A kenku has an advantage on any skill check to duplicate an item, so a kenku rogue can steal sensitive documents and replace them with a perfect forgery so the NPCs are none the wiser. Kenku can also mimic people's voices, which may help any rogue lure an NPC toward them and thus create an opening to sneak into a place that NPC was guarding.

5 Tieflings Have Darkvision & Relevant Innate Spellcasting

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (7)

The tiefling race is closely associated with classes like warlock and sorcerer thanks to their huge +2 CHA boost, but with the right build, a tiefling rogue is possible, and it can feel like a refreshing change of pace. Tieflings have darkvision, which is key for stealth, and at 5th level, tieflings can innately cast Darkness to boost a rogue's stealth even more.

Rogues don't focus too much on Charisma, so the +2 CHA may feel wasted. But if the party doesn't have a "face" character, then a tiefling rogue can handle that role. Or, if the rogue launches a solo mission, they can use that +2 CHA to talk their way in or out of anything.

4 Githyankis Have Tricky Psionic Spells & Flexible Skills

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (8)

The githyanki race is associated with their former servitude of the mind flayers, but now they're determined to find their own destiny. That's good flavor for any githyanki rogue who will not let anyone boss them around or control their future, and in gameplay terms, the githyanki race is even better for the rogue class.

Githyanki can change their proficiency with one skill or weapon per long rest, and that's great for rogues, who rely on skills and weapons rather than magic to fight. Githyanki rogues also get +2 to DEX, a fantastic stat boost, and they can cast tricky spells like Mage Hand, Jump, and Misty Step to make any stealth mission or dungeon exploration mission easy.

3 Halflings Are Nimble & Lucky

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (9)

Flavor-wise, the easygoing, friendly halfling race feels suitable for the bard class as cheerful musicians who entertain all their friends. But halfling rogues are also a great build, taking advantage of everyone's trust in the innocent halfling race to surprise everyone.

Halflings have highly relevant traits and stats for rogues, starting with +2 for DEX and the ability to move right through a space a larger creature occupies. That makes it difficult to trap or mob a halfling rogue, who can just slip away without needing teleports. Halflings can also reroll any 1, so halfling rogues won't botch a sneak attack with a critical failure. Lightfoot halflings, in particular, can hide behind a larger creature, such as a medium-sized party member, so a halfling rogue is never totally deprived of cover.

2 Owlins Have Flight & Stealth For the Rogue Class

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (10)

The owlin race has simple and straightforward traits compared to other races, and they lack innate spellcasting. Still, owlins are highly mobile and stealthy people, which is perfect for rogues who want to sneak into a building's second or third floor from the outside, for example.

Owlins can fly, giving a rogue far more options for an owlin rogue sneaking around, and unlike the aarakocra people, Owlins have the Silent Feathers trait, meaning they have proficiency with Stealth checks. Owlins also have darkvision up to 120 feet away, making night missions incredibly easy for them.

1 Fairies Have Flight & Fairie Fire Spellcasting

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (11)

The fairy race offers flight speed for any class that wants it, such as squishy wizards who must stay out of reach of melee monsters or rogues who need three dimensions so they can sneak around anywhere without relying on magic. As a bonus, this means flying characters like fairy rogues aren't affected by rough terrain or the likes of Spike Growth.

The fairy race's Druidcraft cantrip is largely wasted on the rogue class, but starting at level 3, fairy rogues can use the Fairie Fire spell to give themselves and their teammates an advantage to hit their glowing enemies. That's a great backup for performing sneak attacks if circ*mstances otherwise wouldn't allow it.

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue (2024)


Dungeons & Dragons: Best Character Races For Your Next Rogue? ›

Deep gnomes, high elves, eladrin elves, tabaxis, kenkus, tieflings, githyankis, halflings, owlins, and fairies all have race-specific traits that can greatly benefit a rogue

A rogue is a versatile character, capable of sneaky combat and nimble tricks. The rogue is stealthy and dexterous, and in early editions was the only official base class from the Player's Handbook capable of finding and disarming traps and picking locks.
https://en.wikipedia.org › Rogue_(Dungeons_&_Dragons)

What race should my rogue be in D&D? ›

DnD Rogue - best races

Here are some of the best races for playing a Rogue. Elves make fantastic rogues with their innate Dexterity bonus. High Elves are great melee combatants, and their Perception proficiency will let them see danger before it sees them.

What is the best class for a rogue in D&D? ›

For a highly-skilled rogue, consider the Half-Elf or the Kenku. For a high-damage melee rogue, consider the High Elf. For a ranged rogue, consider the Fairy or the Owlin.

