A ‘Targeted Individual’ Follow-Up - Is Something Really Happening to Them? (2024)

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  • Bryan says:

    I have been a T.I. for just over a year now. I get how there is not enough “evidence” here. However, how do you garish evidence on a weapon that can’t be scene. That’s the biggest hurdle. If you have a popular expert like say Elon Musk come in he could turn this whole thing around in a week. One thing most people fail to realize is that we are normal people living an everyday life that is being manipulated by the highest branches of government the FBI and the CIA. How are we supposed to combat that? They even have the organization Infa*guard https://www.infragard.org/ that hires criminals like MS-13 gangb*ngers to break in your home when you’re gone. It says they’re in a partnership with the FBI, doing what exactly? How about an investigation into them?

  • Nancy Delgado- Fabian says:

    Hello Kim,

    I cannot solve everything but for those that have the floor that is vibrating floors, hacking, alcohol scenting air in house, and possibly harassment, no privacy….try a service surveillance, covert issues. It is real, and can be hurtful if mismanaged by owner. There is abuse. Just find out the facts first. It can be technical issues with the encryption made a virus, a security issue gone astray or corruption.

  • Devin F. says:

    Just received this article. I myself have been a TI since 2012. Since becoming a victim and becoming a volunteer for victims, I will always believe anyone when they come to me saying they are targeted. The things perpetrators say and do are truly horrifying and unbelievable, they can also make you believe crazy, delirious claims as mentioned above where TIs believe their families or celebrities are targeting them.. Unfortunately, it’s all part of the programming and these lies are being fed to them by their handlers. I appreciate your insight and appreciate you giving TIs coverage, our claims are too common for this to be a “mental illness”.

    It would be great if you could look into the 3.1 billion lawsuit Targeted Justice just filed against the FBI/DOJ: https://www.targetedjustice.com/lawsuit.html

  • Kevin Davis says:

    If it was confirmed that US diplomats were victims of directed energy weapons, why is it not believed that American citizens are also victims of this and related technologies? I am an IT professional, currently still employed, and I am also a Targeted Individual tortured with V2K and Artificial Telepathy 24/7. I experience this everywhere I go, with or without a cell phone or electronic devices on me, so I know I am being targeted with microwave or rf frequencies transmitted by satellites or cell towers. This technology is documented to exist, but military and government officials will claim this technology is not used on US citizens. I know this is a lie. I make decent money and without this torture, I would be enjoying my life as usual. I have better things to do with my time than make up false torture and abuse claims. I have been targeted for about 4 years now and I am a man in my mid-40’s with no history of mental illness before this phenomenon. If I wasn’t targeted, I would have a hard time believing these stories as well. But since I am, I know that the people who make these claims of torture and abuse from directed energy weapons, advanced technology, and microwave or satellite transmissions are telling the truth.

  • JM says:

    There is conference call support for targeted individuals. Please visit https://tievents.org for listings.

  • Fiona Mehta says:

    I am one of those TIs who responded by email to this article; Many doctors/science professionals are TIs? Are we all delusional? Why on earth would anyone claim they are being tortured? Who in their right mind would concoct such a story! The answer is no one! I did not go “looking” for others on-line! One day, details of this horrendous TI programme will be documented and available for all! Just as the holocaust was some 80 odd years ago! No one believed or could comprehend the sad demise of so many jews, but then came the facts, and then the terrible evidence! The world proclaimed “never again”, well here we are again!
    Such evil continues, whether we are believed or not, and so many are surviving the TI programme, which has been running for years.
    MWs have been weaponised for decades! This is no fantasy, it’s fact! Just wait, time will tell!

  • Kenneth Lee Smith says:

    I too believe that alot of the accusations targeted individuals make are a sort of mental illness. And while I concur. I have a story that is quite horrific and very true. I would like to know how I may share it in confidence with the people who wrote this article. My torture has been not of microwaves and the such,but of actual physical hands on torture. When I tried to seek help. No one believed me. Please contact me and I’ll share.

  • Normal Dude With A Curse says:

    If anyone is being stalked in public, wear a body camera every time you go out. Come home and store the footage in your google drive.

    You can get a body cam that looks like a pen on Amazon in the US for about $40.

  • Normal Dude With A Curse says:

    If anyone wants to get in touch, reach out at . I’m creating a support group on Quora called Targeted Individual Support Group. I’d like to get in touch with other TI’s. I need friends.

  • S. Parker says:

    I became cognizant of being a Targeted Individual November 2016. I experience all the symptoms of Havana Syndrome and Remote Neurological Monitoring (RNM) which is thought attainment and subconscious manipulation of our moral character. Is there a support group that can help? Anybody to write or online daily journal group/live chat where we can speak to other living tortured human beings? There are billions of us now! We are all microchipped, Military, Government agencies, world leaders, celebrities,
    Please forward to anyone that can help. I live in Huntsville Alabama Redstone Aresenal Military Base near NASA, Space Command and Nuclear Storage Facilities! I do not know who tortures ME, they use the voices of people from the White House too! My Agent is insane and uses teams of voices throughout the day! It has felt like Stadiums of people and I am only sustained by GOD. Not a ONE helps, they are all set to kill me and my daughter, and constantly threaten and show imagery of my entire family and friends! Please HELP! The Anonymous New World Order of the United States of America the anonymous white, racist, billionaires started the MKUltra Human Torture that now is happening. Though I see imagery, video quality movies, I cannot explain how as my eyes remain open yet I am not looking at any type of screen. They conducted “human”scientific experiments starting with the military. They got so good at “video gaming” before TV mind you, that by 1999, they had figured out how to use microchips to be the gaming system in both players, and the TV was replaced by human Barbies or US. Through brain mapping they learned to manipulate our 5 senses, fine/gross motor skills and our central nervous system. With this they attained our subconscious thoughts, dreams, and like a telephone reception hear and speak into our minds. The NWO did horrendous things, wars, strife, racism, the caste system in every country including the USA.
    The physical and mental torture are horrific! Worse than child birth but daily and for me

    They are NOT alien, that is the lie of Area 51 to blame on their sexual perversion!
    There are two many in organized chaos to imprison all. Bomb Area 51, Top Secret Locations in Antártica/ Area122, mar-a-lago, California locations. Decimate their satellites. They go low land line, copper when the down scale electronics during close-calls!

  • S. Parker says:

    Please do not edit the (language about sexual insertions, others need to know that they are not alone. Womens suicides could be this alone!)

    I became cognizant of being a Targeted Individual November 2016. I experience all the symptoms of Havana Syndrome and Remote Neurological Monitoring (RNM) which is thought attainment and subconscious manipulation of our moral character. Is there a support group that can help? Anybody to write or online daily journal group/live chat where we can speak to other living tortured human beings? There are billions of us now! We are all microchipped, Military, Government agencies, world leaders, celebrities,
    Please forward to anyone that can help. I live in Huntsville Alabama Redstone Aresenal Military Base near NASA, Space Command and Nuclear Storage Facilities! I do not know who tortures ME, they use the voices of people from the White House too! My Agent is insane and uses teams of voices throughout the day! It has felt like Stadiums of people and I am only sustained by GOD. Not a ONE helps, they are all set to kill me and my daughter, and constantly threaten and show imagery of my entire family and friends! Please HELP! The Anonymous New World Order of the United States of America the anonymous white, racist, billionaires started the MKUltra Human Torture that now is happening. Though I see imagery, video quality movies, I cannot explain how as my eyes remain open yet I am not looking at any type of screen. They conducted “human”scientific experiments starting with the military. They got so good at “video gaming” before TV mind you, that by 1999, they had figured out how to use microchips to be the gaming system in both players, and the TV was replaced by human Barbies or US. Through brain mapping they learned to manipulate our 5 senses, fine/gross motor skills and our central nervous system. With this they attained our subconscious thoughts, dreams, and like a telephone reception hear and speak into our minds. The NWO did horrendous things, wars, strife, racism, the caste system in every country including the USA. The torture is horrific! It is 24/7 rape for me and the most perverted details of sexual torture my daughter has endured the past 22 years, I pray not consecutively but two years several times beginning at age 3 their words alone fill my soul with anguish as a mommy that cannot protect my gift from GOD! The 1% anonymous elite, thrills off of others pain and misery, have no mercy, no empathy, no stop/brakes as others have had to intervene when I am pushed to the brink of death. (This happens with insertions that I did not know about that the NWO had doctors put into my vagin*, anus, cl*tor*s, heart, an electrical shock, insertions that can perform laparoscopic surgery as well as other things that I cannot figure out.) MEN get inserted with vibrating balls, rising penis, and anal org*sms! I did find out that my insertions are under the skin and not detectable on x-rays nor most MRI’s because they are covered in marrow like material.
    They are NOT alien, that is the lie of Area 51 to blame on their sexual perversion!
    There are two many in organized chaos to imprison all. Bomb Area 51, Top Secret Locations in Antártica/ Area122, mar-a-lago, California locations. Decimate their satellites. They go low land line, copper when the down scale electronics during close-calls!

  • Please HELP the innocent!! says:

    Please do not edit the (language about sexual insertions, others need to know that they are not alone. Womens suicides could be this alone!)

    I became cognizant of being a Targeted Individual November 2016. I experience all the symptoms of Havana Syndrome and Remote Neurological Monitoring (RNM) which is thought attainment and subconscious manipulation of our moral character. Is there a support group that can help? Anybody to write or online daily journal group/live chat where we can speak to other living tortured human beings? There are billions of us now!

    We are all microchipped, Military, Government agencies, world leaders, celebrities,
    Please forward to anyone that can help. I live in Huntsville Alabama Redstone Aresenal Military Base near NASA, Space Command and Nuclear Storage Facilities! I do not know who tortures ME, they use the voices of people from the White House too! My Agent is insane and uses teams of voices throughout the day! It has felt like Stadiums of people and I am only sustained by GOD.

    Not a ONE helps, they are all set to kill me and my daughter, and constantly threaten and show imagery of my entire family and friends! Please HELP! The Anonymous New World Order of the United States of America the anonymous white, racist, billionaires started the MKUltra Human Torture that now is happening. Though I see imagery, video quality movies, I cannot explain how as my eyes remain open yet I am not looking at any type of screen.

    They conducted “human”scientific experiments starting with the military. They got so good at “video gaming” before TV mind you, that by 1999, they had figured out how to use microchips to be the gaming system in both players, and the TV was replaced by human Barbies or US. Through brain mapping they learned to manipulate our 5 senses, fine/gross motor skills and our central nervous system. With this they attained our subconscious thoughts, dreams, and like a telephone reception hear and speak into our minds. The NWO did horrendous things, wars, strife, racism, the caste system in every country including the USA.

    The torture is horrific! It is 24/7 rape for me and the most perverted details of sexual torture my daughter has endured the past 22 years, I pray not consecutively but two years several times beginning at age 3 their words alone fill my soul with anguish as a mommy that cannot protect my gift from GOD! The 1% anonymous elite, thrills off of others pain and misery, have no mercy, no empathy, no stop/brakes as others have had to intervene when I am pushed to the brink of death. (This happens with insertions that I did not know about that the NWO had doctors put into my vagin*, anus, cl*tor*s, heart, an electrical shock, insertions that can perform laparoscopic surgery as well as other things that I cannot figure out.) MEN get inserted with vibrating balls, rising penis, and anal org*sms! I did find out that my insertions are under the skin and not detectable on x-rays nor most MRI’s because they are covered in marrow like material.

    The NWO/Great Reset are NOT alien, that is the lie of Area 51 to blame on their sexual perversion!

    There are two many mkultra mind controlled involved to imprison all. Instead cut off their satellite Internet! Bomb Area 51, Top Secret Locations in Antártica/ Area122, mar-a-lago, California locations. Decimate their satellites. They go low land line, copper when the down scale electronics during close-calls!

    They are committing genocide upon the world. Today is 2/6/2023!

  • Patrick Glennon says:

    Hello, I was an irish citizen living in Chicago when my targeting began, I was put on the terrorist watchlist by a corrupt d.h.s. employee, phone controlled, break is to car and property, street stalking and being hit with direct energy weapons, my targeting continues in ireland with the irish police ” guarda” in collusion with the intelligences worldwide. Kin whiting article was pathetic, people are driven in to homelessness, suicide ect. Targetjustice.com- please research.

  • Martha Stewart says:

    Purchase Spectrum Spread Analyzer and go see a Targeted Individual in person with a person who has a certification to read these. That’s all the proof that you should need. They measure Electromagnetic microwave radiation.

  • Joanne tomlinson says:

    I met my congressman Dr. Mark Green at a reelection event for Jack Johnson held at The Factory in Franklin, TN last July 2022. I waited in a long line to meet him and introduced myself and asked Congressman Green if he was aware of the Targeted Individual Progam and his immediate response was “Yes, the FBI is out of control.” He invited me to visit with his office which I have done. Additionally, Targeted Justice has filed a $1.3 billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, and DHS, with more lawsuits to follow. I have so much to say to you, but limited space here. I can assure you the program is REAL and you probably gotten some comments from perpetrators and not real victims of this program.

  • Beverly haskins says:

    Shame on this article and who ever is making “mental illness” judgements against victims in these crimes against humanity. Targeted justice. com is a radical republican ran help site for targeted people. They are actually the ones behind the crimes. So they make up extra conspiracy theories to add to targeted people harassment, to make us out as delusional. They also take money and not reporting it correctly to taxes, sounds like all my stalkers GOP non tax payers. I have a ba in human services and I’m sure would have got more degrees if not for being a target myself. GOP is trying to take over as wealthy, militant, human trafficking, white supreme, “religious “, order ,yes they are practicing on us and have brought back German stausi policing and Hoovers co intel pro. Shame on you for your quick write us all off as nuts. But money pays off doctors and psychologist to go along with this lawlessness game, and I’m sure this reporter will as well. God knows and the truth will come out when He wants it to. I know that if any man does speak up to help any of us, they are attacked like us or gave wrong doctor diagnosis and taken out. I would like to make a call to clergy on here, that is what Martin Luther King did before things changed for his cause. All you preachers, Pastors, church leaders, priests, popes, bible teachers; remember James 3:1 you will be held accountable for teaching hate is ok. God is love, not hate. Using pulpit for political gain is wrong. Jesus warns us targets that some of us will be killed by these vigilantes who kill in name of Jesus. Jesus says in John 16, they think they kill you for God, but, they don’t know Me or My Father. Clergy remember revelation last chapter, it’s going to be real hard on you if you change the meaning of God’s word. Jesus taught if you had enemies to do good to them, pray for them, not to judge and that vengeance us His not yours. Trying to make a perfect world for Jesus to come back, is not biblical, and seems all of you are mentally ill. Calling democrats= demon crats and claiming democrats are sexual predators, gays are possessed with devils, teaching your kids to bully those kids in school until they commit suicide, rejoicing when your child guns found people in gay bar, and preaching sodom and gomorrah wrong. You are proud boys. Those are the ones with the mental issues. Democrats children bullied to death. Ask Jessica Piper in Missouri who ran blue in a red state, her husband lost his job and her child now bullied. It’s an epidemic folks. God knows and like Martin Luther King said a lie can’t live. Truth always wins and history repeats itself, with evil always attacking good. Many of us targeted people stood up against pedophiles. So it’s best if we have a mental health problem so no one believes us. Now days if your raped, if you tell, you become targeted. That is why it’s happening. Shame to all those who close their eyes and minds to truth. Judgement day is coming. Jesus warned of lawlessness and it is here. If your life is going all good now, might check yourself. I know for sure I am monitored and have 24/7 surveillance. Why me? Why not use this on the father of child almost 20 years ago whose child was offering to perform sex acts on my grandson in kindergarten in bathroom. My daughter reported to school and this child’s father continued to be able to go on all school trips on bus. This organized stalking is a way to stop all child sexual abuse. These methods used on targeted people could stop all sex trafficking and stop bullying in school. Could stop all drug cartels , missing person problems, thieves and murderers, could be caught, if a person reported being threatened, that person could be monitored and caught. Who ever is using this technology for evil, will eventually be caught. I believe this is last days and this one will be God’s final episode of good always wins. Good luck

  • Devin F. says:

    I would also like to add that if anyone needs support, please reach out to me at

    I offer zoom support calls and am available through talk/text.

  • Gonzalo says:

    I was doing a PhD in germany when this torture started, I have recorded their voices in spanish staying for example “if I heat his brain he will hallucinate again, in germany nobody believed me, nobody wanted to listen to my recordings so I moved back to Argentina. I proved my doctors family and friends that I wasn’t crazy, everyone listened to my recordings here, the doctors told me that I was misdiagnosed in germany (I ve recorded my doctor saying that). I have a lot of recordings so this is real, it’s not an hallucination, at least for me, I don’t know what they did to me, if you need any evidence, let me know… I think I’m the only one who could record this.

  • John says:

    Are you aware that Willian Binney, renowned ex NSA TECHNICAL DIRECTOR and WHISTLEBLOWER became a TI (and married another TI, a physics phd)? Why no one in the media wants to talk to him about this? Isn’t it very suspicious that such highly credible (or you believe that he suddenly became a schizophrenic at 70 years of age, right after whistleblowing), intelligent man has something to serious to say yet, strangely, nobody (from corporate media) wants to hear it?



  • Anna from the Netherlands says:

    After i stood up for rights and had evidence of corruption of people in also high positions i ve been severly attached with these wapens. At first they tried to do something with my memory, i am an energetic healer and could heal the damage energetically, later they tried to terminate me. Three weeks of severe torture, negative energy send to my body in high speed and manipulation mentally. I understood through channeling how to defend the negative energy and after that i started to get my balance back and i could protect myself against the attach. The focus needs to be now on arresting the people/people in governments involved doing this and to get their consequences. The DSM classification needs to be stopped completely, these machines exist and the classification can’t be used anymore, it has been misused by also the people involved. Understanding for the victims and urgent solidarity by community. Energetically there is a solution to defend.

  • The End is Nigh (of the old Paradigm) says:


    Thank you for covering this topic, there was a mainstream news coverage of warning not to give samples of your dna to 23 and me because a bio weapon could be used to harm you.

    No microchips are needed because tracking is done by your DNA resonance.

    Yes Invisible Weapons exist and have for decades, so to have mainstream media cover technology that will literally track everyone on earth is a big deal, but why is no one asking questions on HOW this technology will be used. Will there be no such thing as a missing person once everyone has their DNA registered?

    To the author of this article, why did the syphillis experiments last over 40 years? (Tuskegee) The history of nonconsenual human experimentation is a long one, and what better way to weaponize illnesses or develop brain control weapons than to try them ‘out in the field’? Paranoia can be induced as well as temporary remote lobotomies. How can tens of thousands of people report the same exact symptoms?

    May I suggest to the other people interested in this subject matter – how technology will be used to effect us even more in our everyday lives (or if you have children) to read Project Soulcatcher? Thanks again for this article!

  • Vicky Tafur says:

    I am a victim of Electronic Harassment. For over 3 years now. It is a very real fact that this is happening in America to innocent individuals. It is called the perfect crime. Cowards with no self respect for themselves or anyone else continue their torture on innocent people, because they often times are above the law. That is one reason it is so diffiCULT to GET JUSTICE! On the bright side God is watching and revenge belongs to God.Lawbreakers troublemakers and liars freely roam and rule the streets etc. these people repay good with evil. Proverbs 10:6 Everyone praises good people,but evil hides behind the words of the wicked. Proverbs 11:31 If good people are rewarded here on earth, all who are cruel and mean will surely be punished. So thankful to be able to leave a comment!

  • Shama Aziz says:

    The perpetraitor’s of these crimes against TI’s, work exceptionally hard to make victims appear mentally ill, and they have the resources (including invisible weapons) and budgets to do so.

    Victims of these crimes not only suffer from excruciating physical symptoms, these attacks are often synchronized with incessant and abnormal troubles with any all technologies, and electronics, sound harassments, around the clock stalking and harassment with military aircraft, and more, all coinciding with very specific and particular events, every day.

    My targeting began around age forty, immediately after earning a degree from the University of Oklahoma. I was able to successfully obtain a zoology degree RIGHT BEFORE becoming a target. I have no history of mental illness.I myself thought that surely my case was an anomaly, until I later found the community online-who all were experiencing the same core issues as I was.

    “Could it be that the symptoms these people initially experience are caused by an outside source that then leads them into mental confusion and paranoia?”…according to your statements, it seems that you are labelling certain victims as being mentally ill, simply because they are explaining some symptoms from technologies which you may not understand and which THEY themselves do not understand.

    These advanced technologies can mimic anyone’s voice, can create any type of physical sensation, but also can be deployed in such a way to cause the lines to blur about where the source of the attack is coming from.

