Which fund share classes should you invest in? (2024)

Which fund share classes should you invest in? (1)

Deciding on the right investment funds for your portfolio can be challenging enough, but the selection process does not end there: once you have made your decision, you are likely to be faced with a bewildering array of share classes in each fund.

To add to the confusion, if you are looking at a fund's past performance it may not be obvious which share class is being measured. The situation has become more complex since new regulations were introduced under the Retail Distribution Review, which came into force at the beginning of 2013 and was meant to empower investors.

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Investors will find that most funds have four, five or even more share classes. There is no industry standard for naming share classes, which makes comparisons even more difficult. They are named differently by each investment company, normally using a motley selection of letters from A to Z.


The number of share classes per fund may be increased if there are special classes for larger institutional investors such as pension funds, or if it is a fund that invests overseas and has a share class hedged back to sterling, or if the fund is available to overseas investors and provides share classes in other currencies.

Most share classes are also available in 'income' and 'accumulation' versions. Thankfully this terminology is standard across the industry and is relatively simple to understand.

Which fund share classes should you invest in? (2)With income shares, any income generated by a fund's underlying investments is paid out to investors in regular distributions. With accumulation shares, the income is reinvested back into the fund, increasing the price of the shares - so these are most suitable for investors looking for capital growth.

But how do investors know whether to choose A or B, or X or Y shares? Even financial advisers admit that it can be confusing. Mark Waters, investment manager at Skerritt Consultants, says: 'It is horrendously complicated for private investors who have multiple share classes in a fund.'

The most obvious thing to do would be to choose the share class with the lowest charges. A fund such as Old Mutual UK Alpha, for example, has share classes with annual management fees of between zero and 1.5 per cent.

But if you look at a website such as Trustnet, which carries information about different funds, the minimum investment required for the cheapest share class can be as high as £250 million.

But this does not mean that private investors have to opt for the share class with the lowest minimum investment and the highest management charge, which is normally denoted with an A or an R.

Financial adviser Justin Modray of Candid Financial Advice explains: 'This share class, which was typically sold pre-RDR, has all the charges bundled together, including the investment manager's fee, the commission paid to the adviser and the cost of using a platform.' This share class is sometimes described nowadays as the 'dirty' share class.

This share class was also sold to investors who bought funds directly from fund managers. Managers used the higher charges to cover the extra administration costs of dealing direct with investors. But most companies no longer deal direct.

Ross Leckie, director of communications at Artemis, one of the few providers to have just two share classes - R and I - in the majority of its funds, says: 'If someone phones us and asks to invest in our old-style R share class, we try to put them off and encourage them to go to an adviser or to a platform.'

Because of the higher cost of the R/A share class, Justin Modray believes it will gradually 'wither on the vine'. But some companies such as Invesco Perpetual are still selling these shares to direct investors through regular savings schemes, as well as via lump sum investments. Investors can buy them in funds such as the ever-popular Invesco Perpetual Income.

James Rawson, head of platform distribution at Invesco Perpetual, argues that investors are not necessarily paying over the odds.

He explains: 'We want to offer investors a range of ways of accessing our funds. Although direct investors do pay more at a share class level, they know exactly what they are paying, whereas investors who buy through a platform or an adviser will need to take the additional platform costs and any other fees into account to work out their total annual costs.'


Rawson explains that the four share classes in Invesco Perpetual Income have come about mainly as a result of regulatory changes due to RDR and platform regulation.

'Besides our basic shares for direct investors, we also have a "no trail" share class with a 1 per cent annual charge, which was introduced in 2009 for advisers who were already starting to charge fees rather than relying on commission.

'Then there are the Y and Z share classes sold through platforms. Generally, the Z shares are available through platforms and the Y shares are available through the five largest platforms, offering particular economies of scale.'

Another fund manager that still sells direct to investors is M&G. Its funds have an A share class for these investors, as well as an X share class, which was originally offered in the days when initial charges on funds were the norm.

It offered the option of no initial charge and tiered exit fees instead, falling to zero in year five, to encourage longer-term investment. However, this share class has become redundant now that initial charges are normally waived anyway.

