Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (2024)

27.08.2009Helene Dujardin(Senior Editor) 156 Comments

Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (2)

I realized as I was starting to write down the recipe for this post that it was actually my 550th post. Wow…That made me a little proud and left me slightly amazed at the same time! I think I even said "oh la vache!" (holy cow!). That’s a whole lot of stories, words, laughs, tears and just as much sugar, butter, flour and eggs! What could be more fitting to celebrate post #550 than a Daring Bakers Challenge? A very sweet and very rich one: a Dobos Torte.

I wrote last time that I hadn’t had an ounce of craving for chocolate lately and when I set out to make this challenge, things turned out just about the same. I looked at the recipe and could not chase the images of sweet sugared berries floating in my head. Or was it sugar made saber equipped raspberries fighting off little chocolate critters? Hmmmm…Still, not an ounce of chocolate was calling my name yet. Too hot, too humid and a fridge full of raspberries thanks to my mother – in – law who always buys for 8 when there are just the 2 of them.

Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (3)

A Dobos Torte is traditionally a rich layer sponge cake layered with chocolate buttercream and topped with caramel pieces. I respected all the components of the challenge while changing things around a bit for a few reasons: the season, the plentitude of raspberries and mascarpone I had (mother – in – law again) and the weather.

I baked the sponge layers in a sheet pan, cut out disks in the cake to form several 3-inch cakes in dessert rings. I layered the disks with a super light (but rich) mascarpone mousse and fresh raspberries. For the buttercream, I kept a similar method as the one given by the hostesses and made vanilla bean Swiss meringue buttercream where the egg whites are heated on the stove prior to being whipped. On a side note, the specks you notice on the cakes are neither caused by a problem with your vision or your computer screen. It’s not dirt either as my 5 year-old neighbor thought earlier. It’s the pure goodness of a vanilla bean.

Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (4)

I thought about that caramel topping long and hard and knew it was just not going to happen as it was written given our heat and humidity. I made pulled sugar ribbons because I could make just what I needed for the cake before they’d disintegrate in sugar puddles. Going back on previous posts, I realized there had been bubble caramel, caramel circles, caramel strands, caramel corkscrews, caramel window panes, caramel plates but never good old pulled sugar. Ah! No more! Here it is!

Before you say you will never ever do it because it’s caramel-and-oh-my-god-it’s-just-too-hard-because-it’s-caramel let me tell you why you could make it tomorrow and neither glue your entire kitchen nor burn all your pots and pans trying to get it to "the proper shade of amber". First, there is a high enough ratio of water to sugar for the liquid not to turn to caramel before you reach the desired temperature for pulled sugar. Then, your mission is NOT to let it turn color. You boil, add coloring or not, take it to a certain temperature, pour it off, let it cool a bit and start playing.

Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (5)

See? One more cool pastry thing to try one quiet evening. Do not fear the sugar!

We loved this version and I have already bookmarked the original one given by our hostesses to make this Fall and Winter. Thank you ladies for hosting and to Lisa and Ivonne for being such incredible Daring Bakers Founders! There are plenty more Dobos Torte to be seen from around the globe here.

The August 2009 Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Angela of A Spoonful
of Sugar
and Lorraine of Not Quite Nigella. They chose the spectacular Dobos
Torte based on a recipe from Rick Rodgers' cookbook Kaffeehaus: Exquisite
Desserts from the Classic Caffés of Vienna, Budapest, and Prague.

Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (6)

One year ago: Chocolate Eclairs with the Daring Bakers
Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte:

Makes eight 3 – inch cakes

For the sponge cake layers
6 large eggs, separated, at room temperature
1 1/3 cups (162g) confectioner’s (icing) sugar, divided
1 teaspoon (5ml) vanilla extract
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (112g) sifted cake flour
pinch of salt

For the mascarpone mousse:
For the mousse:
3 egg yolks
1/2 tablespoon powdered gelatin
1/2 cup (125ml) honey
3 oz (90gr) mascarpone, at room temperature
1 cup (250ml) heavy cream

For the buttercream:
1 cup (200gr) sugar
4 large egg whites
3 sticks (340gr) unsalted butter, at room temperature

Prepare the cake layers:
Position the racks in the top and centre thirds of the oven and heat to 400F (200C). Line a half sheet pan with parchment paper and spray lightly with cooking spray. Set aside.
Beat the egg yolks, 2/3 cup (81g) of the confectioner’s (icing) sugar, and the vanilla in a medium bowl with a mixer on high speed until the mixture is thick, pale yellow and forms a thick ribbon when the beaters are lifted a few inches above the batter, about 3 minutes. (You can do this step with a balloon whisk if you don’t have a mixer). In another bowl, using clean beaters, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in the remaining 2/3 cup (81g) of confectioner’s (icing)sugar until the whites form stiff, shiny peaks. Using a large rubber spatula, stir about 1/4 of the beaten whites into the egg yolk mixture, then fold in the remainder, leaving a few wisps of white visible. Combine the flour and salt. Sift half the flour over the eggs, and fold in; repeat with the remaining flour. Pour the batter into the prepared half sheet pan and bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until slightly brown.