    All of this is technology is manipulated in a way to cause maximum confusion for the victim; to lead the victim to falsely believe that the perpetrators are whomever is around at the moment of attack; and also to provoke the victim to accuse innocent people of attacking them… which further perpetuates the belief that the victim is mentally ill.

    It is all a psyop..intended to throw the target off and make them appear to be “crazy” when describing their experiences.

    Some targets have more knowledge about the capabilities of this technology than others. Some targets wrongly believe that a victim must be chipped in order to be attacked-not true. Some targets then go on to blame other groups of people to be responsible, due to these beliefs.

    How does an average person describe the extraordinary occuring in their lives, and why should they be expected to accurately determine the ins and outs of this technology in order to be taken seriously?

    Why is it that government officials are believed and even compensated for experiencing THE SAME SYMPTOMS as Targeted Individuals, with no need to accurately describe, how, why, when, or by whom it is being done? Miscalculations about the way these imperceptible and stealthy weapons and surveillance systems are being used and abused, does not necessarily mean that the victim is either confused or paranoid, but perhaps overwhelmed and intentionally misled.

    And to anyone who believes that capturing evidence is as easy as turning on your cam-THINK AGAIN!. THESE PERPETRAITORS ARE CYBERCRIMINALS. I had thousands of videos attached to my facebook account, depicting a pattern of continual stalking and harassment by military aircraft, EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE, AND AT EVERY HOUR, something completely uncommon in the town that I live in…and guess what? ALL OF THE VIDEOS HAVE VANISHED FROM MY PAGE…LITERALLY VANISHED!! POOF. DELETED. GONE. Also, something FREQUENTLY experienced by targets.

    Who can accomplish such advanced trickery, deception, and wage sophisticated all domain warfare on an individual? THE MILITARY OF COURSE!

    Ti’s are without a doubt victims of nonconsensual human experimentation by, but not limited to, THE MILITARY, perpetraitors. These are experiments with radiation weapons and are apparently for the development of cognitive and psychological warfare tactics and algorithms.

    Have you researched these topics? Are you familiar with the numerous x-government and military whistleblowers who have come forward validating our claims? Robert Duncan, for one? He has written many books about this technology and program.

    Have you researched what the goals of modernday warfare tactics are, and how they are achieved? Once you look deeper into these strategies, you will see that our experiences match not only the physical symptoms of what electromagnetic radio frequency weapons can create, but also the complete disruption of all things in our lives similar to certain warfare strategies employed by our military.

    I am a healthy individual, both mentally and physically. I see a therapist who has only diagnosed me with PTSD. All medical tests show that I am in perfect health, no autoimmune disorders, no sleep issues( other than when they are induced), nothing out of the ordinary .At one point, I did have confirmed raduation burns, by a radiologist. Other than this, I have a range of on again, off again symptoms throughout my body, none of which can be attributed to any mental or physical health diagnosis, IN ADDITION TO, AGGRAVATED PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE, for which the experiences also cannot be attributed to any physical or psychological condition…the details of which I will not get into here, but which strongly indicate to me, I am being used for experimentation.

    I ask of everyone, that before you get stuck in your incredulous attitude towards what is happening to ti’s, do not fail to do your research, not only to the applications of these weapons and capacities of these surveillance systems, but also into history.

    Unfortunately, what is happening to targets, is not unprecedented….not in terms of experimentation or in terms of the cruelty which some humans are able to direct at their fellow humans.

    The current state of our government and military, post 9-11 and “Patriot Act” especially, has created an unregulated monster, ripe with fraudulence and abuse of power, all conveniently hidden under mounds of ” national security” propaganda and rhetoric. Targeted Individuals are what happens when you leave it up to ” the police” to ” police” themselves..

  • David Voigts says:


    I’m a former naval officer and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy. I have a degree in robotics and control systems engineering and I worked in electronics warfare and nuclear engineering as a Surface Warfare Officer. I learned about this targeting program while I was in the service. It’s a human-machine interface schema and it’s capable of reading and rendering all sensory information in the human umwelt. It’s shockingly advanced and closer to what you would see in shows like Black Mirror, Upload, or Altered Carbon than what has been reported on in the stories about the Havana Syndrome cases.

    You can learn more by watching professor James Giordano’s lecture ‘The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future.’ All the tech he talks about in that lecture exists now and is used in Harvey Weinstein-style contract stalking schemes. In fact, the contract stalking schemes are easy enough to solve and a criminal investigation can lead to the weapons system. The problem is that this criminal racketeering scheme is protected with lies about ‘sources and methods,’ or ‘national security.’ So, exposing this crime will take quite a bit of public outreach. Once the public has some understanding of the criminals’ process, it becomes possible to break this story to a wider audience. For now, it’s quite like the Amy Robach hot mic moment where she revealed that the media knew about the Epstein case and could have reported it at any time.

    I do have a complete solution to this problem, but it is ugly. I recommend reviewing the 2013 gym mat murder in Valdosta, Ga, and the Asiana Airlines flight 213 crash/racist pilot names story for an indication of the types of people we are dealing with. The task is not insurmountable, but it will take a great deal of courage to expose this criminal enterprise.

  • Darla Cloud says:

    Hi it’s 2023 and I am a Targeted Individual and have been for two years. It took me a while to understand what was happening to me but I now know. Every day I feel I’m in danger. I dated an ex military man who I left after 10 years who I believe did this to me with all the connections. I have raised liaisons on my body. A doctor in San Diego took a picture of an unusual item in my ear lobe. This is so wrong what is being done to human beings. Anything I can do to fight this I will as I value my life. I have a strong faith so I’m hoping one day I’ll be free and get my life back.

  • John Godwin says:

    First of all, people hearing voices was never once mentioned in the first edition of the DSM of psychiatric disorders in the early 1950s. When the second edition was released in 1968 (the one currently used), suddenly there is a disorder called paranoid schizophrenia, where people have delusions and hear voices. This coincidentally appears at the same time the military had developed the technology! So, there was no Internet back then, so why did delusional people suddenly begin to hear voices in the late 60s, but had never been reported before in human history? Do you think everyone started hearing voices because there was some popular TV show showing this happen? NO. And I would also like to once agree with the other commentor who asked the question, why would anyone want to be tortured? Then, get on the Internet finding others experiencing the same thing. Trust me, if I could just begin to have something in common with others, it would definitely not be this!;I thought you may have grasped the subject a bit better after claiming to do so much research, but you did nothing of value. People are so naive, until this crap happens to you, then suddenly it will all make sense. Apparently, you need to be a genius to comprehend something that is being spelt out for you with actual scientific facts! Then again, now facts are somehow debatable? It’s all part of the plan! It is about to be too late!

  • Jason Welsh says:

    I have proof! What do I do?

  • James Neilson says:

    I’ve dealt with this problem for years now. The mental health community and the targeted individual community both have it wrong. The strange things that happen to these people really do happen, in a fashion that is difficult for mental health professionals to understand. The explanation that it is all an elaborate CIA harassment program is incorrect. It is also not a mass delusion, although the majority of people experiencing this are genuinely confused about their experiences.

    A lot of the attempts to explain away this phenomenon as mental illness were based on incorrect observations, poor data, and unimpressive methodology (such as basing research on internet comments rather than personally interviewing people). The best study out there (called “the phenomenology of gang stalking”) admits as much, and suggests a lot more research is needed to understand this phenomenon. The same study suggests the mass delusion theory as the most likely answer, but admits that there are aspects of it that don’t add up correctly. They also suggest that it is incredibly odd how little (publicly available) research has been done on an issue effecting so many. The black and white binary of “either its elaborate covert harassment” or “these people are entirely delusional” is an unfortunate product of linear thinking. Indeed it took a few years for me to realize this myself, but what managed to let me “let go” of trying to understand the issue was coming to the realization that the answers are outside of our society’s current scope of understanding.

    The answer is more complicated than people unfamiliar with this phenomenon assume. I understand this from going through it myself and through talking to some 200 other individuals who have experienced the same things. What we report are all very similar although the conclusions we reach are more various, ranging from CIA harassment, to simulation theory, to God’s intervention, to Alien control, and finally towards new theories of consciousness and reality. I don’t think anyone on earth has the whole thing figured out, but some governments are aware of it and taking it seriously in private. Why the privacy? Because the answer is potentially psychologically shattering and governments will need a better game plan and more knowledge before admitting to the public all that they’re aware of. I’m not certain what they know and how they plan to address this issue, but I do know with certainty that it is on their radar. I can also understand why they won’t publicly speak about it, something that confused me at the start of my experiences. The future is going to be interesting and this phenomenon will be publicly understood over the next 20 years or so I reckon. It’s related to consciousness and reality. The best way to solve these issues if you’re going through this is to find peace with yourself and do not react to the constant strange occurrences.

    Shamanic traditions have understood these kinds of experiences for hundreds if not thousands of years. Indeed it was future shamans that struggled with voices in their heads, and after managing to heal themselves, became a shaman for their community. It really does feel like an initiation, and if you can get over the frightening aspects of it, you have a lot of potential to grow from these experiences and become a stronger person. Many targeted individuals get stuck in perpetual fear but if you can shake that and start to accept the strangeness of it all, things become better.

    My heart goes out to anyone going through this, and I realize that both sides of this conversation (the TIs and the “skeptics”) will disagree with a lot of what I am saying here. Let things play out and give it some time, things are going to get better for us, of that I am sure.

    If anyone was interested enough by this post to look into more information, I suggest becoming familiar with Paul Levy and his concept of Wetiko, and Dr. Kirby Surprise’s interpretation of synchronicity. They don’t necessarily have the exact same conclusions, but they both suggest that reality can get very very strange, even dream like. Good luck to anyone out there dealing with this issue, and for the outsiders out there, I just suggest keep an open mind and resist reaching conclusions about something that is incredibly complicated and part of the growing pains of our species understanding our own nature.

  • E White says:

    Hi Kim –

    Can you tell us if you believe the government
    employees who are now receiving compensation
    for the “Havana Syndrome” electronic assaults
    are also mentally ill? Some of the symptoms
    are same as OS/EH targets. A few of the
    government employees/family members report
    organized stalking as well.

    I’m curious why, if a government employee has
    the same or very similar symptoms, that means
    they can’t be mentally ill. Being approved for
    compensation shows that pretty well.

    Oh, and why did you block my email address?

    I sent a single, polite response to your original
    article, with only provable factual information.
    Why does that make me persona non grata?

    Looking forward to your thoughts.

    Eleanor White

  • Nancy Delgado-Fabian says:

    Just read your follow up. Investigated and on my side confirmed. I have a service covert / surveillance setup. Police and upper level authority will deny. I was assaulted since then, so I will be brief. The sexual assault exists through a security issue. Assaults to heart and burning with what seems to be a pained laser beam like equipment. It is used in conjunction with biometrics and GPS satellite technology in CT. It is real. Thank you.

  • HRtsFan says:

    Hi Kim Whiting [I wish that I could call you ‘Dr.’, but you didn’t get that ph d, so this short email just looks like I’m writing to an former experienced therapist, who has apparently been generous with her time and expertise in reaching out to try to help prisoners and others],

    Kim: I’d prefer if you could email to me an email address. Why? Well, unfortunately, I am one of the ‘senior’ members of the non-consensual victims / ‘TI’ community in the U.S.; and am somewhat well known (in some ways) in the victims’ community, and I was among those most involved in having attempted, in good faith, to represent the interests of the non-consensual victims community to the federal rulemaking related to Revised Common Rule. You can review the 3 items which I posted to a follow-up Public Comment period of the same rulemaking, at: https://www.regulations.gov/comment/HHS-OPHS-2017-0001-0062
    [ the 3 posted attachments there have contents as follows:
    – a Summary of Victims’ Public Comments to the NPRM [Notice of Proposed Rule Making (and ANPRM [Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making]);
    – a Summary of Non-Victims Public Comments to the NPRM’s “Intelligence Surveillance Activities” proposed-Exclusion; [which was implemented in different form in the Final rule]; and,
    – a Petitioning letter to the federal rulemaking, that I submitted on behalf of our victims’ community [joint effort of a few other victims and myself];

    I encourage you to email to me your email address. Thank you.

    Some comments:
    you wrote:
    “As a former psychotherapist with experience working with paranoid schizophrenia, I began our investigation last year feeling pretty certain I was going to find nothing more than a sizeable population suffering from, and feeding off, each other’s delusions. To a degree, this is precisely what I concluded. But there were other discoveries that made me wonder then—and still make me wonder—if there is validity to some of their claims.”

    Sorry for saying this, but, taking a ‘hard look’ at what you are trying to do in your capacity??? as a former psychotherapist with ..:
    If a team of medical professionals, or a Court of law, wanted to determine: ‘which medical or psychology professional truly knows what they are doing with regards to non-consensual victims, ‘TI’s’, maybe they would do a little professional test:
    ‘here are 10 formerly psychologically normal persons who later became non-consensual victims [and who currently have normal fMRI brain activity patterns] , and another 10 persons, who are both: diagnosed as schizophrenic; and, have fMRI brain activity abnormal patterns which match closely the fMRI brain activity abnormal pattern commonalities of large numbers of diagnosed schizophrenic persons.’
    ‘We presented to you, in random order, each of these 20 persons, for a 5-10 minute brief examination: please identify for us: who are the non-consensual victims / TI’s, and who are the fMRI ‘verified’ schizophrenics?”
    Also, describe in words, as best as you can, the decision making process that you used to distinguish between these 2 categories. [disclaimer: it is possible that, in a few cases or more in the U.S., previously schizophrenic persons have been selected to be a non-consensual victim / ‘TI’.]

    related to what I just wrote above: [about professional ability to diagnose things:]
    you wrote: [re: allegation and photos of burn like skin/tissue damage:]

    “If doctors diagnosed these conditions, not only as burns, but burns that could possibly have been caused by electric currencies of some form, then it would logically follow that the medical community at large, as well as the government, would be alerted that something disturbing was happening that needed deeper investigation.

    I found no evidence that such an investigation is being conducted.”

    Which doctors are trained to diagnose electrical burns from, skin contact with: AC-current; DC-current;”
    and, electrical burns-like damage from electromagnetic-waves, and electromagnetic waves of different frequencies, waveforms, pulse-rates/pulse-characteristics [if pulsed], etc.? Are there any medical school courses, or continuing education courses, which teach that?

    Kim Whiting: why isn’t your default human reaction: ‘if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then my default conclusion is going to be that …’.
    In my opinion, you probably should be writing something like: ‘it appears likely [or very likely] that, in at least some of the worse apparent cases of burn marks, the victim most plausibly has been harmed by horrific abuses of electromagnetic-energy or electromagnetic-signals weapons of some form’ .

    you wrote:
    “Sadly, I’ve readily determined that the majority of communications we’ve received have come from people suffering from mental illness. These include messages that are clearly nonsensical, disjointed, fail to show a clear train of thought or narrative thread, or make claims beyond even the already sensational allegations of most TIs. These usually convey obvious underlying paranoia, such as a belief that an entire ethnic group, or a celebrity, or multiple and unrelated people or organizations, are targeting and torturing them.”

    In my experience [being a victim of non-consensual day and night electromagnetics-signals monitoring and assault, (by all appearances) by the U.S. Government, for over 32 years, including 2-way, interactive, ‘V2K’, and over time exposing me to many – but not all – assorted assault-causable phenomena; and having interviewed and talked with many fellow victims]:
    distorted descriptions, and reports of atypical bodily-assault types/phenomena, do not discourage me, or distract me, from – trying to identity ‘what type of technology, if it existed, might plausibly explain the atypical allegation?’
    from – trying to understand: what is the apparent ‘big picture’ description of the type of abuse that someone might be intending to subject this alleged/presumed victim to?
    If someone were to interview hundreds and hundreds of non-consensual victims/’TI’s, they would likely be able to identify a number of ‘flavors’ of abuse.
    The 2 largest meta-categories of targeting are:
    — victims of V2K [in many cases, 2 way interactive ‘V2K’], where a victim is in wireless, device-free, lips-not-moving conversational contact with a surveillance-and-harassment team; this is typically combined with various bodily assault, 24/7, and in many cases, ‘artificial (or synthetic) dreams’ during their sleep [composed dream-like video and sound projected upon a sleeping person and experienced as if it were a ‘dream’];
    and, [the 2nd most common meta-category of victims is]
    — victims of ‘Environmental Harassment’ or so-called ‘Gang Stalking’, which involve mind-abusive monitoring of the human brain, combined with manipulation of devices, and persons, [and sometimes animals] in one’s cognitive field [auditory, visual, etc.], with the intent to cause the victim to feel annoyed, upset, harassed. (Mind-manipulation and/or emotional-manipulation of the victim is performed synchronous to [and after] the various ‘environmental harassments’, so as prevent the victim from simply ‘ignoring’ it, or from distancing themselves from it, as if to think: ‘oh, there goes the U.S. Government again, manipulating persons around me at the local store while I go shopping; poor innocent ‘strangers’ ‘).

    you wrote:
    “It is curious that so many claim to have the same experience, but in a world connected and informed by the internet, it’s predictable that a person suffering from paranoid delusions could easily latch onto claims other TIs have posted online—and make them their own.”

    From my interviewing fellow victims, I haven’t seen ‘latching’ as being a description of their words. But rather, typically, victims are trying to describe their own targeting, and the commonalities come out from the details of their descriptions. If a victim comes up to you and says ‘I’m a victim of gang-stalking’, wait a bit, or follow-up a bit, to learn: ‘for example, today when I went to store xyz, someone there did this, and someone said that, and so and such is the reason that I felt harassed by those particular words/actions.’

    you wrote:
    “In an effort to show the power of the mind, my sixth-grade teacher once asked my class to think about having a canker sore, each day, over the course of a week. By the next week, about a quarter of the class had developed one! The power of suggestion, along with our expectations are that strong.”

    Kim: if 10 rape victims each came to you for treatment, would you tell them that story? Would you ever say to them: ‘of course, maybe it could be that you only think that you were physically raped by a man, but maybe you actually weren’t raped?’ Of course you wouldn’t say that, or believe it, because … [of your knowledge about crime records and surveys of hundreds of thousands of people, concerning rape].
    So, what if you know that the U.S. Government has a history of: Tuskegee Experiments; the Guatemala Experiments; MK-Ultra experiments [for example, LSD testing on unwitting citizens]; various improper human radiation experiments;?
    And what if you knew about the ACHRE October 1995 Final Report’s Recommendations [e.g., Recommendation 15 includes their recommending “the adoption of a federal policy requiring the informed consent of all human subjects of classified research and that this requirement not be subject to exemption or waiver”)?
    And, what if you knew about President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Memorandum/Administrative Order [which ordered agencies to jointly propose and adopt changes in the federal policy in response to the ACHRE recommendations, including ACHRE Recommendation 15]?
    [ President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Memorandum/ Administrative Order, “Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Human Research”, [Federal Register, May 13, 1997, pp. 26367-26372] ]; http://fas.org/sgp/clinton/humexp.html ] But, as of January 2023, this policy change has not yet been publicly proposed and adopted.
    [[ note: U.S. Dept. of Energy, during 2015-2019, adopted it within its internal policies; and, are recently as Summer 2015, the Clinton Memo was found to still be of legal effect – that is, that Agencies were still obligated to try to publicly propose and adopt that policy change. ]]

    you wrote:
    Even though The Reporters Inc. has, so far, received more than 400 responses from TIs commenting on our initial investigation, the responses that do not show obvious signs of mental illness make up, in my professional opinion, less than 20 percent.

    In those responses, there are these commonalities:

    Missing: — Neurostimulation; [for example: forced or pushed to use the bathroom – urination or ‘bodily functions’; or, interference during ‘bodily functions’; nasal related stimulations – forcibly sneezed; forcible muscle ‘cramp(s)’; stimulation/’manipulation’ of limbs or fingers; many, many other varieties of neuro-muscular stimulation, including some very nasty things [[including human rights atrocities ! Did you really not hear reports of them? of course almost you surely did? ]].