Since the beginning of 2013, fund managers have had to offer an 'unbundled' or 'clean' share class, typically with a 0.75 per cent annual charge.

Since that time advisers have had to charge investors a fee for their services and are no longer allowed to recommend shares that pay them a trail commission. Since April 2014, platforms have also had to make an explicit charge for their services and are now selling the clean share class.

Nowadays, most managers prefer investors to deal through platforms because it means less administration for them.

When Neil Woodford's new fund Woodford Equity Income was launched last year, Craig Newman, chief executive officer at the new company, explained the reasoning: 'The CF Woodford Equity Income fund has four different share classes, each with a specific purpose.

'The fund's C, X and Z share classes are available to fund platforms and intermediaries that wish to offer our fund to their clients and have agreed terms of business with us. The A share class is intended for direct investors... It has a high minimum investment of £150,000 because we are a fund manager not a fund distributor.'

Although the majority of investors choose to invest via platforms anyway nowadays, it may still be confusing to see the minimum investments some fund managers stipulate for shares classes sold on platforms.

Minimums of £5 million or £50 million may be mentioned. In practice, individuals can often invest as little as they want because these minimums are the aggregated totals that platforms are expected to raise from their customers.

Indeed, because most investors do go straight to platforms, Ben Yearsley, head of investment research at Charles Stanley Direct, believes that in practice they are unlikely to suffer confusion over share classes.

'When consumers buy through a platform they will only be offered one share class anyway, with a choice of an income or an accumulation version. The important thing is that they know the charges on the shares that they are buying,' he says.


Some platforms may offer cheaper 'super clean' share classes that others don't. However, Justin Modray says, 'it is incredibly difficult finding out where you will get the best deals on funds. It is more important to look at how much you are paying the platform. Differences in platform charges can easily outweigh the negligible differences in fund charges.'

Even wealth managers do not always have it easy. Skerritts' Mark Waters says: 'We buy our clients the cheapest share class we can, but sometimes we have to press platforms to give us the best deal.'

Making direct comparisons between share classes in funds is not easy because of the different letters used by different managers. Waters says: 'This is one of our biggest bugbears. There is no rhyme or reason behind the lettering system. It would be much simpler if the industry could agree a uniform system.'

A spokeswoman for the Investment Association (IA), the fund managers' trade association, points out: 'There were never any rules governing how managers badged different types of share class.' But, like Yearsley, she does not think it is a problem because investors are only given one choice by platforms, although she does acknowledge that 'investors may get a better deal by shopping around'.

Whether investors who want to invest in, for example, Old Mutual UK Alpha would realise that the R shares they can buy through Chelsea Financial Services' Fundstore have slightly higher charges than the U1 shares in the same fund bought through Charles Stanley Direct is questionable.


Another problem that arises as a result of having multiple share classes is the issue of performance, and this is something which the IA is finally getting to grips with. It announced at the beginning of this year that it has been working with the main performance measurement firms to develop consistent and comparable performance data.

As a result the data providers are now in the process of identifying a primary share class for each fund which will be used in performance calculations in future. This share class will be the highest-charging unbundled share class, free of rebates or intermediary commission, and available through third-party distributors in the retail market.

However, because many of the lower-charging clean shares have only been in existence since 2012, the historic track record of funds will still be based on the old-style share classes until the overhaul is complete, with higher charges dragging on their performance.

Where a company has converted a cheaper institutional share class into its clean share class, then it will already have an historic track record based on these lower charges. The IA said that it cannot see a way around this problem, even though it acknowledges it will cause some inconsistencies in comparisons over longer time frames.

As a result, there is now a debate going on among some professional fund buyers about whether it would be better to construct hypothetical past performance records based on clean share classes.

Another suggestion is that no charges should be taken into account so that a fund's pure investment performance record can be compared. The reason for this is that investors' returns will vary anyway, according to the other charges they pay such as their platform charges.