Prepare the mousse:
Whisk the egg yolks to break them up in the bowl of stand mixer (or with hand held beaters).
Sprinkle the gelatin over 2 Tb of cold water in a small cup and let it bloom.
In a heavy saucepan set over medium high heat, bring the honey to a boil and cook until it reaches 240F. Remove the pan from the stove and pour it carefully into a cup with a spout (easier to pour) .
Dissolve the gelatin in the microwave for 10 seconds, or in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
While still whipping the yolks, slowly pour in the hot honey, being careful to temper them and not cook them. Pour the gelatin over the egg/honey and whip together for a few seconds and add the mascarpone, one tablespoon at a time. Whip until cooled to room temperature and has tripled in volume
In another bowl, whip the cream to soft peaks or if you are using a stand mixer, pour the mousse into a large bowl and clean the mixer bowl thoroughly, or use another mixer bowl if you have one. Gently fold the whipped cream into the mousse trying to deflate the whole thing as little as possible. Use immediately.

Prepare the buttercream:
Place the sugar and egg whites in a large heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and whisk constantly, keeping the mixture over the heat, until it feels hot to the touch, about 3 minutes. The sugar should be dissolved, and the mixture will look like marshmallow cream (temperature should be about 235-238F). Pour the mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment and beat the meringue on medium speed until it cools and forms a thick shiny meringue, about 5 minutes. Switch to the paddle attachment and add the butter, one tablespoon at a time, beating until smooth. Once all the butter is in, beat in the buttercream on medium-high speed until it is thick and very smooth, 6-8 minutes. Proceed per recipe or store for up to a week in the fridge or 3 months (well wrapped in the freezer).

Assemble the cakes: like eight cake rings with rhodoid or plastic protector sleeves cut to fit (yes, like the ones in the office)and place them on a baking sheet. Place a cake round at the bottom, place a layer of raspberries on the outside, fill with mousse to the top of the raspberries, top with one round of cake, more mousse and a final round of cake. Place in the refrigerator and let set 2 hours or overnight. When the mousse is set, cover with the buttercream and refrigerate.

For the pulled sugar ribbons:
1 1/4 cup (250gr) sugar
100 ml water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
5-8 drops red food coloring

In a heavy saucepan set over high heat, bring the sugar and water to a boil (do not let it turn into caramel). Once it is boiling, add the lemon juice and coloring. Bring the syrup to 298F on a candy thermometer. Immediately pour the caramel onto a silicone mat. You might want to wear some pastry gloves at this point because the caramel is extremely hot. Little tip: I have found myself with not one glove in the tool box so I used a new pair of dishwashing gloves instead.
Let it harden until it is pliable and carefully start folding the mat back and forth onto itself to work the sugar mass a bit. Take small pieces of the mass and start pulling, twirling or even make rose petals and other flowers with it. Beware that pulled sugar cools as fast as it gets hot so if it becomes harder and harder to work with you have different options available. If you have a heat lamp, place the pulled sugar underneath until pliable again. If you are like me (sans heat lamp) you can either place the pulled sugar on the silicone mat on a baking sheet directly on the stove on low heat until pliable or in a low heated oven. Be careful and watch it carefully: it can turn into "real" caramel very fast this way so do not walk away while you reheat.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (10)

AnonymousAugust 27, 2009 um 6:28 am

Beautiful Torte!! You never stop amaze us with your creations.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (11)

ClytieAugust 27, 2009 um 6:32 am

OMG, I am mesmerised by their beauty.
Absolutely wonderful variation of Dobos. I am off to buy rings today. Have to at least try and make them.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (12)

Rosa's Yummy YumsAugust 27, 2009 um 6:35 am

Amazing cakes, beautiful decorations and wonderful choice of flavorings! Perfect, as always!



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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (13)

KatieAugust 27, 2009 um 6:53 am

Wow! Yet again you have taken an idea and run with it to the next level. Your torte looks amazing and so fresh and elegant. Love the red swirl of sugar, just beautiful

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (14)

Jess ChouAugust 27, 2009 um 6:58 am

You never fail to amaze me with your creations. It looks amazing.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (15)

AudaxAugust 27, 2009 um 6:58 am

These absolutely the most beautiful tortas I have never seen. Superb work and the insides look even better than the outside (which is hard to believe) and I will be trying the pulled sugar ribbons. Love the colours and the flavours. Cheers from Audax in Australia

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (16)

cookemilaAugust 27, 2009 um 6:58 am

It's unbelievable.
hands so perfect, so perfect photo, recipe so appetizing … I had to make a tribute

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (17)

JamieAugust 27, 2009 um 7:16 am

Oh my! Oh my! Absolutely stunning, though coming from you I should not be surprised! I love the white and the red and the spun sugar curls are tremendous! Delicious and beautiful!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (18)

Kate at SerendipityAugust 27, 2009 um 7:24 am

Oh, how beautiful. Stunning! How did you keep the mousse and raspberries from getting crushed when you cut the tortes?

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (19)

HeleneAugust 27, 2009 um 7:29 am

Jamie: Thank you! It's actually pulled sugar.