    In my opinion, it is interesting that you did not include in your list, even though you refer to related things in your item/category 11:
    in many victims cases, phenomena which are of the character as [illegal] ‘unwelcome or intrusive communications’:
    ‘V2K [clearly audible voice to skull transmissions], having distinct sounding voice characteristics; and, often, for many v2k victims, ‘synthetic telepathy’, silent, or faint-whisper level, thoughts or verbal contents;
    The whole idea of transmitting sound into a person’s unequipmented head, and the whole idea of silently transmitting words, ideas, even sometimes visuals images, etc., to a person’s unequipmented head/mind;
    Yes, manipulative forms of synthetic telepathy are used upon many victims, and so your category 11 can stay as is. Simply add another category. [more or less: Category 11b: illegal, unwelcome, direct to head/brain, communications; which do forcibly impose mental and emotional distraction, but which do not otherwise involve coercion ]

    alleged/actual use of ‘sleep deprivation weapons’ – ‘to keep awake’ weapons;
    PLEASE EXCUSE my ‘long memory’ but:
    “Electromagnetic signals to keep a person awake is an assault type which I have repeatedly complained of, and has been complained of by many other victims … .
    In fact, this electromagnetic weapon was publicly exposed in:
    – the July 7, 1997 U.S. News & World Report, cover story article on “Wonder Weapons” [i.e., at p. 46, top, right, “Put the Enemy to Sleep/Keep the Enemy from Sleeping”]; and,
    – a February 11, 1996 “60 Minutes” broadcast “Non-Lethal Weapons” [i.e., Bill Arkin, military analyst, of Human Rights Watch, interviewed by Steve Kroft, [on U.S. Dept. of Defense electromagnetic weapons development] “Well, one of my favorites is the Notion of putting the enemy to sleep, or Keeping the enemy from sleeping”.
    It is a extra degree of fraud for the U.S. Government to keep up an inhumane weapon’s use even after it’s been ‘exposed’ on TV and in a major Magazine.”

    you wrote:
    “I consider the hundreds (400+ at this writing) of TI communications sent to The Reporters Inc. as a potential treasure trove of information, and a meaningful way to better discern whether or not something is really happening to TIs. With this in mind, I developed a list of elements with which to categorize their responses.”

    There have been others who have gathered related ‘treasure troves’, notably:
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7178134/pdf/ijerph-17-02506.pdf , which analyzed 50 descriptions by alleged victims of ‘gang stalking’ [[aka environmental harassment]], which were each over 250 words – so as to contain sufficient detail.

    you wrote:
    “I’m certain this won’t be The Reporters Inc.’s last examination of this subject. As additional research and discovery is made, it’s my sincere hope that conclusive study results and other findings will shed much more needed light on this mysterious subject, and ultimately bring TIs the relief they so desperately seek.”

    Just in case you didn’t know …:
    There is a ‘big picture’ to this non-consensual human testing scam. Its not just a modern day ‘high tech’ Tuskegee like abuse of the U.S. Government, but it involves a science and technology ‘scam’ of withholding great technological/science benefits from the American people (as well as from others on this planet).
    Some of the major civilian uses of this now 20 – 30 years old technology include:
    widespread– for the next decades or hundreds of years –human enjoyment of desktop/notebook -computer based(together with personal ceiling mounted signals transmitters and receivers)wireless, headset-free, implant-free, thought (and body) monitoring, and brain (and body) computer interfacing.; and,
    important changes in medical practice: comprehensive neurodiagnostics, enhancing the treatment of numerous physical injuries, inflammations, and other physical problems; and, routine use/availability of comprehensive ‘thought logs’ for use in psychology/psychiatry and self-care, enabling a virtual ‘great leap’ in human mental health, and in human ‘self ‘understanding’ ‘.;
    all the while, recognizing and respecting that the U.S. (and other) military forces, as well as law enforcement, have their own private spheres of management, and (I hope peaceful, and relatively humane) usages of the advanced mind-control technologies which the U.S has already developed, and which other nations will invariably develop, over time – existing side by side with the society-enhancing consumer electronics (and other) applications. Notwithstanding the fact that there are legitimate military and law enforcement applications of these technologies: the law [28 CFR 28.1722(d)] forbids keeping something classified primarily to conceal wrongdoing or to prevent [government] embarrassment.

  • Anna Poggesi says:

    Questi orrori esistono anche se invisibili .Era logico che l’ umanita’ approfittasse di tecnologie invisibili per sopraffare gli altri, arricchirsi a spese degli ignari. …
    Perche’ questi criminali riuniti in apparati rubano e uccidono simulando malattie ( tutte quelle che vediamo).. Hanno tecnologie segrete , sono protetti da chi li dovrebbe arrestare .. faranno giungere la fine della nostra civiltà’ .

  • Un français says:

    The stalking of people using advanced technologies, mind reading, remote body control, DEWs etc… is real. Here is a blog in french language. http://lire-dans-les-pensees.blogspot.com/

  • Miroslav Germanov says:

    I am TI and these tortures are a reality, they follow me in Bulgaria, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, I sleep in hotels or on the street, I left my home in Bulgaria because of severe terror from criminals, policemen and Gypsies – symbiosis!
    They are irradiating me, burning my head, hitting my psyche, electroshocking me in the head, knowing all my moves, knowing my private life!
    The head of this group of terrorists is Yulian Borisov Georgiev – the city of Pernik, the owner of a car dealership and construction business, is this a friend of the Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev and the former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov!
    Apparently this is a mafia of ex-policemen and criminals!
    Many times they sent sane people to threaten me!

    Miroslav Germanov

    Miro SG Facebook

  • Stephen says:

    I’ve been a TI for two years now. From what I can tell it’s been next to impossible to have Kim believe in a government as corrupt as ours. I have lived in the Internet for two years now. I have been attacked by directed energy weapons coming from satellites drones handheld as well as weapons in Mobile vans. Nothing that resembles an army field. I have taken the time to look up the United States patents. Every single weapon from voice to skull as well as neural monitoring, electromagnetic frequencies, cell phone tracking, Snowden, corrupt world health organization, department of justice but doesn’t do sh*t, and a government that honors the constitution is all relevant. The more time you spend on the Internet listening to PhD‘s, Ramola D reports, targeted justice and many other concerned corporations and persons. The Nazi holocaust is back. This stuff is happening and I pray to God that he grants you the wisdom to be on the right side of things. You’ve technically been served. Good luck

  • BAL says:

    To Kim Whiting

    If you spent more time investigating the technology behind these attacks on people rather than the anecdotal evidence of the victims you would already have your answer to whether or not this is a real phenomenon. There are hundreds of FOIA and other documents that speak directly of this technology and it’s uses.

    I get the feeling that’s not your intention but maybe it’s to compile a list of victims willing to tell their stories?

    Both your articles on this subject are transparent in their goal to lead the reader down a path of doubt and disbelief and assist the actual victims in no way whatsoever.

    It’s well known and quite apparent to the observant person that most psychiatrists and mental health practitioners are mentally ill themselves, entering such practices in order to diagnose their own perversions and immoral based personalities by projecting those illnesses onto others.

    These types are usually easily corruptible by intelligence agencies who are well known for their covert and sad*stic means (ex. Congressional hearings of project MKULTRA 1953-1973 respectively). They usually hold higher degrees lending their assertions credibility even though the assertions are usually opinion, conjecture and rarely cite scientific information or hard evidence.

    I would predict a self defensive and projective response from you …and understandably since it is an assertion questioning your personality and moral code.

    I will be so bold as to suggest taking an honest, self evaluating, look at your moral base, your ability to be honest even about small things that don’t matter and ask yourself why you would participate in writing an article that so obviously would cause more harm to the victims than help.

    Good day.

  • Josh says:

    I have been a T.I. for 2 years now. I’m 32 years old. It began one night i was lying in bed and kept hearing someone walking in my house, the footsteps would walk all the way to my bedroom door and stop. I eventually jumped up, expecting to open the door and catch someone who had broke in. No one was there. From that day forward it never stopped. It went from the sound of footsteps to voices in my house coming from the fan, the HVAC, or power tools saying things like look at him, watch him, wow, look at him, omg. Knowing what I know now about this technology and the CIAs tactics of deprogramming individuals it makes sense. It was the start of inducing synthetic paranoia. At the time I was ready to go mad thinking there were hidden cameras or bugs in my house, and wondering who would possibly be spying on me/harassing me. I told those close to me like family and my business partner expecting someone to be open minded to it being 100% real and not me just developing some type of psychological disorder. It pushed everyone away, lost my business partner and almost my career. I struggled to get out of bed because of the 24/7 endless torture. No one in my corner and so One day Id had enough and sought out a prescription illegally and took all of them. I woke up 3 days later in the ICU and was committed to inpatient psychiatric care for weeks. I finally researched the symptoms and came across the the terms gang stalking, electronic harassment, DEWS, the fray effect, etc. I was very familiar with the CIAs MK Ultra and highly illegal human experimentation on unwitting subjects. So I knew that conspiracies can, and have happened. Those of us experiencing this know exactly what we’re dealing with. It’s real, convincing people is impossible, and important to note that the people behind this have cost the victims their lives, worse for them to do harm to others. It’s just a fact. They absolutely cannot let the truth come out because they’ll lose the public trust and be tried for crimes against humanity. This article and the first article are the best I’ve seen of any report that includes the true depth of statements, research, and open mindedness. You have an opportunity to uncover the biggest story of the century that most people have never heard of. I believe our biggest struggle as T.I.s is coordination to get together and protest at scale showing the amount of individuals experiencing this but also mainstream covering the topic honestly.

  • A. Lucinda says:

    I am a sane, lucid, functional human being who has been targeted for at least 6 years, probably longer. I also have had numerous courses in psychology and plan to finish my degree in order to help victims of this type of harassment.

    You can not possibly comprehend the scope of these crimes against humanity unless it is happening to you. The people going through this sound insane because they are being driven insane. It’s not difficult to understand.

    Imagine there was a technology that allowed an individual to be monitored, followed, tortured and harassed 24/7, but nobody believed them- even though there is clear evidence that it exists. That alone is enough to damage a person irreparably.

    Imagine a woman saying she was being electrocuted, raped, and tortured but very few people believed her. Now imagine irresponsible reporters posting stories online that took any chance of justice away from that individual. No hope, just a dismissal of their suffering. Worse, a misdiagnosis that damns them.

    This is happening to people all over the world. It is not mass, late onset mental illness. How on earth is that more likely than the use of technology we already know exists against individuals in order to cause internal chaos in the US and other countries?

    Its Occam’s Razor to a T. Option 1. A sudden, mass late onset mental illness has developed and is affecting tens of thousands of people all over the world. 2. A technology we know exists is being used against civilians.

    And yet we are the crazy ones.

    Has it occured to you that you are being manipulated in order to discredit this phenomenon? It might benefit you to speak with a lucid TI or several, before publicly damning tens of thousands of people.

    You are wrong. And I pray your nervous system never understands why.

  • A. Lucinda says:


  • Ursula Blanchat says:

    I noticed that I was being hacked and stalked after the 2016 Uber breach of which you will never know the truth about… Only the DOJ version. The Uber hackers brother moved in across the street from me and the Canadian hacker visited him frequently. I was stalked by 2 guys that I later found out was from Republic of Moldova.
    I first had Havana syndrome noises in NYC after I was assaulted by a client while working for FEMA after the Sandy storm. My assailant was an NYPD trainer dad. I was interrogated 9 hours as if I was a terrorist and I even asked the detective if they thought I was a terrorist and he said YES. Anyway… They put me in this scam program and I’ve collected evidence since. 10 years later I’m still being tortured by their Neuro surveillance equipment and I’m disabled and diagnosed with severe damage to my central nervous system.
    I’ve tried to make this as short as possible and I hope it doesn’t make me look “delusional”. I have a mountain of proof.

  • George Bailey says:

    I hope and pray that you never discover for yourself how wrong you are and how your so-called reportage aids and abets what amounts to war crimes and atrocities. I was a man in very good health, a high-functioning former college professor, author and journalist who out of a clear blue sky began to experience severe head pain, like a high-tension cable had been released in my skull. Within a few weeks I was having trouble walking and speaking. I had a visit with a psychiatrist who was unable to explain what she called my “profound deterioration.” A neurologist declared that I had “possible irreversible damage.” My brain scan results are consistent with damage found in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. The impairment has been continual and progressive for more than five years now. Do some actual research into these weapons, they are horrific and very, very real.

  • Dominic Friscia says:

    I’m currently trying to write a book as a subject to this human experimentation. I have the rough draft here. that i update as i go along. Its 40,000 words so. My thought process is not ill. And in this book there’s alot of publicly aknowledged facts about technology that Schizophrenics have talked about for a century. https://fredrickfredricks.blogspot.com/2021/06/outline-or-rough-draft-of-book-im.html

  • Mr. Rohit Dalmia says:

    Since 1980s there have been Many Protests in the Developed countries (USA, Europe, etc.) against the use of Psychotronics on Civilians.

    In 1991 after the disintegration of Soviet Union, many Confidential documents were Leaked wherein the Mind Control Experiments of USSR were detailed. Subsequently in 1993 the then Security and Interior Minister of Russia had warned that, “the Russian Mafia had got hold of Mind Altering technologies”.

    In January 1999 the European Union’s Parliament passed a Resolution and called for an International Convention to introduce a ‘Global Ban’ on All Developments and Deployments of Mind Control Technologies.

    On 2nd October 2001 in USA’s House of Representatives, the “Space Preservation Act” was introduced to prohibit the use of Electromagnetic Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) or Psychotronic Weapons directed at targeted populations or Targeted Individuals (TIs) for Information War, Mind Control, or Mood Management of TIs. Read Section 7(2) of H.R.2977 at, http://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/house-bill/2977/text

    To disparage the credibility of TIs, they are often labelled as patients of mental disorders (such as Schizophrenia). Subsequently the (hypocrite) society ignores All the complaints of TIs. Eventually the (corrupt) governments don’t enact and enforce strict legislation to protect the civilians from Mind Manipulation technologies.

  • Zina Antoaneta Darling says:

    Thank you for investing time and effort to write this piece.
    There are literally millions of us around the world victimized by targeting technology.
    Most of us have got here after being designated as persons of interest in the aftermath of 9/11 security dragnet.
    Enclosed is a 2014 Intercept article about the making of Blacklists.

  • Victor says:

    Thank you for article. Thank you especially for considering/ acknowledging that in some percent of responses it seems clear to you that something is, indeed, happening. However, with respect to authors, you are falling into a bias of operating under your official education and training. These are integrated weapons systems that include 1. Implanted wireless body area networks that do not show on radiology or not reported honestly by doctors. Some victims are lucky enough to have had removal surgery of non consensual implants. They are micrometer in size. There do exist even nanometer sized implants. Many targets have experiences of doctors lying and being part of this including myself. Even the public domain is full of material and articles on micro and nano meter sized body area networks. The government, especially military and intelligence agencies, in addition to health services, prisons, “law enforcement”, universities, biotech, hospitals have a long awful history on poisoning people, torturing, mind/ body/ behavior control, biological/ chemical agents on ppl, radiological agents in ppl, implanting ppl, on individuals, communities, institutions on both sitting and more so on unwitting victims. They never stopped. For a quick cursory review check out MKuktra, monarch, Pandora, Edgewood vets, psychosurgery history etc. a select previous few of such victims, I know of the Canadian Mkultra victims at the Allen memorial hospital and the Edgewood vets case, had any luck whatsoever in a legal preceding. Seems a few individual targets who were lucky enough to have medical evidence and a clear origin story of their targeting made some progress legally but we’re talking of a precious, precious few. Going back to the public domain research, you’ll discover that your bio resonance and your DNA can be used as antennas against you. Check out military documents such as The Mind has no Firewall. The government is most certainly at the top of this as they always have been and can stop it all in a day.
    3. Weaponized interfacing electromagnetic spectrum. There’s a ton of information on this as well. The “wireless” of wireless body area network is of course frequencies. Frequencies can be medicinal, curing (though that information is more secret), diagnostic or weaponized. See project Pandora.
    It’s already been established that humans are “hackable” and the military/ agencies have been doing this for going on s century.
    As for the claims of being followed, watched, harassment, sleep torture, please look up zersetzung and cointelpro and trauma based mind control.
    You might not be s deranged soulless psychopath committing crimes against humanity, war crimes (these are war weapons), treason, torture, forced transhumanism etc on people, but those running these programs have s generations long history of it. Dont judge what is or isn’t based on what you know, learned or are capable of yourself.
    These integrated weapons systems, mind control, personality/ behavior control, sensorial/ thought/ mood/ impulse intercepting and control, programmed behavior and compulsions are all real. And they are relentless. The perpetrators are pure evil. The organized stalking and harassment is deliberately made to discredit, the whole operation is deliberately made to discredit. And very many people are in on this. Targeting is an open secret and silent holocaust. People not in on this might come to believe the implants, bio antennas, weaponized frequencies,but the hardest thing yo believe and truth shock through is the massive number of people who know about this and participate. So if a victim mentions ‘the entire community’ or a particular group or celebrity that is not cause to dismiss them as mentally ill. The widespread if silent knowledge of targeting, the massive number of people involved and the overwhelming control technologies that are meant to override human will and capacity, make anything…anything a possibility. If this was even a fraction mental illness, then the statistics of mental illness would be astronomical. They people behind this deliberately manufacture to make the victim and their history and their testimony appear as mental illness. These crimes are pure evil, global and have and continue to destroy lives, destroy families, ruin, asset-strip, murder. They are mass murderers. Take it from the victims. You might not be so evil, you might not be able to believe such evil as I would not have before targeting became overt, but it is true. Not the mental illness and being a victim of these technologies and programs are mutually exclusive, but the far majority of mental illness is not mental illness at all. It’s victims, mostly unwitting, of these programs. The hardest question to answer is not so much The Who, the why you or the what. There are intelligent, fact and history based answers to those. The hardest question is the why. There are some partial answers but nothing complete. They simply are evil. Please don’t remain locked in perspective and bias. Thank you for your articles. I hope they get massive coverage and that you continue to expose and report and investigate. I’ll add that there have been whistleblowers from CIA, FBI, military that tell of all this but don’t get mainstream media news time. The ‘conspiracy theorists’ got mass, weaponized surveillance right and the tin foil batters were right too (not that Tim foul helps but the reason- mind interfacing- is correct). They weren’t weird or crazy. They were ahead of their time, telling the truth and brave to warn others and suffer bad for it.

  • Todd ahh says:

    In regards to fantastical claims made by people… keep in mind that one of the stalkers favorite tactics is to go on sites, blogs, chats, comment sections etc. And purposefully make bizarre claims and tell beyond wacky stories to discredit all T.I.’s.

    When people read a few of those type of stories they quickly dismiss the whole gangstalking as a bunch of nut jobs.

    I have been targeted for almost 4 years that I am aware of. I am not crazy. I cant believe the things that are happening to me either. But they most definitely are.

  • Candy Grandpre says:

    Many Targeted Individuals are blacklisted from society, & we’re fighting to get our lives back. We’re fighting for our rights to live & exist. The narcissistic, predatory gang stalkers try to run us off the planet. We’re fighting for our rights to work, make a living & get back on our feet without being sabotaged. People like me are sick of being forced homeless, jobless & destitute.

    Our livelihoods are at stake. We’re tired of being tortured & suffering. It’s not our next door neighbor’s “authority” to rob us of our rights to go on about our lives, being criminally, illegally & undeservingly stalked, followed & harassed. We’re sick of these predators try to play “God” with our lives. We’re NOT delusional or crazy! Please listen to us!

    This is the most concrete & blatant proof of my gang stalking ever!


    & even other professed targeted individuals still act like they don’t believe me or take me seriously. Sadly, they caved in & sold out. I’m still fighting for the right to survive & exist without selling my soul & becoming a gang stalking perp.

    Here’s more of me fighting to get off the streets & live a normal life.


    This video is 1 example of evidence of me being homeless on the streets.


    I’m fighting for help for any targeted individual who’s in this situation. Please give us our rights back, stop human trafficking & enslaving us, give us reparations, & let us live a peaceful, torture-free life!

    Here’s my petition.


  • Justin Krane says:

    My targeting involves constant harassment by neighbours and cotenants, discrimination by landlords and city housing/homelessness services, and is quite easily provable. Right now, I am facing an illegal eviction with a blatant lack of due process. I am blacklisted, and every avenue to try to get legal help is completely shut off. Other housing situations where I have lived have ended abruptly with me being forced out due to violence from other tenants, collusion with landlords, and housing agencies. Police either colluded or stood by and watched. I am relentlessly smeared in the community, and I have proof.Kim Whiting is obviously being paid to write this discrediting article.

  • Fiona Mehta says:

    How can it be mass mental illness, please research the Targeted Justice multi-billion dollar law suit, the UNs involvement, ICATOR law suit! Sorry, simply not true! We are in pain, we are telling the truth, the media seeks to quieten us! How can millions of people be mentally ill? Just wait till the TI programme surfaces, it’s just like Jews sad demise fully came to light after the 2nd world war, people did not believe such a henious programme of genodice could take place! Well, nothing changes, man is basically evil! …here we are 21st centuary.. guess what …mass genocide/global holocost..call it what you like!….
    Now are you prepared to say it’s mental illness!

  • Fiona Mehta says:

    How can it be mass mental illness, please research the Targeted Justice multi-billion dollar law suit, the UNs involvement, ICATOR law suit! Sorry, simply not true! We are in pain, we are telling the truth, the media seeks to quieten us! How can millions of people be mentally ill? Just wait till the TI programme surfaces, it’s just like Jews sad demise fully came to light after the 2nd world war, people did not believe such a henious programme of genocide could take place! Well, nothing changes, man is basically evil! …here we are 21st centuary.. guess what …mass genocide/global holocost..call it what you like!….