So far, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not appear to have considered the impact of the plethora of share classes that currently exist. It published a paper last year entitled The Clarity of Fund Charges, which urged fund managers to show the ongoing charges figure (OCF) in their fund marketing material, rather than annual management charges.

The OCF shows a fund's total running costs, including legal, audit and custodian fees. But it will differ according to which share class the investor buys. An FCA spokesperson declined to comment on whether the regulator has any plans to look into share classes.

However, the FCA's Clarity of Fund Charges paper does state quite firmly that 'all firms must ensure their charges are clear to investors, particularly retail investors, so they know what they are paying for and can compare funds'. Any confusion among investors about which share classes they can buy won't help them to make these comparisons.

Some fund managers are also unhappy about the growing proliferation of share classes, but are pessimistic about the possibility of reducing that number any time soon. In the meantime, though, greater consistency in the naming of the share classes would go some way to making life easier for investors.

This article was originally published in our sister magazine Money Observer, which ceased publication in August 2020.

These articles are provided for information purposes only. Occasionally, an opinion about whether to buy or sell a specific investment may be provided by third parties. The content is not intended to be a personal recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or product, or to adopt any investment strategy as it is not provided based on an assessment of your investing knowledge and experience, your financial situation or your investment objectives. The value of your investments, and the income derived from them, may go down as well as up. You may not get back all the money that you invest. The investments referred to in this article may not be suitable for all investors, and if in doubt, an investor should seek advice from a qualified investment adviser.

Full performance can be found on the company or index summary page on the interactive investor website. Simply click on the company's or index name highlighted in the article.

As an investment enthusiast with a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding investment funds, I can shed light on the intricate world of share classes and the challenges investors face in navigating this landscape.

The article addresses a critical aspect of fund investment – the selection of share classes within each fund. I'll break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Share Classes Overview:

    • Share classes are different versions of the same fund, offering investors various options in terms of fees, minimum investments, and structures.
    • The lack of an industry standard for naming share classes complicates the comparison process, with different companies using varied letters from A to Z.
  2. Number of Share Classes:

    • Most funds have multiple share classes, ranging from four to even more, which can be overwhelming for investors.
  3. Income vs. Accumulation:

    • Share classes typically come in 'income' and 'accumulation' versions.
    • Income shares distribute generated income to investors, while accumulation shares reinvest income back into the fund to foster capital growth.
  4. Choosing the Right Share Class:

    • Investors often struggle to decide between share classes. While opting for the one with the lowest charges seems logical, practical challenges arise, such as high minimum investments for certain classes.
  5. 'Dirty' Share Class:

    • Some share classes, denoted as 'dirty,' bundle together various charges, including the investment manager's fee, adviser commission, and platform costs.
  6. Regulatory Changes (Retail Distribution Review - RDR):

    • The RDR, implemented in 2013, introduced regulations requiring fund managers to offer 'unbundled' or 'clean' share classes, with transparent charges.
  7. Platform Preference:

    • Fund managers prefer investors to use platforms due to reduced administration efforts.
  8. Performance Challenges:

    • The existence of multiple share classes poses challenges in assessing fund performance, with historical track records based on older share classes potentially affecting comparisons.
  9. Uniform Naming System:

    • Professionals and industry experts express frustration over the lack of a uniform system for naming share classes, advocating for greater consistency.
  10. FCA's Position:

    • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) emphasizes the need for clear charges and transparency but has not explicitly addressed the proliferation of share classes.
  11. Investor Confusion:

    • The multitude of share classes can lead to confusion among investors, impacting their ability to make informed comparisons.

In conclusion, the article underscores the complexity and challenges investors face in navigating the diverse world of investment fund share classes, urging for greater standardization and transparency in the industry.

Which fund share classes should you invest in? (2024)


What class of shares are best? ›

Which share class is best depends on the individual and their investing goals. That being said, Class A shares are usually convertible in the event of a sale and offer much greater voting privileges than Class B or Class C shares.