Kate: a very hot and very sharp knife always does the trick, espcially with ripe raspberries.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (20)

Ria MathewAugust 27, 2009 um 7:41 am

Helen, I am loss for words to describe how pretty your torte is! How do you manage to have so much creativity stored in you!! 😀

And those ribbons, beautiful!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (21)

Cannelle Et VanilleAugust 27, 2009 um 8:08 am

Not traditional but right up my alley! Fresh!!!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (22)

CheriAugust 27, 2009 um 8:29 am

Oh Helen after your last post I thought.. aha but that will have to change with the daring bakers challenge. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and originality. These are absolutely gorgeous! And, those pulled sugar ribbons and so much fun. I can't wait to give them a try. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this version.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (23)

Julia @ MélangerAugust 27, 2009 um 8:34 am

Helen, I was so looking forward to seeing your creation this month and I wasn't disappointed. I so love your mini tortes. Gorgeous! It is great how you have adapted it to suit what beautiful produce and food you have available. The pulled sugar is so cute, too!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (24)

HildaAugust 27, 2009 um 8:41 am

Eez most gorgeous Dobos Torte, of course, my Baking Fairy! I wanted to try something like peaches and cream but A. wasn't too hot on that idea. I will be trying the pulled sugar as soon as I don't have to carry the papoose anymore…just in case. 😉

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (25)

Cool Chic Style FashionAugust 27, 2009 um 8:53 am


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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (26)

AnonymousAugust 27, 2009 um 9:59 am

Absolutely Stunning!
I'll have to attempt those ribbons one day, they're incredible. Lovely work as always 🙂

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (27)

Angela @ A Spoonful of SugarAugust 27, 2009 um 10:03 am

They're absolutely stunning as always, Helen! I actually thought you'd made rhubarb curls until I read further… such a beautiful colour to the pulled sugar. One day I'll be brave enough to try making it, but I fear burnt fingers!!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (28)

Meeta K. WolffAugust 27, 2009 um 10:06 am

just perfect. i so badly wanted to use fruit in this too – but soeren wanted chocolate! helen i'd so love to be in your kitchen during one of these challenges to get the tiny things like pulling sugar right. hugs!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (29)

Amanda (Small Acorns)August 27, 2009 um 10:14 am

Such beautiful images, and i have no doubt they taste even better than they look. The pulled sugar looks so hard to do. How do you get it that colour?

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (30)

LisAugust 27, 2009 um 10:18 am

Exquisite! I love the whole thought of the vanilla/raspberry.. very summery!

Uhmm.. can I have ribbons on my next wedding cake?

Okay well.. no, I'm not ever getting married again, but we could pretend!! 😀


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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (31)

JessicaAugust 27, 2009 um 10:51 am

Oh my goodness. How gorgeous! I'm so tempted to try to make these…

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (32)

Sugar DazeAugust 27, 2009 um 11:26 am

As always, this is unbelievable! Beautiful pulled sugar design and I love your take on the recipe. Pure genius!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (33)

KitchenlanderAugust 27, 2009 um 11:43 am

Do you ever eat anything you make? Because every time I look at your creations, I just stare with an "Oooooh!" and almost forget thay're actual, edible desserts!
I love your palettes.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (34)

shazAugust 27, 2009 um 11:44 am

Oh Wow! I didn't realise those ribbons were actually made from sugar until I read your post- you are one amazing lady! And with raspberries as luscious as those, who needs chocolate?

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (35)

Mary TeresaAugust 27, 2009 um 11:46 am

I would just like to say that I think I may be in love. Those look amazing. Maybe it's just the pregnancy talking, but I need one of those now. LOL. Great challenge. Brilliant idea. You are my hero.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (36)

veronicaAugust 27, 2009 um 11:46 am

superbe, quelle finesse, et toutes ce spetites framboises qui me font de l'oeil, j'adore les rubans de sucre….

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (37)

Bonbon OiseauAugust 27, 2009 um 11:50 am

wow helen…i have learned something here today. and although you know i may just eat these vicariously through your incredible photos, i might just turn the air con on and greet the husband tonight with a kitchen full of pulled sugar ribbons in every color of the rainbow.

congats on 550! you are one of the daringest bakers i know!!!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (38)

Judy@nofearentertainingAugust 27, 2009 um 11:54 am

That is absolutely gorgeous! I love the pulled sugar on top and have to try that. I am with you though that challenge would be great for fall and winter but not for our horribly hot summers!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (39)

nekkutyttoeAugust 27, 2009 um 12:04 pm

That looks delicious! Are you using regular sugar for the pulled sugar curls? I got a chance to try them, back in restaurant school (sneaked off to spy on neighboring classroom where they were holding confectionary lessons, and got caught by their teacher…) and I was told that they're using a special sugar designed for that. Never thought I could do that at home!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (40)

Deeba PABAugust 27, 2009 um 12:30 pm

DOBOS-FANTASTIC Helen. Bee-yoo-ti-ful…and the mascarpone within just raises it to another level.Love the cross section too. Hv u done a post on pulled sugar? My next challenge (after the macs of course) is spun sugar & now pulled sugar). You have made my day dreamy…

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (41)

HeleneAugust 27, 2009 um 12:31 pm

nekkutyttoe: no special sugar required, I make mine with regular store bought sugar.

Amanda: food coloring.

Thanks everyone!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (42)

Deeba PABAugust 27, 2009 um 12:37 pm

Sorry must be going blind…I see the instructions right there. =(

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (43)

maybelles momAugust 27, 2009 um 12:47 pm

always an inspiration. lovely, lovely.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (44)

oneordinarydayAugust 27, 2009 um 12:56 pm

I'm always so captivated just looking at your gorgeous photos. Your talent is extraordinary.
You made this recipe sound so easy, and I know it's not. : ) It turned out lovely.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (45)

LauraAugust 27, 2009 um 1:04 pm

Stunning!! So amazingly beautiful and creative. I took a class in pulled sugar once. I think you need asbestos fingers for that kind of sugar work . . . I had callouses on my fingers for a couple of weeks after that class!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (46)

ClabbyAugust 27, 2009 um 1:06 pm

I just love this blog so much. Your photos are a feast for the eyes. I am definately going to give the pulled sugar a go – does it keep/store if I want to make it in advance?