What is the best race for rogue alliance? ›

Best Alliance Races for Assassination Rogues
  • Night Elf is the best race by far on Alliance. The active racial ability, Shadowmeld has great synergy with the Rogue class. ...
  • Human is the second-best race on Alliance. ...
  • Orc is the best race on Horde. ...
  • Blood Elf is the second-best race on Horde.

What is the best rogue archetype? ›

For those in search of the most formidable Rogue subclasses, certain options balance offensive and defensive prowess in more powerful ways than others.
  1. 1 Soulknife. The Soulknife is the strongest Rogue subclass in the game.
  2. 2 Arcane Trickster. ...
  3. 3 Assassin. ...
  4. 4 Phantom. ...
  5. 5 Swashbuckler. ...
  6. 6 Thief. ...
  7. 7 Scout. ...
  8. 8 Inquisitive. ...
Jan 5, 2023

Do tieflings make good rogues? ›

5 The Rogue Class Is Good For Crafty Tieflings

Certain tiefling subraces make a tiefling rogue even better with innate spellcasting. A Levistus tiefling, for example, can cast Darkness at 5th level, perfect for a rogue to swipe some goodies while nearby NPCs or monsters can't see them.

What race is best for rogue bard? ›

Variant human and custom lineage are among the most flexible and powerful races in D&D 5e, making them ideal for a build as versatile as a rogue and bard multiclass. A free feat is exceptional for any build.

Which rogue class is easiest? ›

sub is the easiest, followed by outlaw than assa. sub rogue - very straight forward damage type and rotation, can macro alot of stuff as a beginner, nothing major to track beside cds (maybe rapture occesionaly), rotation is not hard.

How to make a powerful rogue? ›

Best Stats For A Rogue Build

Dexterity is essential for rogue builds in D&D 5e in and outside combat. It's their go-to attacking ability score, given Sneak Attack requires ranged or finesse weapons. It also bolsters their Armor Class, given their light armor proficiency.

Which rogue spec is best? ›

Best Leveling Spec for Rogue in Dragonflight

Out of all three Rogue specs, we recommend Subtlety as the best choice for leveling. It offers the best single-target burst damage and allows you to dispatch enemies within only a few seconds, jumping from enemy to enemy in quick succession.

What is the best classic race for a rogue? ›

Dwarf is the best Classic WoW Alliance Rogue race for Solo Duels and World PvP. Gnome is the best Classic WoW Alliance Rogue race for Group Battlegrounds PvP. Rogue have the benefit of doing Battlegrounds with a Paladin, which can Buff the Rogue with powerful Blessings such as Blessing of Might or Blessing of Kings.

What is the best alliance rogue race reddit? ›

Night elf is the best. You'll be dying a lot and as nelf you can run back to your corpse faster. NE, you always get the opener against other Rogues, because you don't fight Humans.

What is the best stat order for rogue? ›

In general, all rogues really need (unless doing some really niche and weird build) a high dex followed by a solid con. Anything else is just kind of neat, or will vary due to your subclass choice. DeX > con > the rest, basically. However, here are some of my recommendations for at least a couple subclasses.

What abilities are best for rogues? ›

When it comes to class skills, rogues need to make sure they've got proficiency in perception, stealth, and investigation. When playing a swashbuckler, persuasion also becomes a critical skill to have mastered, and arcane tricksters might place higher importance on arcana.

What character types are rogue? ›

The thief became known as the rogue in 3rd edition. Spies, scouts, detectives, pirates, and sundry ne'er-do-wells, as well as thieves and just about any other character who relies on stealth or a broad range of skills, are stated to fall under the rogue class.

What is rogues weakness? ›

Weaknesses: Anything she has direct contact with automatically gets their energy absorbed regardless of Rogue's actual intent. If she touches something to briefly she only gets a limited part of the power for a considerably short time.

What is the best background for a rogue DND? ›

The sailor background gives an athletics proficiency that is perfect for Rogues building strength instead of dexterity. Using expertise to double that proficiency makes Rogue one of the best classes for grappling-based play styles.

What is the best race for a rogue inquisitive? ›

A wood elf is a great choice to maximize your powers of Insight and Perception as an inquisitive rogue. As an elf you automatically gain proficiency in Perception. As a wood elf, your walking speed increases to 35 feet, and you can attempt to hide even when you are lightly obscured by heavy weather or foliage.

Is rogue a race or a class? ›

The rogue or thief is one of the standard playable character classes in most editions of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. A rogue is a versatile character, capable of sneaky combat and nimble tricks.


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