Should I buy Class A or Class C shares? ›

Class C shares are often purchased by investors who have less than $1 million in assets to invest in a fund family and who have a shorter-term investment horizon, because during those first years Class C shares will generally be more economical to purchase, hold and sell than Class A shares.

What are the different share classes of funds? ›

Classes and form of shares. Shares in the funds are divided into Class A, Class C, Class D, Class E, Class I, Class J, and Class X shares, representing different charging structures. shares are further divided into distributing and non-distributing share classes.

How do I choose the right fund to invest in? ›

Eight tips on how to choose a fund
  1. Decide on how you approach risk. ...
  2. Learn about asset classes. ...
  3. Decide how 'hands' on you want to be. ...
  4. Think carefully about your objectives. ...
  5. Decide whether you want income or growth (or both) ...
  6. Think about which assets sectors do you want to consider. ...
  7. Take a look at our Preferred List.

Are Class A shares a good investment? ›

Class A shares are common or preferred stocks that offer special benefits to owners. Class A shares are the best class of stock. Upper- level management, executives, owners, and founders of the company usually hold this kind of stock. It offers the highest level of voting rights, too.

What are fund classes? ›

Different classes in a fund represent the different units the fund manager has created to suit certain types of buyers, for example, investors with HL or institutional investors such as pension funds and multi-manager funds. Each unit in the fund may have different costs and minimum investment levels.

Is it better to buy Class A or Class B shares? ›

Class A shares generally have more voting power and higher priority for dividends, while Class B shares are common shares with no preferential treatment. Class C shares can refer to shares given to employees or alternate share classes available to public investors, with varying restrictions and voting rights.

Should I buy Class A or B shares? ›

If you're a smaller investor who is looking for an affordable way to invest in a company, Class B shares may be the best option. If you're an institutional investor who wants more control over the company's decisions, Class A shares may be a better choice.

Why buy Class B shares? ›

Class B mutual fund shares, by comparison, have no paying fees. Investors buying Class B shares are charged a fee when their shares are sold. The fee for holding the shares can be deferred five years or longer. Additionally, if held long-term, Class B shares may convert to Class A shares.

What is share class C? ›

Class C shares are level-load shares that don't impose a sales charge unless you sell too soon after your purchase (usually a period of a year). Instead, mutual funds charge an ongoing annual fee.

How do fund share classes work? ›

Share class refers to different types of company or mutual fund stock; they are designated by letter or by name. Different classes of company shares often carry different privileges, such as voting rights. Different classes of mutual fund shares incur differing fees and expenses.

What is the primary share class? ›

The primary share class list shows the ISINs of the primary share classes that firms have nominated to the data vendors, and where appropriate, the ISIN of the donor track record. The list is updated regularly to reflect funds that have been added, closed or the primary has changed.

Should I invest in funds or shares? ›

Funds are generally less risky than buying shares

As funds often include a variety of shares or assets, and the fund manager is working on behalf of a group of investors for a fee, it's usually considered a less risky route into investing compared to buying individual shares, where you shoulder the risk alone.

How many different funds should I invest in? ›

You should therefore only keep as many funds in your portfolio as you're comfortable monitoring. For example, if you hold 10 or 20 different funds, you'll need to keep a close eye on the changing value of all these investments to make sure your asset allocation still matches your investment goals.

What fund is best for beginner investors? ›

7 Best Vanguard Funds for Beginner Investors
FundExpense ratio
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX)0.04%
Vanguard Total International Stock ETF (VXUS)0.08%
Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTWAX)0.10%
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)0.03%
3 more rows
Mar 26, 2024

Should I buy GOOG or googl? ›

GOOGL: Which Is a Better Investment? Because GOOGL shares come with voting rights, they may be considered more valuable. Shareholders with this type of stock can have a say in Google's corporate policy, vote for the board of directors, and approve or disapprove of any major decisions.

What is Class A vs preferred shares? ›

Class A, common stock: Each share confers one vote and ordinary access to dividends and assets. Class B, preferred stock: Each share confers one vote, but shareholders receive $2 in dividends for every $1 distributed to Class A shareholders. This class of stock has priority distribution for dividends and assets.


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