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (47)

♥peachkins♥August 27, 2009 um 1:08 pm

This looks very elegant. I wish I know how to bake..

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (48)

UnknownAugust 27, 2009 um 1:54 pm

Truly beautiful with the pulled sugar ribbons! These would look amazing on a birthday cake too. And your version sounds so summery.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (49)

Chez USAugust 27, 2009 um 2:13 pm

Helen, I love the colors and flavors of your torte, it is simply beautiful. The pulled sugar is really fantastic as well. I just tried spun sugar & loved it, next I will have to try this!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (50)

strawberriesinparisAugust 27, 2009 um 2:18 pm

Beautiful Helene! Beautiful!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (51)

LaurenAugust 27, 2009 um 2:37 pm

Stunning! I love the pink sugar spirals, and the flavours you used =D.

Congrats on 550 posts!!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (52)

Thao PhanAugust 27, 2009 um 2:58 pm

Oh that just looks amazing! And the pictures are just so beautiful! I would love to do this one day, when my refridgerator is not being opening on a 10 minute interval!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (53)

AnonymousAugust 27, 2009 um 3:17 pm

Okay I have to admin, I fear the sugar! I love your choice of flavor combination and beautiful presentation.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (54)

April Boyer Modern HandmadeAugust 27, 2009 um 3:41 pm

I knew yours would be one of my favorites! It sounds absolutely divine and I wish I could have a slice right now. And I never thought about coloring the sugar/caramel and I will definitely experiment with that! Great job.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (55)

thebellalifeAugust 27, 2009 um 3:49 pm

Hey Helen! Just wanted to stop by and check out your blog. Talk about amazing… my stomach is freaking out over here. Now that we are kind of like "cyst sisters" I just had to see what you were all about. Hopefully your blog can inspire me to improve in the kitchen. Merci.


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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (56)

thebellalifeAugust 27, 2009 um 3:51 pm

PS.. I think I sent my message about 40 times to you bc I cant figure out how to work these things. So sorry.

PSS no need to post all 40 of my comments or this comment. hahahah sorry.


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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (57)

AutumnAugust 27, 2009 um 3:54 pm

These are so gorgeous. Little works of art! I am eager to try pulled sugar now. Here's hoping I don't set off the smoke alarm…

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (58)

London Wedding PlannerAugust 27, 2009 um 3:55 pm

They look both beautiful and scrummy – I think thye're too pretty to eat, though!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (59)

Colloquial CookAugust 27, 2009 um 4:00 pm

You said "oh la vache"? 😀
Ca fait longtemps que je l'ai pas utilisé, çui-là 🙂
That twirled/pulled sugar is complètement renversant. I wish my hair looked like that.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (60)

dessert girlAugust 27, 2009 um 4:05 pm

Totally gorgeous! I love the raspberries inside!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (61)

cindy*August 27, 2009 um 4:06 pm

holy cow is right! 550, how amazing helen! i love the colors here, so fresh…love your take on this challenge 😉 i love the sugar ribbons, will have to put that on my to-tackle list!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (62)

UnknownAugust 27, 2009 um 4:06 pm

A work of art. Brava.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (63)

BashtAugust 27, 2009 um 4:12 pm

Thos are so cute! Thanks for sharing how to make the sugar ribbons, i will HAVE to try that now 🙂

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (64)

Katie @ goodLife {eats}August 27, 2009 um 4:22 pm

This is so beautiful and sounds just like the kind of summer dessert I crave. I haven't cared much for chocolate this summer, I am all about fruity desserts. You make this sound so easy. I may have to give it a try after we pick raspberries!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (65)

IreneAugust 27, 2009 um 5:22 pm

Ahhh this reminds me of the flavors of our wedding cake! It's so beautiful, too. I've always been afraid of pulled sugar and caramel, but maybe… maybe I will conquer my fears and give it a go!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (66)

Sam@BingeNYCAugust 27, 2009 um 5:27 pm

Wow, your version of this torte is so, so beautiful! Those whole raspberries peeking through the layers? Simply gorgeous. Yum.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (67)

Amanda ScottAugust 27, 2009 um 6:12 pm

Wow, that is simply divine!! I LOVE the pulled sugar – I remember learning that in pastry school. You've inspired me to attempt it again!! So, so beautiful. And delicious-looking!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (68)

Kelsey B.August 27, 2009 um 6:50 pm

Gorgeous! I just joined daring bakers.. am excited to join the ranks. Though I'm not sure I could ever live up to these photos!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (69)

Jill @ Jillicious DiscoveriesAugust 27, 2009 um 7:12 pm

Oh the raspberry and mascarpone combination–you had me at the first picture! 🙂 Beautiful sugar work!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (70)

Fahrenheit 350°August 27, 2009 um 8:41 pm

You must know that is the most beautiful creation that has ever existed!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (71)

pigpigscornerAugust 27, 2009 um 8:43 pm

Gorgeous! They look so cute and love the colours. Congrats on your 550th post! That's a long way….