  • Fiona Mehta says:

    Also just look at the photographs posted of these poor victims of DEW attacks, still consider it’s mental illness..you can’t produce physical evidence such as this, then claim it’s the rantings of a delusional mind!

  • Robbie Rodrigues says:

    I just posted this to Targeted Justice who has a 30 billion dollar lawsuit they just filed. This whole thing is corrupt and law enforcement is at the helm with the Fire Department and community corruption. Its sick.

    right now, at 228am I am sitting in my apartment with someone in the utility room beneath my flooring shooting some sort of energy up at my buttocks as I sit on the sofa and an extremely high pitched frequency non stop sound out of the right side of my ear . Very much like what is described for Havanah Syndrome. This high frequency is not in my head. It is outside within the confines of the apartment and it will go on for hours. Usually it renders our cats nearly comatose. I put an ice pack under my ass so that seems to be helping because I figure the weapon is searching either for moist heat or there is an implant and when I put the ice pack under my ass they seem to have a difficult time focusing the energy on my private parts. When that melts I am just going to go downstairs to sit by the door until their shift is done and wait for them. I also have to deal with the microwave hits that cook me from the inside out off and on all night with the added pleasure of implants vibrating and nausea and nerve prickles. So much fun. The nerve damage is more extensive tonight like a million acupuncture needles hitting my skin. My sleep pattern is way off and when I do sleep its like I am in a coma for several hours and when I wake up I feel drugged and cant get off the sofa. I hate it.
    This is coming from a girl who at one time worked 2 full time jobs and went to school all at the same time. I am so sick of these people behaving like they havent moved in next to me and they are all pretending like we dont all know who is doing what. its stupid, ignorant and unnecessary. This is some of the most immature bullsh*t I have ever had to deal with. I personally believe a foreign actor is involved because the guy I saw dressed in black installing whatever equipment in the utility room below me did not seem American. Just saying. I’ve been researching about compact kinetic/non-kinetic energy weapons that can be hand held and other forms of directed energy news. I found a list of more companies involved in testing and hiring for positions relating to DEW jobs. Its just idiotic to sit in my apartment knowing their here, they know I know they are here and yet everyone pretends nothing is going on. Its just so stupid and childish. Grown ass people acting like this. There is no way this is science and I just can not reconcile that it is our own government. Bad actors in the government….YES, the actual sanctioned government…. I just dont by it. However, I am open to being wrong because WHY CAN I NOT GET A SINGLE FILE ABOUT MYSELF FROM ANYONE? Out of 8Billion people I cant get anyone to help me….. there is something else going on ….There has to be. I still stand by the NSA running a sex ring within the intelligence community. I am basing that on my own trauma growing up and my step dads connections. Anyway…. having a lovely night. Or morning I should say. Something is going to happen to change everything, I can feel it. I also keep trying to get those fibers out of my foot that have been inserted into my right foot. I managed to get part of a fiber out. It is almost like a hard white plastic. I got like a centimeter piece pulled out but when I try to pull the other one out it really hurts. When I first saw them they looked like they had some sort of silver wire that was similar to a strand of hair. Now it just looks like a piece of hard white plastic or glass. i dont know why they are there or what they are for so I am going to keep trying to get them out before they go through the rest of my body in my blood stream or something. Might have to cut my foot open. It does hurt when I pull on it. Sound like anything anyone else had dealt with? I have also started broadcasting over RNM whenever I am being sexualized or hit with a energy weapon and who is responsible. My landlord is directly involved. this is a fact. Anyone with a brain could start there with an investigation. My son and I went to the movies the other day and since we have been back one of our cats is showing signs of trauma and just woke from a deep sleep hissing and on attack like someone was coming after her. I never like leaving them alone ever. I might start bringing them with us from now on. This whole thing is rediculous. Doesnt matter who is doing it. I think something is about to happen, I really do. I just keep getting that feeling. I also believe that the people who are helping me havent acted on anything yet that I am aware of but I think it is because they found something else much bigger than my little targeting stuff. I can only hope I am right about that. Sorry if I sound like a crazy person. You know how it is. We have all had these nights. Check out my last blog post and you can watch me look like a crazy person in real life. found the one and only adventure into youtube last night and they have altered some of my video I posted and erased a few posts too. I cant believe this is 2023. I will be 60 next month and I cant believe they have black listed me for 30 years and taken the best and most important part of my life and ruined it. So stupid. I should be looking at retirement and relaxation and instead i have to deal with this crap getting sexually molested by energy weapons and sometimes physically and being drugged…. at 60 years old. come on…… seriously

    To the skeptics, I say just because you dont believe me doesnt mean its not happening.

    Something is about to break….. I promise. I can feel it. You wont be a skeptic anymore.

  • Just Another Annoyed TI says:

    I am angered that you would even say something about this being a mental illness! We are dying here this sh*t has been around forever! For one! It is proven there is absolutely no way, it is extremely rare that two share the same exact delusion! I CANT TAKE THIS sh*t ANYMORE. You know the sh*t exists so stop beating around the bush. You can’t investigate something that is being done by the highest levels of intelligence for f*ck sake. I hate swearing so I apologize, but I have been going through this my whole life. Since birth!!! So I am so discredited it is beyond f*cked up! Don’t you remember in school when we learned about children and their developmental habits. The children that were used in these experiments…. Never thought anything of it did you? Well that is me. I am one of those children that is and was used my whole life as a unwilling test subject. I government Guinea Pig. For trauma and torture. It’s sick and twisted! And awakening to this at age 27 after everything I could use to fight back was taken from me. My loved ones killed that would have never turned on me! f*ck this! And this article! f*ck it all I am so pissed!!! It is so unfair

  • Jonathan Diamond says:

    I think it is time to organize some sort of annual awareness day and start gathering in D.C. demanding the government investigate and respond to these attacks on US soil. If it is not our government it is an act of war. Someone needs to be held responsible for this clear human rights violation.

  • Jack says:

    The bulk of this article is focused on the reporters skepticism. I was glad that she included evidence of the technology in her report. However she seemed intent on reporting her personal sense of skepticism extensively before presenting the evidence for the technology. The sense I got was that she was concerned about protecting her own reputation more than objectively presenting data and testimony and letting the reader decide. If the government has admitted that diplomats were attacked with microwave weaponry (havana syndrome) and it’s well documented that the technology exists (and has for some time), then it’s logical to conclude that civilians are also being targeted. Is the reporter a mental health clinician? She allows herself great authority in diagnosing her subjects as mentally ill. Even if she were a licensed clinician, “diagnosis at a distance” ie without one on one consultation is considered unethical. I wish the article focused more on the evidence and less on her personal and seemingly face saving reaction to the evidence.

  • brother dank says:

    Evidence items given to Sgt. Huval LSP. Sgt. Huval: A plaid shirt wearing “usps guy” handed me this quite uncertified package. sent from a guy who claims to be a state trooper working for the governor calling from +1 225-250-6505. he called me claiming to be a state trooper liaison to the governor.

    the package was an obsolete computer component delivered with a letter promising that the useless box would end my cybertorture, claiming to come from John Bel Edwards. so we have someone possibly impersonating LSP, pretending to act on behalf of governor. or at best, its an insider threat assaulting me with a human intelligence information weapons campaign that says “Enjoy neuroweapons.”

    multiple people at LSP went out of their way to promise and then deliver the harassing package. the gangstalking trooper gave me this number to call for more information about the harassing package which appears to be a state of LA DPS phone number. (225) 925-4133 please file an official report.

    the numbers which called to harass me in the previous months about my neuroweapons torture are:

    Jan phone call from 318 557 3190 I followed up, guy says he himself is a target and that perpetrators used his phone to harass me from Barksdale as I was calling LANG installations. Unsure how they got my number at barksdale, perhaps on a classified or clandestine wireless network of cell phones and/or synthetic telepathy. incoming call was coordinated in real time with my outreach to LANG.

    I later called LANG Gillis Long who called me a “targeted individual” and when I commanded that they protect what matters they say f*ck no and hang up. then they call me back from 225 319 4601 to harass me about my neuroweapons torture.

    on April 14 2022 I texted a guy who called himself “sam Johnson FBI.” 504 273 5652 He had called my girlfriend caroline out of the blue just after leaving FBI new orleans to get a case number about the travesty (c.h. (555)
    555-5555) so this guy claims hes gonna solve all our problems meetup at the coffee house. I am not present but over phone he tells me hes fbi. proceeds to sexually assault C.



    I am personally attached to the disclosure at tinyurl.com/hometownterror, click EM effects on human body zip folder. I personally attended this event and followed up with Susan Mullen WSP; it’s a real disclosure.

    tinyurl.com/havanababy where is our military?
    tinyurl.com/gitmobaby illustrates US military grade psychological torture

    tinyurl.com/8uponv2k old army weapon

    tinyurl.com/pdxv2k mainstream news on the threat in portland from 2009 where I got targeted 2013 to 2019.

    tinyurl.com/vetshearvoices this is the weapon

    tinyurl.com/airforcecaptain active duty getting hit with what the un calls Cybertorture or no touch torture

    tinyurl.com/uncybertorture see inputs received.

    tinyurl.com/gangstalkingphenomenology NIH article about gangstalking

    tinyurl.com/columbiadown my Intel Package indicating emergency response infrastructure down, military interventions required.

    Tinyurl.com/nazischizo the doctor who trained the world on schizophrenia was a Nazi.



    337 326 9914

  • Tammy McLoughlin says:

    Tamara S. McLoughlin (Portage, MI):
    Targeted Individual – 14 yrs.

    First and foremost – I wish to thank God for the comfort and knowledge of which I have been shown. Without his strength and guidance…I would be in the same boat as the people who “Do NOT BELIEVE”. I do believe that we (T.I.’s are “Chosen” and what we call “Free Will” is just that…Free will. Free will is going to make or break a person and in 14 year’s I have not met a person of substance to do the right thing. There is never a shortage of individuals needing money, have a clean slate or who have everything. In any instance…I have changed my thought process. They follow me..inadvertently, I lead them. If it is something I covet..then it’s taken away from me. And at the end of the day “I am a person without a Country”. However, I am so strong…I shock myself. My story is true and we have to do something about this.
    Started after my divorce in 2009. I know who did this and have been fighting uphill battle ever since, I am not Mentally Ill, in fact an above average intelligence. I have had multiple :”Gang-stalking – Harassment” incidents/occurrences of which ARE REAL!! I have had to deal with total “Abuses of Power:”, Gas-lighting, Cyber-Engineering, Stalking, 24/7 Surveillance, Home Invasion, Personal Property Stolen, Pet died, Friends/Ex’s all are GAG ordered and cannot speak about what they know. I am waiting intently for the laws to catch up with what horrific things are being done to sabotage our daily lives!! This is no joke..its a very vulnerable and terrifying feeling. Ironically, the very people who are supposed to be protecting us; are the ones harming us. “:I swear..you walk one day in my shoes and you will NOT wake up tomorrow. I believe, as much as I love my family and friends; their “free will to choose right from wrong and deciding to just turn the other cheek…is weeding them out unknowingly..because I have been shown things for a reason. In a way…I need to thank them…however, I’m not ready to stop being angry. This has to stop…NOW!


    Last time I wrote about a covert service surveillance though after there was an entry with my name unknown. But there more investigation is gearing me toward a Biometric Covert Surveillance Covert unregulated possibly human experimenting.


    Just commented about Biometric Covert Surveillance and human experimenting is TI. No doubt. Problem is no one will admit and by the way it is still not legal in US yet mostly called LAWS, and if done, is in-regulated.



  • Sabrina Moya-Cowden says:

    There are people who are truly being targeted by the U.S. government, me and my family included. It is a modern-day holocaust of people who are targeted, stalked by mobs, maimed, murdered, pushed to suicide, pushed into poverty and homelessness, and uses as guinea pigs for the U.S. military, with active denial weapons, remote neural monitoring and mind control weapons, directed energy weapons (Havana syndrome) being experimented on us targets. We are watched in our homes 24/7 by most likely the U.S. government, unable to join in society due to slander and blacklisting from being put into the very fraudulent Homeland Security watchlist. Many of us targeted are being human trafficked by criminal gangs, forced into arranged relationships with “honey pots” who systematically destroy us in various ways to include harming any children we bring into this world by targeting them in the same manner. We that are targeted cry out for help for those who are supposed to care (friends/spouse/counselors/lawyers/human rights groups) but they are covertly informed by law enforcement (or whoever is the targeted person’s handler) to deny our stories (gaslighting) and turn their backs and cut off relations with us because we are “under investigation” or mentally ill. THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE. How could I be under investigation since a I was a child when my targeting, stalking, isolation and psyops began? It is because many of us are chosen to be experimented on by the U.S. government, much like the Nazis did to the Jews. There are MANY disinformation agents spread all around, on social media and even news reports to discredit us (Vice’s Targeted Individual report). But that is orchestrated by the U.S. Government to keep their new world order holocaust under secret wraps. This is really happening, it is the God’s Honest Truth. People are being covertly targeted, isolated from society and help, experimented on, suffering and dying and the U.S. government and their contracted “gangstalkers” who carry out their dirty work are responsible.

  • joe hayes says:


  • Ascaredsis says:

    So my older brother has been telling me about this for years I’m so sry I didn’t believe him. Praying for all who is experiencing this

  • Matt Luchi says:

    So glad someone took the time to thoroughly investigate this matter. Thanks for writing this, Kim. Hey, dig this.

  • kaiser1861 says:

    I am a TI from China who has gone through five years of torture. It cannot be said that this matter was done by a certain country, and every country is involved. If you have been abroad, you will know that no matter where you are, you cannot escape the tracking and harassment of local people. This indicates that there is a shadow government in this world

  • Rushton Sedberry says:

    Neural Stintrode Electric Recording Array is being installed in jails and by female spies. They then hook the equipment up to tortureware. This is real. Havana syndrome victims have wires in their veigns. These people are disgusting pieces of garbage. They all sell meth.

  • Karla Bilyeu says:

    The people doing the electronic harassment are Riverside Research Institute. They are paid by the DoD.

  • Pedro says:

    Since 2023 I think it’s due to my faith, I been getting hit with lasers, I’ve seen, Red doted lasers, I been getting hit with some kind of Weapon it burns, even my child got hit with them, all because I Believe in Jesus, iam being silenced no one believes me and I’m still screaming f*ck the Government, and dirty people, they enter my House, play mind games, track me, hack my Phone, I’m special for all this to be happening,I wanted to connect with some people, together we are strong Stand with Jesus

  • Richard Holmes says:

    I can assure u that this type of domestic terriorism is actually taking place on US soil n it’s very unfortunate for the targeted individuals whom actually reach out for help n r quickly labeled as having mental health issues, instead of those professionals like the numerous I’ve spoken with whom basically told me I just wasn’t that important n there’s just no way anyone would spend that much time listening, watching n or tracking u n when most anyone thinks about that it most definitely makes sense n I even after being convicted of a terrioristic threat myself, I even believed that n even reached out to help another distant family member by seeking mental health help for her. That was until February of 2023 after a visit from my ex-wife n mother in law came to my mom’s in another state to visit my step dad n my mom. In which, afterwards the very same thing started happening again with very same sexually perverted criminals that destroyed my life back in 2016! I went 3-4 years not being harassed or tortured so I thought but looking back now, it might had still being going on! Since I suffered severe insomnia n absolutely nothing at all could help me sleep but back then I had listened to everyone else n believed it never truly happened, that was till they returned n I saw my 80 year old mothers help declining n she was staying dizzy, confused, naseauated n other symptoms that all fall under electromagnetic field! After more n more research I began piecing the puzzle together especially after strange things began happening in late 2020 right after my ex-wife moved back home. Now the puzzle came together n I’m positive that these domestic terrorist actually exist n looking back I’m unsure whether they were the cause of the severe insomnia I suffered from right after getting out of jail or not but am positive that everything actually started back up after she moved back home in 2020. The individuals that have been toturing n slowly but surely destroying my family n myself are as well sexual perverts / predators whom belong n Hell and r most obviously the sickest psychotic low class white trash useless n worthless individuals. Which I feel sure have nothing to do with our government but most likely due crooked law official in Walton county Ga were recruited by one whom is an authority figure like maybe the sheriff or other related individual? Whom has ran across some low life worthless trash that possibly might be fresh out of prison n or a mental hospital? But since no normal person or individual with any common sense, would ever actually sit around tracking n illegally eavesdropping inside citizens homes as to twist, manipulate n basically do or say anything that might upset, agitate or cause anyone to get upset or angry due to constantly hearing complete ignorance n BS lies as to attempt to pull you in so that they could prevent u from accomplishing anything or completing anything n or as to cause n or create mass confusion that may further isolate u n or create conflict w other family members, cause job loss or do anything that might lead to you seeking out help? Reporting to local police n or anything that may get u labeled as having mental health issues, lead to ur arrest, cause u to commit suicide which if caught would be actual murder by suicide n or anything at all that may completely or totally destroy u in any means whatsoever! While at same time the so called authority figure will continue to build them up, thanking them for a great job n commend them on how well they r doing in destroying ur life, relationship n or job! These psychotic low class white trash worthless individuals that are the actual criminals committing these types of crimes, however were recruited by some authority figure whom are actually the Criminal mind behind this type of Domestic terriorism whom might have learned these types of crimes while in military or from someone else that most likely served in military or may have some means of accessing satellite n or other actual law enforcement means of electronic surveillance whom recruited the trash n continues to give them a purpose or meaningful reason as to exist in this world n making them think n or believe they are extremely important part of the country now, especially since most likely they have never even held a full time job, ex drug addicts, sexual perverts or predators whom they might have caught committing crimes but instead of arresting them, have them an option of trying to redeem themselves by committing these horrendous crimes against innocent citizens of this county?? I don’t have any proof other than just knowing no one in there right state of mind would actually continue to commit crimes against citizens of this county unless again, these types of low life individuals have never ever accomplished anything at all n or especially anything good but since a person of some type authority actual makes them believe they are doing the right thing n or making things right in their own miserable lives by bringing about harm to citizens of this county n actually have no idea as to both the physical n mental issues they might be causing another person or aka targeted individual!!! Especially since they were most likely lied to to began with n or obviously just don’t want to believe they are harming anyone with the electromagnetic weaponry n or radiation they are responsible for causing by these domestic terriorist attacks against those like myself. Which in my case prefer to think I’m a thief, sexual predator myself n or anything at all they can do as to try n beat u down n or bring about mental health issues n honestly most likely have no idea that by the means they are doing these crimes, have no idea the nuclear weaponry involved is in itself destroying these individuals like my mom n step dad whom have suffered severely by these nuclear weaponry attacks. N to those whom are made to believe u r suffering from mental health issues by hearing voices n or buzzing type noises n or even cricket type noises like those whom were attacked in Cuba! Just as I was told on numerous occasions that if u weren’t already diagnosed with schizophrenia at an very early age or n ur 20s? Then it just doesn’t start happening later in life but due to insurance companies they must list a diagnosis that is usually just passed on to any other mental health professional u might see later on n I’m pretty sure the most common might be Bi-polar with auditory hallucinations?? Just know ur not alone n that like many others might say? How could all these individuals suffer the very same mental health issues, like being a Targeted individual with same or similar situations? Even though the perverted low life white trash worthless useless individuals that are most likely the ones committing these types of crimes are the psychopaths n are the actual ones whom I’ve actually felt very sorry for at times, due to the actual ignorance they possess! The ones that actually we’re responsible for destroying my life, my house, my relationship and everything else are most definitely the dumbest criminals that have possibly ever existed but was why it was very easy to figure out how they were most likely recruited? Cause again I just can’t n may never actually imagine anyone at all in their right state of mind, committing these

  • Richard Holmes says:

    Sorry I wasn’t quite finished with my post or comments concerning these horrendous crimes that are actually destroying innocent lives n just as I have reported to the FBI on several occasions, every single time I make mention about the individual I feel may be behind n or responsible for these crimes in my hometown n now at my mom’s in another state? My phone is attacked n that usually wipes out every single thing I had written n or has prevented me from reporting possible crooked law enforcement that most likely was the one originally responsible for destroying the final years of my life before becoming an old man at 61 as my health as continued to decline due to a severe vehicle accident in 1999. Anyway they actually hit my phone with electromagnetic weaponry n the jokes on them, since instead of wiping out my post, it actually posted it before I was actually finished. Which means exactly as I’ve told them numerous times, God is on my side n due to their complete non intelligence n ignorance with severe stupidity they actually posted before I had a chance to review n possibly make a few changes so whomever might read this n didn’t want ur name or identity listed, than old Glenn the pervert n the several other low class trash u most likely recruited yourself. Since stupidity n ignorance usually works its way from the top down! Just don’t ever give up hope on these domestic terriorist aka sexual perverts/predators getting caught n Maybe try to accept n realize that it’s most likely not the Government but just low class white trash trying to feel important like the authority figure makes them feel by them destroying innocent lives n them or they, making them feel important n or possibly accomplishing something for the first time ever in there miserable low class lives. These are most definitely not our Government but maybe a communist type government whom may have other terriorist cells across the USA n or in other countries like Cuba, certain parts of China, Russia n numerous other 3rd world countries n possibly those who experience revolutionary type wars fighting for freedom due to technology falling in to the wrong hands? N it’s very possible that certain parts of our government n or military may very well be responsible for this type of technology and attacks being done, just as it was since the epidemic of methamphetamine came about due our own military during Vietnam war!!! Anything is possible but again most likely low class white trash whom some crooked low life recruited and actually believe they are helping our country by committing these senseless attacks on innocent citizens they determine themselves need to not exists n or they want to destroy due to them just not liking a particular individual n or numerous other reasons? Who honestly knows why any low life trash would actually attack another human beings mind, which is the most delicate n precious part of anyone no matter, beliefs, religions and or issues they may have n or suffer from but that doesn’t give anyone any rights whatsoever to take it upon themselves as to attack n destroy another’s life just as these psychotic perverts have my own n I give them a standing ovation as to doing that to began with but to actually come back again just cause my ex-wife moved back home n or any reason whatsoever which isn’t now now would ever be any of their business no matter whom they think they are n or whom they might be working for? I can only hope that n due time they are all caught n hung like saddam hussein was pubically for the horrendous crimes n lives they are in process of destroying n or already destroyed like my own, yet for whatever unethical reason these pieces of trash actually came back I can only wish the worst on them n as I’m fully aware they will get exactly what they’ve earned n deserve n due time n I’m unsure why the author of this site actually thinks n or believes due to some not making any sense n or may not appear intelligent, just know that until n or unless you have actually experienced these types of vicious crimes by sick psychotic perverted terriorist, then u just may not never ever truly understand what they may be experiencing n or going thru just like myself while just being here w my mom n step dad as to try n help in anyway possible, yet these sick psychotic white trash low life perverts whom I believe reside in my hometown in Walton county Ga are most definitely of pure bred white worthless trash whom have no care or concerns about anything besides their severe mental illnesses and perverted conceded psychotic ways of wanting to please the individual of some type of authority no matter whom they might destroy including innocent bystanders or elderly individuals whom by no means can survive theae

  • Richard Holmes says:

    These screwed up white trash low life perverts actually think n believe they can read someone’s mind n try their best to keep looking for reason n or excuses to continue screwing with someone’s mind especially when they think they’ve been labeled as hav

  • Richard Holmes says:

    Having mental health issues. N again they just hit my phone n it reset this post n posted it before I finished! The sexual pervert that has continued to screw with me keeps telling me that if I’ll join up with them they will allow me to have sex with me ex-wife which they seem to think they have control over. Again I’ve never ever been subjected to such low class white trash worthless low life sexual perverts ever n my life time. It’s truly amazed me as to the ttue definition of sexual predators n perverts whom have continued to claim they will rape my ex-wife over n over again, desperately trying to get my to make threats against the one they claim is behind all this screwed up criminal activity in Walton county Ga that they continue to claim n have claimed since day 1 that the sheriff of walton county Ga is whom sent them to torture n screw with my mind! I honestly don’t doubt it after discovering that he served time I’m military in Cuba so I don’t doubt that at all. Especially since he was arrested n charged as a criminal in Florida in 2017, while I was n jail for making threats against him. Since the main pervert whom goes by the name Glenn has continued to harass n torture me electronically n or up till the night I went to jail. The moment I was inside the jail I no longer heard these sexual perverts but since I had n was honest about it, I was labeled as having mental health issues like most any other that goes thru this. Anyway when I got out I never heard anything at all, that I’m aware of up until 3 years later when my ex-wife moved back in to my house. N I was out of state at my mom’s but went home every month for a week or so n they started back again. Unfortunately this time Ive made numerous post n tips to FBI n Homeland security in hopes that someone will have a way to track n catch these psychotic sexual perverts whom when caught should be hung just like saddam hussein! Domestic terriorist inside the USA will not ever be tolerated due to individuals like myself that will continue to fight back n look for ways to stop them n hopefully catch them so they can spend their miserable lives behind bars for all the severe crimes they have committed n continue to commit. Just like both my Mom n step dad whom have suffered severely due the electromagnetic weaponry attacks that looking back I feel sure they were responsible for her aneurysm due to them using either short wave satellite n or some other means of electromagnetic nuclear weaponry against them n since most older homes have all the particulars needed as to increase an electromagnetic field in which anyone inside suffers severe radiation along with most all the symptoms of electromagnetic field. That includes copper piping, hvac systems that generate electromagnetic field along with extremely long copper piping, n when u have a basem*nt or concrete slab, it has rolled wire n steel rebar for support n if you have a poured foundation, u have lots of steel rebar. Then if u have led lighting, smart devices, basically anything that produces a radio frequency signal including your power meters, gas n water meters n in our case copper gas piping n or if you have steel piping and basically just about any type of electrical power wiring and power producing devices with a motor on top of these domestic terriorist whom utilize any type of wireless signal you may have n it’s even much worse if you have electric heating and or back up electrical heat strips with a heat pump. Please keep in mind that most likely you want suffer any physical or mental conditions unless these psychotic demented low life white trash worthless individuals whom I’m assuming someone with a little authority figure has recruited either directly or indirectly n possibly even lied to as for the one whom actually runs the crew of domestic terriorist whom again are very real n do exists. They will try n make u think you are suffering from schizophrenia but if you listen very closely to these mentally disturbed mongoloids that I’ve been subjected to, you will eventually figure out it’s not your mind, it’s criminal terriorist that are torturing you with nuclear weaponry that will eventually lead to your death n or family members at some

  • Richard Holmes says:

    Point in time n again as I am writing this post that I can only hope gets posted, they continue to knock out my phone n my post stops n it appears to be posted but must be approved by administrator approval for this site. Which I feel sure has never experienced this type of nuclear weaponry attacks. That I have done my best to try n leave a trail in hopes of them being caught at some point in time. Unfortunately these types of attacks that can most definitely cause severe mental health issues as well it does cause not just short term memory lost but long term as well n I’m positive of that n when looking back at the time I actually thought I was no longer being tracked n tortured with this radiation that is omitted due to the electromagnetic field they produce and again depending on your own house it may be less n or much worse like it is at my mom’s house. N now I suffer hypersensitivity to radio frequency electromagnetic fields that are higher when they are here n at times I honestly cannot even hold my cell phone in my hand that they hit with an electromagnetic weaponry that my Dr claims might be carpal tunnel but since it’s my left hand n was the arm my collar n shoulder were broken in a bad motorcycle accident that’s highly unlikely since it’s my weakest arm n is rarely used. Unfortunately there’s no scientific way to prove anything nor this physical damage I’ve suffered, as well the mental health issues that have caused me to not be able to think n it takes everything I have to just try n focus, especially due the severe short term memory loss but due to the length of time these sexual perverts predators whom have been harassing n torturing myself n my family. Since when they attack you it effects everyone inside the house n that’s why they do there best to destroy your relationship with family n anyone and everyone you have contact with so they can continue to try n cause severe mental health issues n hopefully like in my situation get u either committed to a hospital long term by committing a crime n or causing you to actually get arrested n locked up n like in my situation Im a felon due to these extremely sick psychotic sexual perverts aka domestic terriorist. They will constantly look for ways of causing conflict n confusion with anyone inside your residence as to again hopefully get u isolated like I was. Since my wife didn’t understand n told me to just tell them to shut up. So I asked her to leave n moved her out which ruined a relationship id been trying to fix for over 10 years n it was the worst time ever in my life n to know that once I finally got her home, these sexual perverts predators criminals psychotic low life trash had me run her off n just like in 2020 she came home again n even though I was only home a week or 2 they succeeded in running her off yet again so now I’ve finally accepted that our time has come n gone so now I’m again giving up trying to help my mom n step dad whom both have suffered severely by these perverts being inside their home. Since the electromagnetic weaponry, field n radiation that’s omitted attacks any type of inflammation joints n or areas that might be sore n or damaged like arthritic joints anywhere inside your body, the radiation n nuclear weaponry they use attacks these areas n causes severe pain n suffering n just like my step dad n a friend in my home town in Walton county Ga, whom had also suffered very same symptoms that include you loosing your ability to walk and I’m 100% positive of that since I’ve now over past 3 plus months they’ve been back at my mom’s, I can barely get up n even walk across the floor. It takes every bit of strength I have to just stand up n due the severe pain in both of my knees now, since I only suffered pain in one knee but I feel sure that due the arthritis in my good leg that had somehow intensified since they’ve been here n is now most likely due my Pain Dr, thinks they may have to do a knee replacement. Again you may read n or here that these types of nuclear attacks n electromagnetic field they create due to whatever means they are inside your house by satellite im assuming? Anyway just know it will intensify any weakened areas within your body such as broken bones, arthritic joints, damaged tendons such as the one I just woke up one day after a night of their attacks suffering with severe pain down my hand n left wrists that now when they increase whatever nuclear weaponry device they are using, I cannot even hold my phone due to extremely severe pain that burns down my hand n wrist n this again just proves trash like this does exists. As well my 80 yr old mother whom had a very sharp mind and is still very strong willed like myself but is in oxygenator at night n runs a small fan like myself but due to whatever source these sick psychotic sexual perverts are utilizing, she wakes up extremely confused, can barely walk due osteoporosis and numerous major surgeries like myself n unfortunately when I’m not here she does much better cause the sexual perverts are not here harassing n torturing me. They follow me home by tracking something cause I’ve turned my cell phone off and it makes no difference since I have a radio frequency component inside my truck an/fm radio that is set up to receive radio frequency signals that as well produce an electromagnetic field plus the engine running with all the electrical wiring it’s a perfect condition for them to continue their attacks. Again I can only assume they some how have access to a satellite n I even sent a tip to FBI that it might be accessing this thru a neighbor that was an entomologist whom had or has access to state of ga satellite that they may have gained access to n may be using that for these attacks? N or either something crooked law has provided them access to use. I unfortunately am having to leave my mom’s today n have decided it’s best for me not to be here, especially since she’s much better both physically n mentally when I’m not here. I can only hope n pray that on judgement day these extremely sick low life white trash sexual perverts predators criminals whom have succeeded in destroying the final remaining years of my life over the past 7 years plus! Now I’m in my 60s n my health is rapidly declining can barely get around since my pain meds aren’t very effective due to the severe increased pain which I unfortunately cannot explain to my Dr due to how these psychotic low lifes work using technology that’s basically untraceable unless you purchase the right monitoring n recording devices but even then as to trace where it’s coming from would most likely require the military but in due time that may very well happen as soon as the first criminals are caught n convicted n I just wish I would be around to witness that n would love to see them laying on a Gurnee getting a lethal injection for all the pain n suffering myself n my family have been out thru including all the distance they have caused n created within my family including me not seeing my son in I’m guessing maybe 6-7 years which I’m positive is there fault n dealings cause that’s part of what these sexually perverted psycho path low life white trash useless expendable criminals are known for n cause. My step dad is as well a victim of there’s as well I’m sure about that now due to his inability to function n or walk n unfortunately he went thru a simple surgery in which he almost died, it was day by day for several weeks or longer due to septic shock from cdiff colitis which I wouldn’t put past if there was a way they might have caused or spread this that these hardened criminals might as well be responsible for including may dementia or Alzheimer’s that I feel sure may be experiencing some now n who knows what perverts like these might can cause or create to anyone, due the simple nature that they are misfits, low life perverts, whom have most likely never accomplished nor done anything worth while but some ignorant low life perverts whom illegally eavesdrop thru wireless smart meters n or wifi inside your house n or any other means of these sexual perverts white trash may say or do while someone with an authority figure makes them feel important n as if they are doing a great job even though they are 100% responsible for whatever happens these targeted individuals night do or become whenever they are caught but it may take years before that happens but don’t give up hope cause the Chinese have a US patten they are working on that they claim will track the v2k operator n computer equipment or whatever they are using. So I’m sure others will follow n eventually it will lead to these domestic terriorist being caught n hopefully put to death for the crimes they’ve committed to others n for some reason or another the pervert Glenn keeps claiming he’s responsible for the death of mark mccarty, Greg elzey, joseph head, mary head and buck Holmes along with numerous others this sick psychotic low life white trash pervert has claimed to be responsible for their deaths by murder suicide n or by electromagnetic weaponry that cause heart failure n she was as well a victim whom they labeled with mental health issues by hearing voices due to her son’s death but God made her almost deaf so she didn’t hear very much sorta like my mother. Yet it’s extremely sad that I’m being forced to leave my mom this morning along until my brothers figure out how to help them possibly get my step dad home so they can live out there final years together. Right now whatever they are doing is causing severe electromagnetic weaponry field n radiation cause I can’t even hear myself n I feel my skin tingling n crawling due the satellite n or other means of radiating myself n my mother

  • Smith says:

    I can assure you this is real. I know this because my ex had this done to me. He works for the government. They hypnotize through social media and other resources. My husband, my father, sister, son, and DIL have all been targeted. We can’t all have mass delusions together. We are followed. The TBI knew exactly what I was talking about when I went to them. Our phones were cloned. It took me a year to figure out everything going on There is a woman in Houston, a lawyer who has filed a class action suit over this. I learned that a program called MK ultra is a huge part of this. These methods are being used to people of all ages for sex trafficking.

  • JW says:

    Please see ICATOR.be, TargetedJustice.com, and Aimeesaudios.com for targeted individual related information.
    The organizations have coordinated in class action lawsuits supplemented by hard evidence related to public corruption and human trafficking.

  • Ernie says:

    This month makes it 7 years exactly my family & I have been tortured by the feds DEW directly across from us in a 2 story satellite federal office hiding in our neighborhood as a normal house.
    We’ve been in excruciating painful torture all day everyday 24/7, even when we’re sleeping because I wake up everyday in excruciating pain, especially in my sciatic nerve region in my buttocks. They have my bladder in excruciating pain 8 to 10 times a day, that’s their federal government bladder torture schedule they have me on.
    I’m Apache Indian & part of our religion is the supernatural, we are highly spiritual & believers of the afterlife. The day of my passing, I will not rest until the feds that are doing the torturing to me & my family get what’s coming to them! Until I get my vengeance on them, I’ll be able to come Home to my ancestors & our Creator!
    I have no fear of those cowards!!!

  • chronus333 says:

    This video speaks for itself, with the weapon being used in broad daylight against victims.

  • Ernie says:

    This month makes it 7 years exactly my family & I have been tortured by the feds DEW directly across from us in a 2 story satellite federal office hiding in our neighborhood as a normal house.
    We’ve been in excruciating painful torture all day everyday 24/7, even when we’re sleeping because I wake up everyday in excruciating pain, especially in my sciatic nerve region in my buttocks. They have my bladder in excruciating pain 8 to 10 times daily so I have to run to the restroom at a drop of a dime to go urinate, that’s their federal government bladder torture schedule they have me on.
    Right now as I’m writing this, they read everything I write in real time, their torturing the left side of my neck, bubbling my stomach with explosive diarrhea cramps that always comes out bright florescent green. I’m a 61 yo handicapped, Navy American vet with an amputated right leg that is absolutely no threat to anyone, especially my own country. My grandson had a kidney transplant at the age of 7, I have pictures of him crying, holding his stomach, unable to move because the feds across from us was using their DEW laser particle beam on him! It lasted for about 10 minutes & happened twice after that & never happened again, just so they can punish me, watching him in excruciating pain.
    I’m Apache Indian & part of our religion is the supernatural, we are highly spiritual & believers of the afterlife. The day of my passing, I will not rest until the feds that are doing the torturing to me & my family get what’s coming to them!
    I have no fear of those cowards!!!

  • yd says:

    this is absolutely real I’ve bean 54 when i started suffering from this exact symptoms
    the street theater and all, the accusation of mental issue and all which is false.

  • Nancy Delgado-Fabian says:

    My best estimate Lethal Autonomous Weapons Surveillance testing or Law Enforcement dysfunction or unregulated. Not legal ion USA.

  • Byesha Dorsey says:

    Hello I’ve been going through the same thing for four years I’ve lost my children to CPS multiple jobs I’ve been beat up robbed sexual harassed I’ve also been put in jail the difference is I know who it is but still can’t stop it please help

  • Todd rhomas says:

    I would like to talk to someone about the targeting issue . I would like to tell them some information I may have .

  • Tammy says:

    YouTube video’s to look up and watch

    Gang Stalking & V2K Testimony by Private Security Whistleblower
    Silent Holocaust
    Builder Rejected

    Electronic Harassment: Gang Stalking: Targeted Individuals TI
    Builder Rejected

    I am a O negative Blood Type Targeted Individual Human Trafficking Victim and Whistleblower.

  • Jadon Phillips says:

    Well, I am the most targeted citizen in the US right now, been for about 14 months, i have every law enforcement agency gang stalking me, the fbi, dea, nsa, cia, and all of the local police, this is all because they missed sweeping me in their drug sweep called Operation Twisted Tea, they are very embarrassed by not getting me and they have tried everything, planting drugs in my house that i found, folks throw drugs at my feet while someone else records with their phone, absolutely did not work, wire mods installed in my house along with braided wires added to the power lines to my house and grounded on the weather head to create a very high pitch sound throughout my house, neighbors blast what seemed to be some type of electromagnetic waves at my house, through the wall sensors from neighbors houses and from the sky, drones and airplanes flying overhead every single day and night, vehicles passing by 24/7 and some of them are making noises in which ever way possible, loud music, loud motors, people sneakily pointing their phones at me to get my image, same with vehicle head and tail lights to get my image or take a picture, my house was installed with a type of plastic under the shingles so that the roof could be see-thru, people walking by with Ranger R’s to scan my house, wiretapping with stingrays that i know every single thing of, i know how to spot stingray technology with no devices , all is needed is a cell phone or laptop and i can show how easy it is to locate a dirt box and a wiretapping base, last year May2022, the Houston Police Department tried creating a rape case against me that i immediately crushed because i immediately called my female friend that they claimed filed on me, an absolute lie that she did not do and the young lady is willing to testify in that lied made up against her, i filed complaints about that to all of the government, and nothing, i am still waiting for some type of answers, i even went to city hall and complained out loud about the corruption, and nothing, i am still waiting, i have filed with everyone about all of these matters and i am still waiting, i have all of my proofs to back all of my claims that all agencies and all legal representatives have looked over and are taking their sweet time and have no intention of helping me, this includes the White House that i have all of my emails for, i have even filed complaints with the EPA about these rogues that illegally dug into my water lines for what ever set up they had planned, it didn’t work because i was on to them, so all of these agencies are more afraid of the outcome of this and are in a panic, so, i can go on and on with this stuff but i am pretty sure i said enough.

  • Voicu Albu says:

    I just want to emphasize the logical fallacy: “if they are mentally ill, uncapable of coeherent thought, results they are are not victims of energy weapons”. This is wrong! Many people lose their intellectual capacities, when they are hit with these heinous methods of mental depatterning, when they are assaulted daily by criminals without mercy.

  • Efrain Aldaco says:

    As I’m finding more about this epidemic, my harassers have now been attacking me constantly everyday physically and threatening me that they are going to kill me. From chest pains to side stomach pains. I NEED HELP. I’m from Los Angeles California 3232418911

  • Richard Holmes says:

    I woke up again as I have every single day since March, when I first became aware that these domestic terrorists white trash sexually perverted criminals had came back in to my house yet again n I’m positive now these very same pieces of filthy worthless doped up trash have been using microwave nuclear weaponry against me for years now. The ionizing radiation is slo

  • Darren says:

    I need help

  • Gratia says:

    Physical assaults, daily break-ins. I can’t keep them out. It’s hard for people to believe if they don’t live here. I’m also hit with weapons. They’ve even made what I call sniper nests in my own backyard! They can hide and deploy weapons at leisure. I get strangled often. I think every night, but I’m knocked out, how do I know for certain what’s happening? My neck and body hurt every day and I shake in the mornings and walk very weird. I’m drugged.

  • Cheryl Ingrid gildea says:

    I am going through the same thing.. Plus.. Electronic rapes.. Etc.. My story started at and on the roti farm.. 2021..b4 the end of Feb.. 2 days later.. I left the farm.. And things started happening that night.. At my daughter’s home.. In table view. Cape Town.. A year ago.. We moved.. Was followed.. To parklands.no 29.fishermans walk. Gie rd. Things still happen daily.. Age 62..targeting..started..now..65..still happening.. Day. Nite.. Sleep deprivation.. All others.. That has happened to other targets.. Happens to me day. Night.. Drugs used by the victimiser.. 24.7 v2 skull.. Ongoing.. Vulgarity.. Asphyxiation. Electronic rapes.. Deep burning.. Everyday. Nite. The victimiser refer to this as.. Take her off the hologram. Repeatedly.. They have tried to bring me to the brink of.. Heart attack. Paralysis.. Worked my teeth.. Raping every area of my body.. Over and over again.. If I do sleep… It still continues.. Body tremors.. The animals feel it 2.no alcoholic.. No drug addict.. No medication.. No medical probs.. All my trauma.. Mars.. Scars.. Has come from these ppl.electromagnetic harassment.. Neuro wave micro. Transmissions. My head as been worked. Day. Night.. All dents incurred by them.. Tinnitus.. White noise.. 3yrs..the animals pick it up.. So far.. We have lost 6 animals.. Experimenting.. Allergies.. Even on the animals. Dazzler 2 the eyes daily.. I’m a mother. Grandmother. When Im alone.. It gets worse.. White noise.. Drug.. 2 keep me out of sleep.. Sound intensifies.. Pure torture.. The one person that could confirmed these things.. Died. Last year.. At the roto farm. Gate6. Silverstroom rd. Mamre. Cape Town.. Where I was 1st targeted.. She had cancer.. Most of the ppl that passes on.. Had a medical problem.. It could always b said.. It was the medical condition.. My case.. Not so.. Center of ceiling. In every room.. Is where they speak from.. Outside. Inside. Shops.. Banks.. Malls. Walks.. Visiting family..im followed.. Every 2nd of day.. Nite.. 24.7 v2 skull. Ongoing.. My phones get blocked. Conversations listened 2..im victimized while I’m eating.. Or sitting with my family.. The dazzler is always in use.. Foreign objects inserted. Like thin wire.. Raped from the inside.. And outside.. Via the horrible burning.. Being tortured on a tower.. 4 over an hour.. I felt everything.. Top of head.. To bottom of feet. Soles burned.. Tortured on the tower is their expression. I felt it.. That I’m surprised.. My head did not explode. To others that r going thru this.. My empathy… My family is in danger.. False facebook. Because iD. Theft. Watched in the shower.. All family members. Suffice to say.. We r being trafficked. White noise Continuous.. Overflowing Into the neighbour’s homes.. Street. Malls.. In my walls.. I’m hooked up.. I hear it.. Much more has occurred. Pls refer me 2 ppl that has knowledge of this.. Low flying helicopters. Drones.. Was heard.. Over the farm.. Where I stayed.. I think someone told someone about this place.. Lots of ppl.. Lots of ppl that had no dependants.. My case.. That was my Wendy.. Bought by my children.. I wS still in touch with my family.. I’m now 4 3 years. Lodging with my daughter and her partner. Have recently told them everything..all our phones have been raped.. Watsapps. Etc. B anking details. Wifi passwords.. The woman victimiser they refer 2 as a Samantha. I’d theft. To open Facebook.. Incur debt.. Taking out policies on the targets. Everything radiation.. NeurowVe. Electro magnetic harassment. Trans.missions etc.. This is the 1st tym I reached out to tell my story 2 outsiders. Pls refer me to someone that could enlighten me more.. Something like this should b exposed.. Thanking u.. Miss Cheryl gildea

  • Amanda Gilbert says:

    There is a phychatrist in Eastern Canada who admits that this is real and people are being targeted. Nurses in Calgary, Alberta broke gag orders online in 2020 and admitted that hospitals like The Peter Lougheed in Calgary were using Mk ultra on patients, and that the military and government were targeting innocent people.. the post later was removed from Facebook, but at least 1000 people saw it. They said way more info, and there are now doctors coming forward online confirming what the nurses said. Phychatrist all over the world know about this and covering it up. But 1 whistleblower in Eastern Canada admits this is going on. If you want more info, please feel free to email me. Thank you!

  • M says:

    I been targeted when i first moved to apt. that i thought was ok to live at in central FL. The first week i noted it was not normal here and something odd going on. I tried to leave lease; and, ever since years now i always have something happening to control me to stay in this region. It usually financial; or bad car repairs; however, they have done things to me i have to say are “alien” or possibly NASA. Remember all those space flights that they have been doing research? No one ever says what they did in space either. To make it short all these people most likely are describing what i call Mkultra, targeting individuals, and, alien science that cannot be described. They can take thought control of your mind, put their thought into your mind, freeze you then turn away when they release you. If u think em is great you may want to read what he likes to experiment on or his next project. He not only one i been figuring out who behind alot of these capers. As far as weather goes google Dane Wigington site. He can show you who doing this. The spraying is not helping any of this they putting stuff in air that many others have tested; and, it an assortment of not good stuff. Some “truthers” are dead at an early age. I also believe this town which is considered rural is probably one of the first test cities under the smart cities stuff. Nearby, is a town where a person who was pushing cashless society stuff lived he passed from old age; however, i read he had a group of similar belief persons. There a bunch of stuff going on; and, alot of it comes from the community u are living in. I been fighting this like the others we are not crazie; however, that is also one of their goals to break us down. I could write a book. I pray to God everyday to do something this is real no doubt about it. Too much other research out there by way Covid was pre-planned so if u doubt this stuff research covid and how they flip-flop where it came from. You are being played. That what alot of early speeches said by those who tried to warn decades ago. I do not use my name and avoid email because where i live at apt. they hack via the cable companies…they also can brain wash you via tv especially tv news programs that are live. The news media is owned by the hierachy that is part of many organizations; but, owns all of them. Alot of info is now out there u just have to research. After every disaster google “is there trafficking kids or any of that stuff in area” You will find blogs that indicate yes there is a pattern. Could be a cover-up of more of their evil nonsense.

  • M says:

    I briefly read above comments of 10 things they do…most of that stuff been done to me. I am an older senior; and, i believe that why they take various aged test subjects. I have had all of the above nonsense speed driving not following the driver’s handbook rules, the internal heat is if they in car (this done to me) driving i believe a low flying satellite can damage or target your internal organs while driving. It happened to me just a mile or two from apt when i was going out. It came in thru front side window it had to have been thru air there is a field there and nothing there other than swamp land had to be a laser from a low flying satellite. My internal organs felt like they were melting i turned around and went back to apt and stayed inside for a wk wondering if this time they had killed me off. Alot of other stuff has happened which is totally illegal and harmful. What ever happened to the court case “Crimes against Humanity” I don’t know out the window i suppose. There so much. I would say to those not familiar stay away from cell towers, and, surveillance cameras, etc. For a small town they have more surveillance than carter has liver pills. What for i never seen a robbery? I could go on; just wanted to confirm the internal heat is most likely a laser if the person survived then most likely they were saved. There alot i could say additionally; but, i would need to write a book; and, they would come against me even worse. Try to be careful if u email friends or family. I very alone and separated that what i think they do as well pick people they find that are alone more than most. It difficult because of fear that they will harm someone u care about so that why the separation of being alone. It all psychological. Also, in this pip-squeak or any town that does not seem normal i find there a behavioral small clinic. Why that is i do not know could be part of this scam. They push people beyond their limits. A handful of people when i first moved to this evil town told me they would never come back here again; however, they did not inform me what problem was if they had i never would of moved here. Alot of people if they are able and financially able do move away it the rest of us who remain victims. The hurricanes have made prices rise so for senior people it not easy to move…a few will talk and say they don’t go out much during week; maybe once or so because they say something different that they don’t like. Those who been victimized don’t like to speak anything about this because of fear of being further victimized. Alot of businesses are in on this too. I have suffered greatly; and, i am afraid of these insidious types who i call controllers they put fear in people or cheat them. Not all are like this so that the confusion why doesn’t the remainder of population demand they stop this because it usually is done mostly by the communities you live in. The other stuff Dane Wigington can explain on his website. Bless everyone who is writing on here because i believe you and you have been victimized inhumanely and so have I.

  • M says:

    One last comment i never experienced any of this what i call criminal crimes against humanity until i lost job 10 or more years ago. The area i lived in did not do any of these things. Since then i been finding info that that former area now has alot of trafficking problems. I just wonder if the two co-relate some how. For sure, i now suspect disasters could possibly be connected to trafficking areas. Just guessing. Some comments recently confirmed my suspicions. I think if u are suspected of being knowledgable of local crimes going on they will target that person even more; and, it could be lies and deceit from those who do not know you; but, live in these apt. places that are part of the abuse and scams. I have one that lives above me. I tried to move; never seems possible. Best is to physically move away from that location. I read a story of a Canadian person who was on east coast area; had same problems with ringing in ears and other problems…moved to north interior of Canada and posted a note on a site that after a week she felt like her old self. Problem is this stuff is starting to happen in most states we being taken over so it goes back is it the New World Order? Best wishes to everyone stay strong and fight back; however, do not use any violence as that is what i think the other problems are with an increase in crimes. I believe alot of those are insidous crimes and both the victim and the criminal persons are mind controlled.

  • Sarah Mitchell says:

    My husband and I became targeted individuals after having been exposed to the constant pulsating microwave transmissions, after giving and interview of what happened and evidence of the device’s being used we began to experience attacks from Military drones, satellites, cell towers, 5G electric grid, torture, the technology is horrifying, the smart grid is without a doubt a huge part of the torture machine using 5G wireless transmissions, these use a movable phantom energy, this is why you hear ringing in the ears, it’s been 7 years we are still being experimented tortured through these systems, we sleep in a faraday cage, and I use a Dave case CD. We are hostages, similar to atom bomb, we are in death camps, please See Missouri Smart Meter Injury episode 1 and 2 see the evidence, transponder on our pole, these devices are just as powerful as a large cell tower but on your electric pole, I encourage all targeted individuals to have your smart Meters removed, and go analog with as much as you can. Keep Prayerful.
    God Bless
    Sarah Mitchell

  • Sarah Mitchell says:

    The system that pulsating microwave energy transmissions are Smart Meters the electric grid along with cell towers, satellites, drones, are all under the DOD DARPA NSA FBI the new Nazi fourth Reich to under Patriot act, NDAA Mundt act to allow torture on innocent American citizens, the ACA was nothing but a classified intelligence gathering mechanisms to retrieve the population blood DNA for mapping, and frequencies attacks.

  • WayneO says:

    Over 5yrs of the hearing and 7 weeks of the burning and laser shots plus my appliances started messing up a week or two ago . I have over 500 pics of stuff that’s been done to me . It’s a HELL nobody should have to be subjected to or live in . Pure murdering terrorists evil people . The ones that do this to me or anybody should receive the same treatment as much as I hate to say , really I wouldn’t wish this on anyone but they need to be shut down and put away for what they do . This is pure evil and even as I’ve contacted different agencies like the FBI , CIA , NSA , US

  • WayneO says:

    Marshall’s Office and local police nothing has been done as far as help . Over 8 yrs ago experienced it then it stopped and returned a lil over 5yrs ago and goes on 24/7 . Couldn’t even finish writing the submission for getting hacked and disrupted . Tonight it’ll probably be worse as it always is when I report it . Wake up people . We need help and recovery if possible from this terrorism and torture will be almost impossible. All I can do is keep my faith in my GOD .

  • M says:

    I have to make another comment…i read a little of above if u don’t understand this being done by DARPA; and, those what they call ABC agencies; and, i figure others who have capabilities beyond what we know. I basically, it alot of military darpa involvement. One thing i am now heart-broken i don’t have much of fam anymore the seniors all passed; and, now i am a senior. I never in my previous life encountered any of this..i lived in a huge s. FL metro area so this all new when i moved to central rural FL (not really so rural). My one sib thinks i belong to jim jones crazie cult or something; will never understand; another sibling i been trying to protect from this; but, other sib has that sib convinced i a jim jones type. When u targeted by the bad ones u cannot ever return normal it impossible. I not sure if any of u ever been downloaded; but, i know that i have. I try in vain to withstand alot of this; however, i have to remember there is a good side and a dark evil side which i believe is military connected. Just google who did or does torture techniques in Army; and, u should come up with some info. I not saying more it too dangerous even to say anything. Just remember there is a good side who unfortunately; has to learn this science in order to fight back the disgusting other ABC agencies who are doing this to alot of us. I have read comments by a canadian woman who lived on east coast who was tortured moved to upper north Canada and said within a few days she felt normal again. Sometimes, u have to move if it does not stop; however, the problem is finding a place. Covid now has complicated that again displacing people that u do not know. I have to remind myself all the time there is a good side to all this craziness it the bad elements that are attacking us because they do not like the good side they want evil…fight against this and always keep the Lord in your heart. Sorry, i am so sad my siblings do not understand nor ever will they think a jim jones freak. I had to google what is a cult the other day just to be sure what going on. I not a cult i dont light candles i don’t wear witch costumes or any of that stuff.
    What i wish would be a real convention somewhere that everyone who been tortured could attend; however, it would have to be in secret because if a bunch of TI’s got together they probably would really blast all of us. That why it better to stay sort of in the dark. I am not the dark side; but, that is what they want for us to sucumb. I very unhappy this has really ruined me because i am finding there really is more evil out there than what we are aware of. Just google on Bitchute: Catherine Austin Fitts explains Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics on Lahaina and Elsewhere” 9/6/23 She did alot of interviews on bank cartel stuff; however, u taking a risk to even listen to discussion. It could have been taken down by now. Just posted. I think this is why some of us are targeted i don’t know why i not part of any bad anything; however, if it the good side they really need to figure out a better way.

  • M says:

    I read some of others comments it appears most are in agreement it DARPA & military (the dark side); and, other stuff going on. I agree with the cell towers and frequencies. There alot of info on that some yrs ago i found a pdf file on how the frequencies from cells are causing alot more cancers. They had done referenced diagrams so it was reputable article. I couldn’t print it out or i would have. U can’t go to the local copy center to do research either because there always some stranger standing around to see what u doing. Anyhow, the pdf was a long report it still could be out there somewhere. Basically, frequencies from cells while driving bounce thru driver’s head out the windows and as far as other cars that are nearby your car. It was a frightening pdf. If anyone has time it could still be out there somewhere. Where i live there are so many towers and surveillance cameras one would think we lived in San Diego. That the first sign of trouble all these towers everywhere not sure what technical name is i have had memory problems since this happened it not alheizmer’s it all these frequencies which also are emitted from live tv programs all the tv media are owned by the high-up bad ones most people targeted already know their names. They not really elite they are the controllers who carry out all this DUMB stuff Google DUMB it also is an organization. I found it by dumb clicking. I think the dangerous towers are called array’s. By way, a truther from Calif. disappeared used to go around in vehicle taking shots of all the arrays to warn people…no one knows where she at i think she moved probably more attacks. Most truthers get attacked worse for saying the truth. Above Ground Weather guy from central US state passed away this past yr. Some think they sprayed him to death he used to report all the jets spraying over his place. It not good to say alot; but, i am so abused at this point i decided to join in and write because nobody out there will believe anyone who posted on here. Like Walter Conkrite used to say, “and, that folks is the way it is”. I don’t know if he was one of them or not; but, if he was he could of helped to stop what we now are living. It fear to speak the truth. Best wishes and never forget Our Lord and Saviour that what they want to destroy all religions because we are trying to fight back as best we can.

  • Tony says:

    Wow, lots of comments.
    I get electronicly fudled with sexually by a man, Im a man and its beyond disturbing. I see invisible hallograms that telepathically communicate information by body movement while mimicing my body movement and done by a hallogram of a living local person. When its disagreeable I do the opposite movement and its always disagreeable.
    I walk a little weird for that reason.
    For me it first started in 1985-1986.
    Car horn started talking to me in my head a regular morning, a car door closing conversation accompanied that conversation often. Electric body jolts, microwave burning, it was San Diego, Ca. off of Market street. There was also a serial killer on the loose, it took FBI years to identify him as a fire fighter at the Santee Ca. fire department. The atmosphere was bizarre a jadded killer on the loose close and no one knows who that is for too long, a number of years.
    A year earlier 1984 the San Ysidro McDonalds gun massacre happens up the street from me in San Diego, and all 21 shot died and 19 injured.
    I had one experience that someone with me wrote in black marker capitol letters in the palm of my hand. So someone had time with me asleep and I didnt wake up.

    After all this time I think if its not connected to Alien invaders or, advanced artifical intelligence, although aliens may use G.A.I. to control everyone, for me personally its that or otherwise I have had mental illness most of life and it seemed completely real.

    Boy its still hard after all these years.

  • targeted person says:

    From the article, ‘And from another TI, “It was not until the summer of 2022 that I first found people with similar experiences and saw the term ‘Gang Stalking.’ Nobody put in my head that these things happened, and I honestly believed my situation (the gang-stalking) was isolated.”

    Me too.

    The answer to the question is simple. It’s yes this is really happening to people, And there are some mentally ill people who learn about this and use it to explain some of their paranoid symptoms. Also, there are disinformation agents who work to cover and discredit the program by writing fake and crazy sounding things so real targeting isn’t believed.

  • Anonymous says:

    BONER: another word for an Enemy Target.

    YELLOW MEAT: Criminals, as opposed to “Concerned Citizens” and refers to criminals recruited into the syndicate.

    XXXXXXXX (verb): to Xxxxxx somebody is to run them over or chase them with a car.

    GIGOLO-BOP: to make sexual advances to an unattractive target, term mainly used by “nipple kisser” deviants.

    CANCELLING: causing a miscarriage.

    CRASH TEST DUMMY: a practice target.

    HANG-JOB: the experience of having a target that one has enjoyed tormenting suddenly commit suicide. Term used mainly by nipple kissers/nyunkias.

    COUSIN NANCY: a police unit sent to tail a crew and arrest them before an unchained police unit can do it.

    XXXXXX NECKTIE: a death threat made with no intention of it being carried out.

    GENERAL LEEING: randomly chasing after a target and threatening to rape them before immediately running away.

    XXXX’S LAW: a police department that is thoroughly under the syndicate’s control.



    cl*tWEED: see NYUNKIA

    DEJA VOOOO: doing the same skit over and over again.

  • G says:

    Two things can be true simultaneously. I feel like the overwhelming number of people who have developed an interest in this topic are manufacturing a false dichotomy where it has to be explainable either by psychogenic illness or targeted harassment, without properly considering that both of these things can exist concurrently.

    I understand that even the most articulate of these reports are highly unusual, but it is imperative that the general public takes their head out of the sand. I have been tortured by a remote electronic weapon for the last four and a half years, which is used to blast me with electromagnetic pulses almost every time I fall asleep. It is literal torture, and whoever is doing it clearly intends that to be the outcome. The only real reasons mental illness is considered a blanket explanation for these thousands of remarkably similar cases is because the technology being abused is relatively new and intended for stealth. There is no mental illness which can repeatedly blast you out of bed while you are in a deep sleep. The entire premise of mental illness is that it is mental, not physical. It can’t produce physical sensations such as pain.

    These weapons have been in existence for at least twenty years, and the people who have them are completely and entirely out of control. They absolutely must be stopped. While the more generous members of the press want to sit down and have a detailed debate about whether or not this is really happening, in the meantime people are literally being tortured into early graves. That is literally what is happening.

  • Mike says:

    I read your first article and all the attachments from T.I.’s. What led me to the second was the attachments. This recent article was similar to the first. It’s a public shaming. You mock and ridicule us for being victims of genocide. Comparing our situation with a group of 6th grade students is a clear display of incompetence. To say we feed off other T.I. statements and feedback is unprofessional. When it happens one has no idea what is going on, who is behind it nor how did it happen. The most common question I hear is, “Why are they after me?” I’d been stalked 7-8 years before I overheard a conversation an individual, who was in fear of his life, speaking with another man. The details they were sharing absolutely left me in shock. The reason being, is that is exactly what was happening to me. The second individual, a veteran, said “You are being Gangstalked.” My research on the topic began 10 minutes later. I received more answers that day than the previous 8 years. Go to U.S. government declassified programs. Just enter words such as gangstacking, groupstalking, V2k, Direct energy weapons, surveillance, remote neural monitoring, etc. They all appear in many programs. I don’t think you’re going to be surprised at the amount of programs we have going on. There is a huge amount of work, at the Federal level, surrounding mind control. As you research it, take into account the goals they are seeking and the results they are finding. Please don’t base your article on opinions. Find the facts. The government is not hiding them. T.I.’s will have their day.