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (72)

SaraAugust 27, 2009 um 9:16 pm

So gorgeous! Love the flavors here, and brilliant idea to make spun sugar instead of caramel!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (73)

HeleneAugust 27, 2009 um 9:30 pm

Clabby: depending where you live, most sugar decorations will last between 1 hour to one day. Here in the heat and 90%+ humidity it's more like 20 minutes!! Do not keep them in the fridge or they will take on too much moisture.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (74)

CakebrainAugust 27, 2009 um 9:34 pm

I love it when you show us your sugarwork! it's gorgeous! the pics are amazing as always!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (75)

WolfAugust 27, 2009 um 9:50 pm

Absolutely gorgeous!

I love the sugar ribbons. So going to have to try that sometime.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (76)

AnitaAugust 27, 2009 um 10:21 pm

Oh my goodness! This is absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe how beautiful the sugar work is! You have really taken this challenge too the next level – thanks so much for sharing your recipes and expertise.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (77)

Sarah (saz101)August 27, 2009 um 10:33 pm

Oh, wow! These are extraordinary! I couldn't wait to see what you would do with this one, but these are even more lovely than I could have imagined!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (78)

MarianaAugust 27, 2009 um 11:21 pm

Is it possible to make the sugar ribbons on parchment paper if we don't have a mat?

Also, would what size pan would you suggest if we are making one big cake? Should I double the recipe?

Thanks for any help! I'm making this on saturday for my moving away party!

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HeleneAugust 27, 2009 um 11:44 pm

About me: yes you can use parchment paper for the sugar but it is not as thick as a silicone mat so beware that it will be extremely hot.
For the cake: yes you can make a big one. Click on any of the hostesses names and it will take you to their blog where they have made large ones. You can also check the DB blogroll and see all the larger versions of this.
Good luck!

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Engineer BakerAugust 27, 2009 um 11:50 pm

Pulled sugar – eep! I'm not afraid of caramel or anything, but I think I'll work up to pulled sugar 🙂 (Never fear, eventually I'll make it!) I love how fresh this is – mine was definitely a bit heavier in flavor than I was looking for given the heat.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (81)

Julie (Willow Bird Baking)August 27, 2009 um 11:59 pm

Your tortes are just BEAUTIFUL, and I love those gorgeous ribbons! I'm encouraged by your post — I will definitely have to try pulling sugar!

Congrats on a great challenge!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (82)

HollyAugust 28, 2009 um 12:51 am

Wow! Beautiful flavor combination! I'm always amazed at your flavor combinations and your stunning pictures.

Fantastic job!

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StephanieAugust 28, 2009 um 1:31 am

Wow! Those look amazing! Beautiful and delicious. Love the RED spoons!!!

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Phoebe Lapine @ Feed Me PhoebeAugust 28, 2009 um 1:59 am

wow. the color contrast of this dish is so extravagant and elegant, I almost couldn't imagine such a creation coming from my kitchen. Such a delicacy with these treat that I so admire. bravo. thank you so much again for sharing!

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AAugust 28, 2009 um 2:12 am

Amazing! The colour of the pulled sugar is fantastic!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (86)

PAMAugust 28, 2009 um 2:21 am

Wonderful post as always. Love your raspberry mascarpone version of the Dobos. I love working with sugar but it is a real accomplishment in your area. Good job.

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JulieAugust 28, 2009 um 2:31 am

Pulled sugar ribbons. You made pulled sugar ribbons.

You blow me away!

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ChichaJoAugust 28, 2009 um 3:07 am

I love chocolate and caramel but I must say this is an awesome version of the torte! And the pulled sugar looks so charming! 🙂

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LaurieAugust 28, 2009 um 3:09 am

Just lovely version of this classic – I'd never seen the Dobos (doe – boesh) torte outside of Hungary, where husband is from. Dobos means "drum" in Hungarian. It's typically supposed to look like a drum on top with the hard carmel sugar cookie thingies. Just love this though – I'm your newest fan ;).

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ice tea: sugar highAugust 28, 2009 um 3:21 am

That is just stunning Helen! I've been seeing videos on making pulled sugar, but always too scared to try it. Might give it a try this time.

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annaAugust 28, 2009 um 3:41 am

Mmmmm raspberries…I thought about attempting pulled sugar ribbons, since Chef had just demonstrated them the other day in class. Of course I thought of it AFTER I had poured the caramel in weird patterns all over the Silpat…*sigh*

Your version looks so refreshing and I am very excited about every torte that isn't plain chocolate!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (92)

Aparna BalasubramanianAugust 28, 2009 um 5:20 am

You've done it again, Helen. They look gorgeous.
I really liked the simple white and red presentation.

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kellypeaAugust 28, 2009 um 6:09 am

Ah Helen. Ethereal as always. I love the pulled sugar and will one day try it. Maybe. ; ) Thanks for giving me the fruit inspiration on this. I didn't end up quite as fruity as I thought, but love the result. Muah.

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DolcienonsoloAugust 28, 2009 um 7:36 am

Semplicemnte meravigliosi!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (95)

CutecandycupcakesAugust 28, 2009 um 11:59 am

This is an incredible cake you made! I really love your photos of whatever you made. Especially the sugar ribbons are fantastic. Thanks for posting so many lovely recipes and sharing your experiences with us!
CandyCupCakes 😀

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Fifi FlowersAugust 28, 2009 um 3:17 pm

Oh that is DELIGHTFUL!!! Wish I had it NOW!!! I have got to twitter this!!! YUM!!!
Bon week-end mon amie!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (97)

Cookie baker LynnAugust 28, 2009 um 4:36 pm

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I love the pink sugar corkscrews. You inspire me to try it.

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vanessaAugust 28, 2009 um 4:41 pm

Oh la vache ! oui, c'est aussi ce que je me suis dit en voyant tes gâteaux !
Bravo, ils sont ravissants !