  • Coy Theobalt says:

    This has been an extremely interesting deep dive into the world of the TI. Not A TI myself nor part of that community. I did lose someone close to me recently who was a TI. Some interesting pattern’s or just I guess points to be raised could be quite numerous. I believe that the TI definitely goes through this trauma and that something is definitely happening to them as Ive seen first had the psychotic effects induced upon my friend. I do not however believe it is governmental mind control nano bot laser frequencies sent from here or there, but postulate the possibility that certain people in the world are susceptible to the thousands of waves we do have on planet earth. Radio Waves, Microwaves, bluetooth and that kind of thing, and thus it is through these means of course possibly along with other things like GMO’s or radiation or Toxic mold inhalation that they have come to this state of mental anguish and well brokenness. Some things that come up for me being a eternal skeptic are many fold however, what would the purpose be of the “Global elite ” as many have claimed at the heart of this to inflict this type of torture on people? what do they gain or accomplish from doing so? I also have found it very interesting that not one of the comments from the previous readers gives any thoughts to being open to the possibility of being mentally ill, a classic sign of actually being mentally ill is the absolute denial of that as a possibility . Id say that most normal people in knowing that mental illness is something we see in life and have proof of, to be a viable option along with other possibilities, although we have no evidence aside from questionable eyewitnesses of that type of technology to be in existence on a global scale with the ability to affect millions. I find it odd there to what I can find very few instances or stories of a TI actually receiving any sort of psychological medicinal help, with stories of it either helping or not. Why not? Lastly i think it would be any interesting study to see the correlation of those who identify as TI’s and believe in God. it seems to be a consistent theme not only in my friends case but many of the commenters above. Are there any Athiests in the TI community? whatever the reality of what is actually happening to these people, I do hope genuinely a solution, cure, or otherwise end can be reached to save these people from what seems to be absolute anguish.


  • Diane says:

    That hacker map…. might be secret talk line thorugh hidden human mockeing telepthy or interneal phone applications like implants looking like computer hacking?Creepy thought!

  • Hector says:

    Yeah I have experience strange events it took me around 20 years my dad knew a lot of drug lord in Mexico so I always thought mmm they trying to kill the whole family so when I move to California people where following me I was never scared I was confused since all my life knew drug dealers always exposed to danger ,,but this technology can easily turn a regular joe crazy that holographic technology v2k technology is unreal now people are awakening in this matter

  • Diane mBreg says:

    It’s happening. PRAY

  • Rudolf Ciku says:

    I am a TI from Tirana, Albania! I am TI since 4 years. I’m TI and I’m going through the entire MindControl program! I am conducting experiments.

  • Robert says:

    I’m not a mental health patient, I’m of sound mind and body and I know exactly what is going on. I know for a fact who is doing it and I know for a fact the feds don’t want the public to know. I told the feds, All you have to do is go to Hunts Correctional center, ask these certain guards to take a lie detector test asking them if they know about this being used on inmates. Simple. People may not care about inmates but I care about their families. Now do you really want to get to the bottom of this or do you just want to let people be undercover peeping toms?

  • Nobody says:

    I’m a TI. I’ve recently proven that I’m being harassed by local ex-police and their criminal assets.

  • Eugenia Jolley says:

    I’ve been targeted for three years and there isn’t much evidence, each time I gather evidence, it is stolen from my home. For the last year I have noticed the drones that hover my property. I’ve discovered what I believe to be nanoparticles being blown into my home and the air outside which causes the internal burning feeling. It is definitely some sort of governmental experiment. 3-12 drones are constantly hovering. I always take three with me on trips. The drones are watching us frame by frame so that they know when to emit the particles, that way it’s only sprayed on the target NOT others in the home. THIS IS NOT MASS mental illness people! THIS IS TORTURE and is absolutely civil war here in the USA complete with chemical warfare. However it doesn’t stop with just the US, it’s worldwide! I’ve spoken to others recently but have never fed off their stories, I have my own to tell! The general public needs to wake up and help us fight this battle! None of us signed up for the front lines of this ridiculous war. Grandmas, teachers, doctors, everyday ordinary citizens are being tortured daily but it’s made to LOOK like mental illness for most of us. The more we talk, the more torture we get. This post will earn more torture for me today. For anyone else suffering: a facemask or two while sleeping has helped me lately.

  • Angela Roberts says:

    The High Tech Mixed Reality Sex Searching Cyber Stalkers

    The High Tech Mixed Reality Sex Searching Cyber Stalkers

    Bringing awareness: Gang Stalking by Immigrant Military

    Interactive VR Torture Sex Chambers and
    Interactive VR Dating Game developers using mixed reality to have sex with unsuspecting real women in real time using embodiment equipment, electronic harassment, and synthetic telepathy, mixed realities, augmented reality, bci, fmri, eeg, combined with neuroweapons to manipulate the ability to have sex with Americans women, children, and men real time without their permission virtually through a sex search app. This group does this unbeknownst to the target, without permission, secretly surveillances the target using two way communication security cameras, which provides a two way viewing access which helps them to illegally eavesdropping just to name a few. The target is added Into a simulator completely unaware, in this case if you were to change the perspective of the camera view you will see every thing the target sees.

  • TJ says:

    I am a 42 year old white male male who was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. As an only child of two very successful, loving and supportive parents, I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood. Yet, out of the blue in 2017, when I was 36 years old, the living nightmare of gangstalking became my reality. And it continues to this day. I have NO history of any mental illness and am a decent, intelligent and caring person. I deal with it on a daily basis, and I could probably write an entire book about some of the things that have happened to me that definitely strain the limits of credibility. But I can attest that these things were from every aspect of my objective reality, real.

  • Jas says:

    There are whistle blowers out there, like Dr. John Hall and Dr. Robert Duncan. The problem is getting the main stream media to cover this illegal program. CNN, MSNBC, FOX News etc. all need to make a concerted effort to give this very real issue attention. Unfortunately, most people don’t even believe this kind of technology even exists. If you tell anyone that you’re hearing voices, it is automatically assumed that you are schizophrenic. Even if you’re 30+ years old, with no family history of mental illness. It’s almost like telling someone that you’ve been abducted by space aliens, or seen the lock ness monster, or bigfoot! I can honestly say that if I weren’t a victim of this tech, it would be extremely difficult for me to wrap my head around V2K or directed energy weapons even being real. And I consider myself a fairly open minded person. That, unfortunately is part of the evil genius of the people who created this program in the first place. They know if the victims speak out, they will likely be discredited by doctors and law enforcement as being mentally unwell and locked in a psych ward. I guess social media is the one avenue we do have.

  • Rccola115 says:

    It is very easy to manipulate a paranoid mind into believing irrational things that their overactive imaginations then run wild with when they cling to whatever sounds plausible to their train of thought. This is exactly what is used against them to discredit them.

    But if you would like to get the truth out of anyone ask them to separate factual evidence that has already occurred from speculation and suspicion and then ask them to retell their crazy stories by only telling you the factual evidence that has already happened.

    Then you will find out way more than “them” or “they” want the general public to know.

  • SFS says:

    I imagine that I am not the only one not willing to come forward to report the stalking and harassment. I am an old timer, about 72 years of age, and I just have far too much to lose by coming out. I have a professional job and family and friends. I’ve learned to embrace and tolerate it. If I wish to do so, I’ve learned how to evade it temporarily.
    It started to happen to me in 1986 and has continued thereafter. I would have completely lost it and gone insane when it started, had a neighbor not directed me to ads taken out by a University of Pennsylvania student who complained of the exact same thing. It happened to both of us after we filed a police complaint against local police near Penn/ West Philadelphia. The student took out many ads in the Univ. of Pa. Newspaper. For example there is a full page ad toward the rear of the May 22, 1986 newspaper. It can be found on the online archives. After I read his ads we met and compared notes.
    I’m not attacked by “energy weapons or any such thing. Anything done to me is easily accomplished y someone who has hacked into my router/computer/mobile phone. I suspect that it is the NSA, but of course I have no direct evidence. Some perverted person is willing to call in false fire alarms and or jerk around pilots to accomplish their goals.
    I assume that my email and phone are not secure, so there’s no point trying to contact me. Nor do I want this to define me. Perhaps I’ll leave an account in my autobiography. I have only a few very close friends, in a friendship that has lasted for decades, but my friends and family know what is going on. Despite being harassed, they stood firm in our friendship. I owe my existence to my friends and family and I really should shut up, but as a journalist I feel a need to reveal.

    I have embraced the fact that I will never be wealthy, but family and friends provide support when needed. To those editors reading this post, I also write articles for professional magazines! The pay is poor, but it is fun. Also, perhaps I am nuts, but I’ve accomplished quite a bit for a nut.

    How does one get planes flying over their head? In two cases I approached the pilots who did it. In one case it was a traffic reporting helicopter and in another case a medical helicopter. In both cases they stated the police had asked them to help locate someone (in one case a hit and run driver and another case someone they thought might have fallen into the river. Anybody can turn in false fire alarms. According to what we’ve learned from Snowden, it is possible to hack into someone’s phone or computer.

    The only thing that I know for sure is that SOMEBODY knows what is going on. At some time, someone involved will flip, but like any organized crime, it may take much time.

    Anyway, I enjoyed the article. Thank you.

  • Judith Wise says:

    Note: as I write this, the electronic waves are at 80 hz radiation are now being directed at me to shut me up, I take readings from my phone.
    I am a TI that started in 2014 up north in MD and I am retired. My next door neighbors, father and 3 sons wanted me dead after living there 4 years; there was a situation and they became judge and jury against me. I found out they were part of a terrorist cult group. They blocked my phone calls to police, blocked my security cameras, hacked into and redirected my phone calls, and hacked into my computer. I had to sell my house. I and my 3 dogs were put on a computer program, watched the man next to me at Dunkin’ Donuts write the program while I was with 2 realtors selling my house. I was followed in 4 counties, tortured, I had radiation directed at me from their house to my house. I had a strip burn go down my nose and face. Five men in black coats surrounded my house at night, waiting for me to come out with my dogs to kill us. The father had put pipes underground from his house to mine, I lived in an old planation with tunnels underground for slaves, and they pumped something in my house, where my oxygen was gone and walk 3/4 mile to breathe on a daily basis when the father came home. I lived with my sister for 4 months and they found me there and started the directed radiation at her house and my sister became sick. I bought my second house in another county, new, lived there 11 months and had to sell it from the torchure radiation from the surrounding houses. They were all in the same terrorist cult.
    I met a woman in Glen Burnie, MD, Psychic Center, I found out later she was also part of this cult, conned me out of my inheritance money and in 2017 wanted $25,000 a year to protect me from her. She told me she worked with the government and protected high government officials. I did not pay her and to day I am still getting electronically harassed. I moved two times in Florida, I have proof I was followed, and the second time in a gated community where I thought I would be safe. A couple bought the house across the street from me 2 1/2 years ago and found out this woman hired them to kill me. I watched them wire damaging radiation lights directed through my house, I saw a microwave gun in their window, which got moved to their cars, covered with material to hide it and direct it at my house. I have taken many videos of a white spinning weapon spear that moves around my house in the sky directing radiation waves through my house, causing severe burning on my feet, ankles, legs to the point my leg swelled up and had to go to the doctors for them to check for a blood clot, caused in a 2 week period. The more I talk about my experiences, the more they burn my body. I have a book on documentation of my harassment since 2014 and the police will do nothing. I reported over a year ago to the office higher than the FBI on the internet of my abuse and watched how my statement be closed up so I could not send it. I had the Geek Squad remotely on my computer and saw it happen too. I have so many details on my abuse from this terrorist cult but no one will stop them and the more I protect myself and tell people, the harder I get hit. They abuse my dogs too, electronically choking the one and making my other dog sick. If they can’t get to me, they go after my dogs.

  • Justin Crowell says:

    One of the best reads I have ever seen on Targeted Individuals. Great comments too! Nice to vent and be heard.
    As someone who has “experienced” gang stocking for almost 20 years I have to say it is the “same old” though. Basically the person in this position is or has been mentally ill. Right? Which in a lot of cases has been true.
    On the other hand- people who participate in activities towards Targeted Individuals are mentally ill themselves as well. There are a lot of reasons why people are targeted. In some ways rightfully so. In other ways not. I have truly believed this as I might have brought on myself. Until now, I have come to believe that this is all meant to happen. Reason being is that CHRIST our lord has solved this problem (which didn’t know was one until recently) by explaining or showing how one another needs to follow the 10 commandments and above all LOVE on another. Totally gave everyone a solution.The love part fixes everything! ‘Targeted individuals need to love their enemies just as much as “we” would like to see love from them. I pray for those who want me dead or see me fall and fail as a person living their life.
    However, recognized or not, it is a Huge mental illness for those who want to see others die, hurt, or fail. Is basically a mental illness in which someone likes to basically get “even” per say some how. Possibly a Sociopath type personality but with an insecurity that makes the individual feel like they need to “get back at” someone as an end result.
    If Perpetrators don’t get or have that outcome; than they stay insecure about the particular situation.
    In some cases I can see that it would be potentially “justified”. However, In most cases i strongly believe it is not righteously justified. Back to CHRIST.
    It’s a battle of power and ones own personal judgement and justice over another’s as a human on this earth.
    BUT because of one’s mistake or mental illness; another thinks they have the right to justify. AND the way they justify is with their own mental illness. Crazy!

  • Uandmeboth says:

    This is intricate it has been noted they do eviscrate your vicinity, yojr home, through means of; employing a neighbor whether they are low-on-their-luck or somehow susceptible to being employed (drug user, difficult person, etc.). This is not unheard of or unbelievable particularly when money (for the neighbor) is involved also if they are part of bikers groups and/or other (most notably, gang) affiliations…

    I unfortunately was targeted for personal reasons and other vendettas against me as well as unknown factors possibly dna and/or furthering (hidden) agendas. This is technological and envokes also religion. Somehow. But the technology is overwhelming as noted here by other comments.

    No one will believe the subliminal and overt attacks to the mind psyche, every aspect imaginable even behavioral. It’s no coincidence I’m unemployable and blacklisted. There’s a loud engine constant now whether it’s coming from adjacent unit(s) or in my head I don’t know. It’s definitely not from outside though I know that much. But the loud engine is like a current to my head to disturb me or worse to further continually integrate me mentally, socially, economically and every aspect of my life. I’m tired and I’m constantly pigeon-holed with neighbors that are malleable to the extent they are potential psychics (for this secret operation?) or are agents as they are highly sociopathic. The secret operation(s) going on already have psychics and other psychopaths so these neighbors are bottom of the rung however they give their A for effort every chance to the point they slam a door extremely loud as if to synchonize exactly with a thought I have concerning something or another… or they will mimic my previous outraged cry (yes I’m human and I have had a moment of breakdown) right as I wake up. Which at this point it’s commonplace. All of this is happens regularly and whenever (I stopped recently but with all this going on it feels so long ago) I see psychiatrists I can never explain to them. I’m explaining a bit more here than I have to psychiatrists… but even at an office once sitting with a psychiatrist someone banged the door. Then they started finnicking with the door handle as if to intimidate me and/or the psychiatrist. As if the psychiatrists’ boss is onto (listening in) the session.

    Psychopaths and sociopaths are instigating this and they are at almost every level. What gives me hope is… there are others. I don’t know. All I know is sociopaths are so easily employed for their operations it’s evident to someone who hasn’t gone through what I am/have, even a regular person can believe there are easily manipulate yet unmovable on their intent to dish out cruelty “plants”. They exist everywhere sure, however psychopaths and sociopaths… even the terms have a deeper meaning for this agenda and I think we’re underestimating their functionality.

    The Targeted Individuals (TIs) experiences with technological attacks is noteworthy alone because it’s so extreme (I experienced and still experience this on some level. Particularly with the loud engine sound which is somewhat a low level attack I realize at this point? Although it is annoying). However the sociopathic players or actors also abusers by proxy… they will set up these devices with no thought whatsoever it’s their life’s gratification and their joy to do so.

    Again going back to nano technology and all it’s a complicated difficult attack. It’s been a long time for me. I’m considered disabled I’m barely housed I mean again what have all these comments been saying?

    I’m probably upset at sociopaths particularly their vitriol against me due to my own inability to function (because of all this). Granted I have few options I’m legitamtely blacklisted which is the point- for me to not have any options. People who don’t want to believe this (blacklisting and more) happens are in denial and experiencing cognitive dissonance most likely also. It’s so easy to brush off what’s happening to resume your life basically this is not your control either.

    Again I don’t have supports psychiatrist brush my concerns and complaints off. How do I know this? I’m told I have anxiety and discharged. I wasn’t convinced all this, part of me is in denial and I have had such autrocious, violent thought patterns and I’m sure I’m not any better than the sociopaths (they are sick) at this point. Yes my comment in parathesis that they are sick I mean I am too. I’m not acting in anyway to hurt someone else although I fear I may have hurt my mom who does talk to me. Anyway, I think I’m sick in other ways. I wake up and I see ghost/figures, I see boxed heads instead of humans, I see a different reality black and I can’t see the details. Is this what a lobotomy is?

    I’m not being overdramatic I never saw these things before. It started with peoples eyes appearing all white I believe I’m not sure. Anyway I could keep trying to pull happenings (or what is going on) from my mind/memory but that doesn’t cover it- my experiences- all. I probably highlighted only a few experiences… I don’t know what proof do people want? Maybe an alien would be proof although I say that facetiously. Again this is not science fiction (anymore? I don’t know).

    I can confirm a lot of what the comments describe. For sure. Maybe I’m reaching for support. For other people who understand because this is difficult.

  • M says:



  • Voicu Anton Albu says:

    Stop saying TIs are mentally ill! Yes, some people under torture with advanced technologies WILL lose their ability to stay rational. The question is WHO and HOW is profiting from enslaving people using covert technologies.

    And one more thing: older and more experienced TIs DO HAVE PLENTY of proof. The problem is, everyone ignores our proof, there is a sort of “deep down” reaction to any of our attempts at engaging people on rational level. It’s like people do not want to know that the human soul has been decoded, that people can and are treated like objects.

    The situation is horrendous beyond description.

  • White Rabbit says:

    If you really want to believe these tortured souls, set up small cameras on them so they can show you that they are not mentally ill. These attackers aren’t too smart so yes you’ll be able to see them in action. Sometimes things are harder to explain and needs to be shown.

  • Devin Devine says:

    We also have a TI Social Network (Please join!)

    Original: Tcti.proboards.com

  • CharlatanBane says:

    “Absence of Evidence does not mean Evidence of Absence”

    What would you say if a person only experiences #s 1, 7, 8, 9 and 12?

    What if i told you that for 2 years prior to actually discovering and catching my ‘stalkers’ i had suspicions that someone had hacked.my phone and email, installed hidden cameras/audio bugs in my place of residence because complete strangers were making comments about things i said privately or out loud by myself?

    That these strangers i later discpvered all know each other.

    What if i then told you that during a breakup i later discovered i was being followed. My vehicle apprpached by drug sniffing k9s and police while i was away from it, catching them in the act and retreating as i returned to my vehicle.

    Then drugged at a bar, stalked again and chased, driving me into a panic. Called police who were nowhere to be found in my town. Nowhere. Police from another town had to attend.

    I have been defamed and slandered. Things would disappear from my residence and vehicle then later reappear somewhere else. Objects ive never had turn up in my glove box. Etc. Etc.

    Was form 1d in canada twice and released twice. Within 72 hours. I have no mental ilness besides ptsd a and now worse ptsd, thats what the mental health experts have done to me.

    Leave my house at 4am and like clock work any time i did this was followed by the same cars.

    Police and drs and even friends or family just telling me im paranoid and need help.

    Now for the cherry on top.

    Within the last month i was approached by a police officer i recognized, they were out of uniform.

    Proceeded to tell me ‘Its not us(the OPP – Ontario Provincial Police) who are trackibg you, its above us, its the government’.

    Police cars no longer follow me, but some of the other cars do. Still havong my phone and computer a target of hacking etc.

    I worry whoever this is, is attempting to set me up for a crime i did not commit or to drive me to suicide or to actually commit a crime out of desparation, something i will not do.

    With tech such as deepfakes this is plausible. Hackers can route traffic or plant fake evidence on devices, search for ‘Modified Elephant’.

    Its a sick thing that police, government agebcies and especially doctors will just write off these experiences of many as mental illness.

    Sure many people are delusional, but what better way to hide wrongdoing and unconstitutional and illegal surveillance and psychological torture than to claim avtual victims of such actions are merely insane.

    The dismissiveness of ‘professionals’ without investigating these things physically and without bias is not only astounding but a disgusting case of malpractice and malfeasance.

    In those responses, there are these commonalities:

    1) They claim to have never had a mental health issue or a diagnosis.

    2) They experience internal organ pain/internal burning.

    3) They have other complaints of physical pain or mental confusion.

    4) They have physical burns to their skin.

    5) They experience heart disruption (heart racing or erratic).

    6) They have tinnitus/ringing in one or both ears.

    7) They witness strange happenings with household electronics.

    8) They’re experiencing general stalking or gang stalking.