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sweetakeryAugust 28, 2009 um 5:22 pm

beautiful tortas superb work ! you simply just amaze me!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (100)

Q.August 28, 2009 um 6:33 pm

Oh gosh. You make me wish I had gone completely off the reservation and done something different and creative with my torte! I followed the recipe to the letter and it turned out just fine, but I was so underwhelmed by the taste! These little pink and white beauties tasted better – I am certain!

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ClaireAugust 28, 2009 um 8:09 pm

Stunning as ever! I love raspberries so I really love the look and sound of your variation.

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AnonymousAugust 28, 2009 um 8:21 pm

Oh wow! I am trying your version, and soon. I thank you for taking the time to write out the recipe and tell us how to pull sugar. You are amazing miss 550 posts.

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ValérieAugust 28, 2009 um 9:00 pm

Your dobos are gorgeous! I went the chocolate route, because I'm ALWAYS up for chocolate, but if I make this again I will definitely try a variation.

Thanks for the words of encouragement and advice regarding caramel and pulled sugar. I admit, boiling sugar still scares me quite a bit. But some day…

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AnonymousAugust 28, 2009 um 9:34 pm

Gorgeous and so so fresh. I absolutely love the pink ribbons.

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jillianAugust 28, 2009 um 11:23 pm

Stunning!! I am going to have to try the sugar ribbons.

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UnknownAugust 29, 2009 um 12:56 am

This is gorgeous!!! And I love how simple you make the pulled sugar sound.

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EllieAugust 29, 2009 um 2:31 am

These are insanely gorgeous pictures, Helen!

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NatalieAugust 29, 2009 um 3:58 am

What a wonderful idea to make the torte light and fruity …
The pulled sugar is just gorgeous!

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AnnaAugust 29, 2009 um 4:07 am

Thank you for including the instructions on how to make the beautiful sugar ribbons, I'm definitely going to give them a try. How long do they last once you place them on the dessert?

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HeleneAugust 29, 2009 um 4:12 am

Anna: depending were you live the pulled sugar can go from 1/2 day to a whole day. One thing though: do not refrigerate it or it will turn into a sugar puddle. If you live in a relatively dry climate, do the pulled sugar a couple of hours before serving. If you live in a humid climate, do it just before serving.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (111)

AnonymousAugust 29, 2009 um 5:03 am

It's all beautiful! You are so very talented. Just one question … where did you get those red spoons?! Are they glass?

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DziwnograjAugust 29, 2009 um 6:35 am

Woww…It's realy amazing. I have never seen dobos cake like this. I always thought about something heavy, reach chocolate and really sweet. Your version is much better. I like it 😉
You are my sign from God 🙂 I want to make cake for my birthday party today and I was looking everywhere to find some sweet apparel 🙂

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DharmAugust 29, 2009 um 9:06 am

Simply lovely! I'm always amazed each time I come here…

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (114)

prueAugust 29, 2009 um 1:28 pm

I have just found your site and am in heaven – it is outstanding! Thank you so much, I'm going to make this today.

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AnonymousAugust 29, 2009 um 1:50 pm

Beautiful, as always, and oh so stunning to boot!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (116)

SueAugust 29, 2009 um 4:58 pm

Your torte is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! It sounds absolutely DELICIOUS too! Way to go!

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peasepuddingAugust 29, 2009 um 10:21 pm

They look beautiful Helen! I found your photography tips on mycookinghut and would like to thanks you for sharing them. I have read lots on photography but never quite understood their explanations and I'm not a 'manual reading' type of girl so your explanation was very refreshing and make complete sense! Thanks again, I aspire to be a good as you one day ;o)

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aliceAugust 29, 2009 um 10:37 pm

Stunning photos. I love everything about this cake, reminds me when I used to bake wedding cakes. And your pulled sugar cork screws are beautiful.

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jadaAugust 30, 2009 um 4:23 am

GORGEOUS! I need to try those sugar curls!

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valerie de family blogAugust 30, 2009 um 11:47 am

have a nice day

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (121)

Jen YuAugust 30, 2009 um 4:46 pm

I *knew* you wouldn't be able to follow the recipe 😉 ha ha ha! But I *like* it better this way. Your sugar curls are so delicate and pretty! I don't even like pink, but you always manage to make me change my mind – just while I'm here anyway. hee hee. I'd take your dobos torte any day. xxoo

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AnonymousAugust 30, 2009 um 6:31 pm

I'm certainly not the first one to tell you that your torte is gorgeous. I'm gasping with amazement. The pulled sugar ribbon is especially appealing and tantalizing. Kudos!

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LisaAugust 31, 2009 um 12:17 am

I pull sugar and it looks like a phallic piece of 'what is that?' hanging off my cake. You pull sugar, and WOW! Love the raspberry interpretation of the Dobos, and as usual, I'm in awe of your talent 🙂

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AnonymousAugust 31, 2009 um 2:19 am

This is such a gorgeous cake and it looks delicious also

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (125)

ElAugust 31, 2009 um 2:42 am

The whole thing – from food to photos -is lovely… I'm still afraid of pulled sugar though.

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morganaAugust 31, 2009 um 8:54 am

What a beautiful beautiful beautiful torte, Helen. The pink caramel ribbons add a magical touch to the whole thing. I love it.

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zeeAugust 31, 2009 um 10:13 am

Beautiful torte ! I love love love it, and such a pretty sugar ribbons.. BTW, I've been searching for colorful spoons like you've been using. Can u tell me where I can get them ? Thanks..

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (128)

UnknownAugust 31, 2009 um 11:15 am

PERFECT!! The layers, the mascarpone, the flavours, and especially the sugar work! It all looks so fabulous! Pulled sugar is on my list of things to learn! Any chances of you doing a picture tutorial??

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Vicki BensingerAugust 31, 2009 um 1:37 pm

Hi Helene,

Each and every dessert you create is a masterpiece. Plus the photos that you take are incredible. Can you tell me what type of camera you use and if you've taken any photography classes?

I've only been doing my blog for just under a year but my photos are so inferior to yours and many others. I would like improve the quality of my food photos and was wondering if you had any advice?

I look forward to your reply.

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anadeliciasAugust 31, 2009 um 4:21 pm

Lovely Dobos Torte, Helen!! I love vanille buttercream-raspaberry combo!!

So delicious!!


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AnonymousAugust 31, 2009 um 4:40 pm

Reading your post truly gives me inspirations and courage to step outside of my comfort zone and try to be creative, every now and then! Needless to say, you have received well over 100 plus comments on how beautiful your presentations have always been!!!

I'm actually scared when it's time to work with pulled sugar. I've never tried but only with imagination, I've already known I don't have the minimum required skills to make such beautiful sugar ribbons!

I was reading your instruction on making those sugar rubbons but still I don't think I understand the instruction very well! I guess it's my homework to do a bit more research!

Thanks for always sharing and for posting!

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LesleySeptember 1, 2009 um 12:10 am

gorgeous! I love that you made this recipe work for the summer months. Just beautiful Helene.

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Half BakedSeptember 1, 2009 um 2:16 am

Wow 550 post! And each one is a work of art. I love your pulled sugar work. Gorgeous!

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Clumbsy CookieSeptember 1, 2009 um 2:17 pm

Only you Helen to make pulled sugar curls! They're lovely and complement your "summer dobos" perfectly! And 550 posts?!! Wow!

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steph- whisk/spoonSeptember 1, 2009 um 4:08 pm

such a fresh, summery approach to this–i love it! it's gorgeous!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (136)

AnonymousSeptember 2, 2009 um 1:43 am

Positively gorgeous! And the sugar ribbons? wow.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (137)

AnonymousSeptember 2, 2009 um 1:43 am

Positively gorgeous! And the sugar ribbons? wow.

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Megan GordonSeptember 2, 2009 um 6:21 am

Beautiful! Enough said.

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DanaSeptember 2, 2009 um 4:34 pm

I am so behind on my blog reading and I am just in love with like the last 7 things you have posted here. Congrats on a huge blog milestone. You are an inspiration. And now I'd like a piece of this deliciousness!

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (140)

JennySeptember 3, 2009 um 8:32 am

Beautiful. Love the pulled sugar.
Btw, nice new look to the blog.

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montagueSeptember 3, 2009 um 8:28 pm

your photos are ALWAYS breathtaking. well well done!

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Shirley @ Kokken69September 4, 2009 um 1:24 pm

I am playing catch up now. Was in China for more than a week- they block out facebook,blog page,twitter… there. Don't know how they stay in touch. And now, I am swarmed by post after post of awesome creations. I kowtow to you….

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Table TalkSeptember 5, 2009 um 12:29 pm

Just found your site while looking for dessert ideas—don't know that you will see this comment–wow, I'm #137! —I am so impressed with your site. I applaud your photography and culinary skills; glad I discovered your blog. I am now following you on twitter so I won't miss a post.

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AnonymousSeptember 12, 2009 um 11:33 pm

Seems a travesty to take a sublime dessert like dobos torte and reduce it to a glorified berry shortcake. Beautiful baked goods, but seems to miss the point of the challenge.

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Jen YuSeptember 12, 2009 um 11:50 pm

Dear anonymous,

You are obviously a coward because you don't have the guts to even sign your own name. That, and you're rude. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your worthless opinion to yourself.

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HeleneSeptember 13, 2009 um 2:03 am

Well let’s see. Are you a Daring Baker? Did you read the rules, the FAQs? Are you familiar with the philosophy of the DBs? The hosts gave one recipe with variations allowed. Having done a Dobos Torte many times before I chose to follow the variations allowed. I changed the buttercream flavor, because we were allowed to. Nowhere did it read that we were limited to chocolate. I added the fruit as a bonus. Lisa and Yvonne, the Db founders can corroborate this point of the DB philosophy: if were ever given chocolate chip cookies (meaning something that we have made many times before) as a challenge, it would be up to us to FIND A CHALLENGE for ourselves. Dobos torte not so challenging to me, adding the pulled sugar ribbons was a way to challenge myself a bit more since I have made caramel a gazillion trillion times.

There is also another point a want to address. Chocolate in August when there are so many fruits to choose from at a reasonable seasonal price? Does not make sense in my situation. It was better for me to use raspberries than chocolate since they were free and so was the mascarpone (thanks to my MIL). Being in a very tight spot financially does not give me freedom to be liberal with my ingredients but to make do with what I have on hand and what my budget for the month gives me room to use. Since we are a family of two, I wait for gatherings and dinner with friends to make my challenges. We had guests over: why would I venture into making a cake that I know my guests are going to complain about since it’s bloody hot, bloody humid and no one really was in the mood for chocolate. Goes back to my first point: can’t afford waste

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Rachael HutchingsSeptember 13, 2009 um 6:19 am

Dear Anonymous,

Seems a travesty that you've been born without any sense of propriety or imagination.

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LisSeptember 13, 2009 um 12:55 pm

Although everyone has a right to their own opinion, Helene has done nothing wrong with this challenge. The hostess did not say we couldn't use fruit. She did not say we had to use her recipe for buttercream.

As per Daring Kitchen rules, if a member has made the challenge recipe several times in the past, then she/he is obligated to create a challenge within the original challenge to make this recipe challenging for herself/himself. (How many times can I use the word "challenge" in a sentence?? Sheesh)

Helene experimented with pulled sugar to push her skills – that was her challenge to herself and I'd say she met and surpassed that uhmm.. challenge.

I'm taking my challenge and leaving now. 🙂


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Katie @ goodLife {eats}September 13, 2009 um 2:21 pm

"glorified berry shortcake"? WHATEVER!

Helen, you rock & great response. You have a fabulous philosophy!

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aliceSeptember 13, 2009 um 2:44 pm

The point of the challenge is to grow in the area of baking. As a Daring Baker myself, Helen's DB posts are by far one of the best out there. She inspires the rest of us to create and think outside the box. Clearly Daring Bakers would not be the same without her and her expertise. DB needs Helen, not the other way around. To note she missed the point of the challenge only proves "anonymous" you clearly miss the spirit of the challenge.

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JenSeptember 13, 2009 um 6:02 pm

Dear Tartelette:

Thanks for being such a great inspiration to me. Your creativity, skills, expertise, and willingness to help an unskilled laborer like my self draws me back to your site again and again.

Dear Anonymous:

What would possess you to spew your venom in someone else's home? Take your crap and eat it.

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ShelbySeptember 19, 2009 um 6:51 pm

Dear Tartlette,

I simply can't help coming back to your site every now and then even when I may not be looking for a recipe. 🙂 Thanks for continuing to inspire home bakers likes me.

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TanyaSeptember 30, 2009 um 6:06 pm

QQ…are pastry gloves the same cotton gloves you can buy for making dipped chocolates (keeping the fingerprints off)? If not, where can I order a pair of proper pastry gloves?

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ElleOctober 8, 2009 um 11:35 am

wow! it's amazing!

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poppyseedJanuary 18, 2010 um 3:01 am

My daughter just sent me your post and asked for this cake for her birthday! It is beautiful!

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Joudie's Mood FoodApril 30, 2010 um 10:27 pm

This looks Sensational. You have alot of patience. I would love to try this but am afraid that it would never look this good….. Wonderful cake. I am sure its tastes amazing. I Just want to dive in..

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A Canadian FoodieMay 8, 2010 um 4:54 pm

Helene –
I made this recipe, and credited you (published the post just today) for my mom's 80th Birthday. I topped it with a green spider mum. I found the recipe amazing and each individual part of the recipe so tasty. I did have a lot of difficulty icing with the butter cream. Did you? It is hard to tell, as yours are mostly photographed from the top. I would really appreciate your feedback on my comments on what I did. You will have to scroll down to the very bottom of the post about the birthday and there are detailed photos and information about how I put the individual cakes together, there.
Thank you for this delicious recipe!

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UnknownMay 23, 2010 um 8:45 pm

this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. wow.

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (159)

AnneNovember 11, 2010 um 3:49 pm

What a wonderful cake! Your text about pulled sugar was very inspiring and I went to my kitchen to try it. I found the right moment (without candy thermometer) to free the syrup from the pan and was happy to see that this part of the recipe wasn't as hard as expected. But the following work was a mess I have to say…making pulled sugar isn't that easy *sigh*. I really had a hard time to make nice sugar ribbons and other stuff but everything looked never like yours. Guess I have to practice a lot. Do you have some advices for me and my burned hands :)?

Greetings from Germany

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HeleneNovember 11, 2010 um 7:55 pm

Anne: you already know the answer unfortunately: practice, practice, practice.

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AnaFebruary 3, 2011 um 3:42 pm

This recipe looked so amazing so I am making it for an anniversary dinner for me and my boyfriend 🙂 It is currently in the fridge, will let you know how it goes!

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Alexandra DAugust 24, 2011 um 11:30 pm

Is wonderful but let me to say something : Dobos Torte is with sponge cake layers .Usually you must use between 6-7 thin sponge layers with ganache chocolate in between.Also on top is the last layer topped with caramelise sugar.What you have done can be anything else but not Dobos.
I am coming from country where Dobos cake is Dobos cake and not such other improvisations. For the rest I admire your entitle work and I think u do wonderful job.

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HeleneAugust 25, 2011 um 7:09 am

Alexandra: you missed the whole point: this is an interpretation not the real dessert. I am a pastry chef by trade, I know what a Dobos Torte looks like.

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AnonymousDecember 11, 2011 um 6:06 pm

Dear Tartlette,

I'm interested in making this, but there are a couple of details I'd like to ask about first.

1. What size cake rings(height in particular) did you use?

2. You didn't really describe how you produced the cake rounds. Did you just cut them out with the cake rings to begin with?

Any elaboration greatly appreciated.

Love your blog!

Jessica H

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (165)

Pupilla GustativaMay 27, 2013 um 4:07 pm

I think your caramel ribbons amazing, thanks for the recipe. I hope to try it soon as possible 😉

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Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte With The Daring Bakers - Tartelette (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.