    9) They see the same vehicles parked at or passing by their homes repeatedly, at a rate that they report is well above the norm.

    10) They see laser-like beams.

    11) They believe they’re being mentally manipulated (thoughts are inserted in their dreams, they receive subliminal messages, planted noises ramble about in their head, and/or they hear faint, audible words).

    12) They see themselves as having been previously sane, but have now been driven to a legitimate psychiatric diagnosis by the mental torture.

  • Richard W Holmes says:

    If you think your suffering from titinnus then you may want to hear what the Havana Syndrome victims recorded n it’s an extremely high pitched buzzing hissing sound but at times the pulses may also sound similar to crickets n if u r hearing this? U r most definitely a victim of Microwave weaponry aka Frey effects aka Havana syndrome aka voice to Skull technology, remote monitoring n tracking. Unfortunately due to these communist terriorists military technology crimes being so new still n USA, your for most part on your own besides reaching out to support groups like some found on Targeted Justice website. Richard Lighthouse has done an excellent job building that very informative website n he’s the largest in this country but keep in mind, ever since Havana Syndrome was acknowledged by Biden administration. There r now more than 400 websites or maybe even more at this time n Targeted Justice list most of them. These microwave energy crimes r extremely dangerous n violent n n my situation have caused me tenfold more pain than before I became locked in on these criminals satellite n computer for V2K technology remote monitoring n tracking. Those involved in my situation consist of low class white trash perverted individuals whom I believe to be failures at everything in life n most likely recruited by someone who was an authority figure n made them feel important. Keep n mind it would most definitely take some low life trash to sit around 24/7 listening to your thoughts n theres nothing for them to gain from this n those involved are just to ignorant to even understand that the microwave energy they are producing is far more damaging than anything else they might say or do. Again these r the most ignorant worthless trash in this country n r to stupid to even understand if or when they are caught they will be facing hundreds of Felony Charges from 2 different states on top of federal charges. These alone will give them such a wonderful life in prison n most likely no parole since they knew how dangerous n all of the severe permanent health conditions microwave radiation n energy causes but again just to stupid n ignorant to understand anything on top of getting away so long committing these horrendous n extremely violent microwave weaponry crimes n Walton county Ga where I believe the sheriff elect joe Chapman may have been involved at some point in time??

  • Princess of Jesus says:

    This mind reading technology is real and evil, the worst one is the insomnia weapon they have, and in my case the use of marijuana and something that smells like rotten eggs.

  • Fernando Hidalgo says:

    Most if not all the people in the news media still doesn’t get it and tend to blame everything surrounding the targeted individual as a mental illness. They seem to completely ignore doctors like Robert Duncan, The Psychiatrist Seth Farber, Ph. D and even former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson’s testimonies. It is a lot easier to blame the TI and this way stay out of trouble… how nice! It is much easier to be a coward than to sincerely search for the truth and expose it like a man with pants.

    Dr. Robert Duncan

    Psychiatrist Seth Farber, Ph. D

    Former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson

  • David Johnson says:

    I am 38 and have been a targeted individual for five years. It has completely ruined every aspect of my being: mentally, emotionally, physically, and somewhat spiritually. They are literally linked up their minds with my mind, and they listen to my thoughts in real time And respond to make me feel inadequate, confused, paranoid, and my emotions are totally out of control. Mainly intense fear as they threaten me by accusing me of repressing crimes. They have caused me to spiral out of control with my addiction resulting in two felony DUI that cost me my career in aviation. They have the ability to physically cause pain and manipulate my organs. The biggest problem is my fear of being torturing with physical pain. They currently are telling me I’m going to be arrested and put in prison where they will torture me until I hang myself. They are obviously coming from a place of hate and evil with nonstop Judgement of my character. They are in accurate in most of their judgments, but I have acted very abnormal and irresponsible because of the effect of being tortured 24 hours a day. I’ve tried to reach out to different agencies even from different countries to see if they could figure out who is doing it, and how to stop it, but nobody has really responded. I would love to share my experience and give any advice on how to deal with such horrific, psychological trauma along with a crippling addiction. I really haven’t figured out how to completely eliminate substances but I am better at dealing with their slander. You can call me at 913-219-1477 or email me at . I would love to hear from you.

  • Riley John Sluder says:

    I have been targeted like so many of these people. It began while working for an ex-military, highly secretive, extremely wealthy handsome James Bond looking man. His condo was directly behind the capitol building in Salt Lake City. He would say things that would only come to make sense as I was entered into this program. ” these voices are real.” He said. It was a super soldier kind of program where they had me believing that I was in training…which I was. It started with a roundtable discussion, all telepathic, of high end generals, marines, officers , all ranking officials discussing this program, how the marines were so excited for this opportunity…then they had us in groups and we went for a run, communicating telepathically. We had to wake up at 4 am 6 am 8 am or 10 am every morning and we would have to get up at any of those times and begin with a 6 mile run. We were in bootcamp. All day it was” drop and give me 20!” Gruelling. I couldn’t hack and I lost my mind. They had us doing mind exercises all day, playing games, using our minds in a variety of ways, focusing on different parts of our brains, it was training…but I eventually told them to f*ck off. I had planes flying overhead every single day. On numerous occasions 4 black hawk helicopters flew directly overhead as they would communicate with me. I would see shooting stars every night as they’d explain hydrogen propulsion satellites or drones. Saw so many unexplainable lights in the sky. I had a cabin I would go to and often times there would be 5 to 15 moving lights above me, drones, shooting stars, going through tests…they put me through the ringer. One day while driving, stopped at a red light I see flashing lights and it was probably serious, 20 civilian cars flying by with cop lights flashing…normal cars….showing me that they are out there. I got pulled over in my moms Audi going 127 mph, I sh*t you not,averaging 110mph, by an undercover cop…he got my info, yelled at me a bit…never got a ticket. I’ve been pulled over by cops all the time, they let me go. I ha e a f*ckin’heros pass. They told me I was going to be given a purple heart for all this. When they swore me in at the beginning, they said hold your hand out, I did, and I recited an oath and as I did, my hand f*cking disappeared. I sh*t you not. They have cloaking technology. I would hear em all the time, they are in my cabin, around me, totally invisible. I’m a college grad, working ,highly functional induvidual. Was diagnosed bipolar after I robbed a bank. I think that’s what got me on the FBI list in the first place. They thought I was some lowlife to f*ck with, then they found out I’m an a mystic. I am a musician and have had transcendental experiences, into other dimensions…now I really sound crazy, but I’ve experienced weather events by the direct hands of God. Stuck in a cloud at the top of a man then the clouds open up and the sun beams directly down upon my face, I have just recently admitted to myself that I am a true mystic, 41 years old. Should’ve died so many f*cking times but I’m still hear and every day I have is bonus time. I am grateful and filled with the desire to show no fear,nothing but love. I am more powerful than you or I would ever believe. This is real. This is actual. Get ready to enter into another paradigm. This is the New World.

  • R.You says:

    I’m experiencing this and it’s sucks…years ago I could never believe this and it’s a nightmare…I’d probably write a book based on what happened to me…so many years…but if YOU DON’T BELIEVE THIS, YOU SHOULD: Did you ever occur that maybe your kids are raped in their sleep because of these perpetrators using this technology…I can prove to you this us real and you have the guts to experience it, you might go crazy…so don’t ever ask this question: A ‘TARGETED INDIVIDUAL’ FOLLOW-UP
    IS SOMETHING REALLY HAPPENING TO THEM? I was surprised to discover all have experienced is actually in the investigations I have received…

  • Doug says:

    Do you know of targeted Justice? OR about ICATOR or how about Amy Holem who does forensic for people who suffer from voice to skull and can pull out comments of criminal communications?
    Why do you write this as mental illness? We even if what you show isn’t what you would like as proof we have proof.
    here this is v2k recording no tv no radio no nothing on this signal comes at me through my cochlea that unless I record it no one else can hear. https://youtu.be/_Hlf-aGHe-Q
    I’ve got thousands of those put up on YouTube listen to some of them. Plus watch the ones of EMF levels I get.
    Do you know that the FBI has a list of people and the names they have on that list now are over 2 million people. Through audits they admit they keep no less than 22 sub categories of people in this list. Meaning most the people on this list are not terrorists. Meaning they lie abut us then share that lie with cops and other groups who then hire neighbors to harass us and then send us this v2k signals to try and get us to rape, murder or kill ourselves or place us into a mental ward.
    Take a look at targeted Justices website and the board we have. All credible scientists, Dr, Lawyers etc…
    Dr Len Ber is one of the only civilians diagnosed with Havana Syndrome or as he puts it Neuro strike. Meaning this signals hitting him and us are slowly giving us brain damage. please take a look at Amy Holems site.
    I’ve personally and wish I’d recorded it but I had a person stand not 50 ft away from me say grandfather into either her phone or Radio or some other device used for v2k. I saw it I witnessed it. She as I turned to see what happened she stood there and pointed to the object in her hand and walked back into her house. I’ve recorded a phone call several threatening phone calls from gangstalkers leaving messages on my phone. Several of the calls were from disconnected numbers. Meaning they called to connect up to me so they could torment me, masking their real number. One of the calls was some guy hiding his voice making it sound like a Mexican woman asking for my niece who’s never been here and doesn’t live here. But when I traced the number it was from a disconnected number. Why call asking for my niece which I took as a threat from these people even though they never openly said anything threatening but since they masked their real number from a disconnected number, I took it as a threat. Them saying we know of your niece and may kill her or something. I also have a recording from v2k that you hear a kid clearly say do it at the same time. No reason for that since i was in my house. My computer would not pick up a kid outside or a neighbors voice inside their own house. But when I called the sheriff and emailed him the file all he asked me when I was talking to him about this was “ANd you didn’t touch them”? Which is and was the accusation from the v2k I get and hear 24/7 so unless he was or is part of if why ask such a thing? I was not nor should I be under any kind of investigation for that crap so why ask that? I was the one who called them not anyone else so??
    I also have a video of some guy from a vigilante group sitting in his car loyalty makes you family based in NY state.
    But as he talks in the video he begins to mumble check my videos out it’s about two or three pages back now from where it’s at. but as this guy mumbles I hear and I have had it confirmed by Amy He says things that I’ve heard in my v2k so don’t tell me we are all nuts. I’ve kept that video and once I get into court I will use it. Why do you call us crazy when Jesus was gangstalked? A group of people hired to watch and follow him around listen to his speeches and report back to the church leaders that’s the very definition of Gangstalking. I’ve been tested for mental illness dementia and I’ve passed with flying colors so there is a signal going around and it’s provable. Take a look at look out for charlies videos on YouTube.
    Watch several of our peoples interviews on different podcasts. Like Prather, Stew Peters etc. Amy Holem has several of them too… Prather worked in the Govt so he knows watch his podcasts plus he’s on the board of targeted Justice.
    I can’t even hear because of this loud v2k ultrasound or whatever it is hitting me. I have recordings of the tv on and while I record it all you hear is these odd child like voices,warbling etc… Richard Lighthouse, who’s the head of Targeted Justice used to work for NASA. So, the main reason why most of us are targeted is because were outspoken whistleblowers etc…
    I admit a lot of us don’t say things how it is or explain what we go through like we should, but what we say is true and provable.
    I mean people like Nopolitics they show meters and spectrum analyzers in their videos showing evidence of some sort of signal that should not be there. I do in mine too. Marlena of Youtube of which I’ve linked on my account on there shows the same things. Amy has evidence our v2k files she’s done for her clients. She did a partial report on one of mine and I found out cops and EMS groups are targetting me. Some pedo group. They are or were using a cyclone weapon drones, lasers, other weapons against me.
    AI as well. which is why in my recordings you hear odd warbling’s and child like voices which are the same voices on look out for charlies videos too. As I said the FBI admits to placing innocent people on these watch lists or the TSDB. They are only allowed to have two categories. One of known terrorists, and two of suspected terrorists. Two and three year olds of parents who are part of the lawsuit we have against the FBI, DOD, and DHS are said to be being hit with this v2k technology. why would a three year old lie?? no three year old has mental illness so…
    Babies are on this terrorist list how many babies are terrorists? There are news stories of a parent who was a J6er and when they tried to get onto a plane their baby was placed on the silent skies list or whatever it’s called. Why is a baby listed?
    Some guy died because the ambulance and cops were not allowed to treat him because of his placement on this terrorist list.
    There are over 6 million of us world wide plus that doesn’t cover the ones who are homeless or don’t know about it.
    Have you ever heard of the Frey’s affect? He noted back in the 60s that people working around these microwave towers long enough, began to hear noises. later on they did an experiment and those they did that on could hear voices.
    Once you activate a persons cochlea long enough you can send sound to it so they are the only ones who hear it. It’s scientifically proven. In Iraq the military used what is called the voice of God RF weapon and, sent to the minds and heads of the enemy troops saying this is Allah give up your guns they did it’s a known fact. watch or look up James Giordano who says he can change remotely a persons mind and emotions. He’s one of the Dr’s who diagnosed the people in Cuba so…
    Look up DR Duncan who also worked on these weapons in the CIA and now is a whistleblower, so he knows.
    Stop treating us like were mentally ill. stop dismissing us. If our govt and it’s provable since they held Senate hearings in the 70s about Mkultra. If they did illegal experiments on us then why would they not now? Just because they said they stopped it doesn’t mean they still do it under different names.Several FBI agents who came forward said they had to lie and place innocent people on this list so their boss could get a raise. If what I say about the women who said grandfather into her device and I herd it in my head or cochlea is true which it is why is it so hard to believe that cops who get their lists from the FBI and CIA but once it gets to them were worse than a terrorist they say were child molesters when we are not. Why is it so hard to think if you tell someone I will pay you this or do that for you if you follow this person around. why is that so hard to believe?
    These RF weapons leave evidence. Thermal readings that Amy can do for clients shows evidence of these attacks we talk about. IF you tell someone this person is evil like a child molester why is it so hard to think that they would if they are a small time criminal or don’t have much money? That’s what they do.
    CBS I think did a story on some guy in a town somewhere where it was over some real state thing. but this guy took revenge on this guy and now the whole town goes by his place and honks that’s gangstalking. Cops will honk as they pass EMS crews, fire trucks etc… That’s more than one person doing this and they did a story on it that proves that groups of people do do things that is gangstalking related so why is it so hard to believe?
    Our govt in unclassified documents admit they were thinking on killing Americans like sink a ship or something in the bay of pigs issue in the 60s it was called Operation North woods, look it up. If they were willing to kill innocent Americans then and did do illegal experiments on people then why would they not now? So, yeah stop treating this as a mental illness it’s not.
    Frey’s effect, There is a thing called audio spot light now that does the same thing some of what people report does.
    Court cases are rising and it’s not all just Muslims it’s black people white people all people of color.
    So if you call yourself an investigative reporter or whatever stop saying it’s mental illness…

  • Linda says:

    I found some of your comments hurtful. It is common knowledge that landlords get tenants out of their properties by using microwaves? I have been targeted for 5 years and I am 72 years old. I know who my attacker is and because it cannot be proved I have to endure torture you cannot even imagine. I had to spend nearly £2000 on special blankets to use at night just to stop some of the pain. She attacks my ears, head, mouth, breasts, spine, legs feet or anywhere they can. Some nights they keep me up all night, other nights it is every hour or two. I have great respect for TI’s who share their suffering it is not an easy thing to talk about.

  • Jerilyn Capaccione says:

    My family and I have been gangstalked for almost 3 years and the blacklist needs to be stopped and allow us to live a normal life!

  • Bernard Blundell says:

    It saddens me to read such ignorance/arrogance in several of these posts..
    The fact are clear that so many doctors/scientists/military “whistleblowers” have come forward to acknowledge the “targeted ” “psychotronic” attacks phenomena does exist…some of these professionals actually part of the creation of these “energy weapons” now in (criminal) hands!!? and used on elements of society…
    After hundreds of hours of research behind me on the subject probably have a better understanding than most…plus a victim of “remote neural monitoring” various “directed energy” attacks for over four years (2019) North West Uk..Ti
    Best regards to all “Victims” Worldwide.

  • JustMeAndThem says:

    You are all doing exactly what they expect you to do. What is there to fear? Let them follow you. What I do when and if I feel like I am being stalked. I stalk them back. You see someone following you turn around and go directly towards them and follow them none stop everytime. You hear voices in your head ignore them and say out loud F**K You. Laugh at their lame attempts to bother you. They obviously want a reaction for whatever reason. Don’t play into their games. Or do the mirror effect. It almost always works. Anything they do to you do it back. Get rid of all your electronics. Get landlines phones only or a small flip phone

  • JustMeAndThem says:

    Ignore them as much as possible. Don’t give them the satisfaction of success. You feel your being stocked study them like they study you. Even if its just to give yourself peace of mind. You feel your being followed turn around and rush directly towards them and continue following them non stop. Cars sitting outside your place… Go out there and say hello don’t scare away. Show them there’s no need to spy because your in plain view, wave and make sure you connect eyes. They obviously want a reaction of some sort their reasons are irrelevant and your questions will probably never be answered. Team up, all victims meet personally and spend a weekend maybe a week together in one place. Imagine all the frequencies and transmissions in one place at the same time. Get rid of all electronics. Use landline phones. Keep a small durable flip phone for emergencies only. Take record of all incidents don’t send or keep them in or on a computer everything can be compromised. Write publications like local newspaper articles. Put them on blast. Don’t allow them to silence you. Don’t be afraid. If they wanted to harm you they would have already. Will you continue to suffer in silence or stand up and live your life with them watching.

  • JustMeAndThem says:

    If these are machines attacking then they are runned systemically. Figure the systems times and what they do on that time. If its controlled attacks then the key word here in CONTROL. If a person is using them as weapons that means it can be contained and adjusted. You are not powerless. You are as powerful as those whom you think are in control. Wear ear plugs and get a dog or two they will definitely let you know whats around and they’re hearing would be affected to. You think they are reading your thoughts? Think of something about them that will annoy them. Maybe think of questions directed towards them. Dont just lay down and do nothing. Try the mirror effect it almost always works. Do what they do to you. See laser shining in shine your right back. Planes flying above you get a drone and fly to. Get a loud speaker and microphone and speak your mind into it. You know they will hear you. Repeat their words and actions.

  • Jeffrey Hoke says:

    I am a Targeted Individual.

  • Raoul Tomasi says:

    There is a new book on Amazon that chronicles the whole saga of a young man who was literally ‘ushered’ into mental illness by what looks like a targeting of some kind. His father narrates the story and tells how he was also targeted, he definitely doesn’t sound like a looney; if anyone is interested this is the link https://www.amazon.com.au/Sinister-Influences-designed-pathway-schizophrenia-ebook/dp/B0CPDNJD1P/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

  • Brad Fowler says:

    Private Military Contractors had to start being used to carry on experimentation after MK Ultra was exposed. I can tell you from being either born into this, or adopted to be put into this. What I do know is that living ona small dead end street, that every surrounding neighbor, and every friends of the family, all had someone that enlisted in the Army. So I know Private Military Contractors play a huge part. I believe it started with my grandmother, and my uncle, adeceased brother who was found hanging in a tree, with a busted lip and broken jaw. He had said prior to this that people had been following him. Now it’s only me that’s left alone. The evil peeps in my family have been trying to do this since my teens. I believe they have insider information that there is no judgement day, because who would want to slowly murder another human using ELF/EMF frequencies, and sabotaging their life and career knowing they will be judged for the everything. They think they can “ask for forgiveness” and that makes it all okay. I only long for justice for my slowly murdered family, but I know it will never happen on earth. They can’t charge and convict themselves and their associates right?

  • Tia (I do not use my real name because I am scared ) says:

    Please do not provide my email address to anyone.

    My family is one of the targeted individuals and still we are. I think the target is my husband but he is a new father and always tired he barely notices. I am a new mother so every sense of mine is magnified and I am very very sensitive and I notice everything. In our professional contexts, we both are Ph.D. holders and are employed in prestigious universities. Our kid is just 27 months old.
    We moved to Charlotte, North Carolina from Wyoming one and a half years ago (August 2022). We lived in an apartment during the first year. Five months after our move, from Jan 2023, the noises started and the living room of the apartment was vibrating. It was continuous for 24 hrs for more than 3 months. We barely could sleep. We complained to the management and the management tried to fix it. But it was clear it was done by people renting below and there was nothing wrong in my and below apartments. From February 2023, I noticed we were being watched. Then after one month of that, I also noticed there were interpreters interpreting my conversation with my husband in English. In the name of knowing other culture, whatever I was doing in the apartment, they just interprets. There are few people (at least 9 or more ). I clearly heard their conversation. After one month (from March 2023), these people started to track our internet activity. We thought the neighborhood where that apartment was rough so a gang of criminals targeted us. My husband did not notice their conversation at all but he also heard and feel the vibrating noise from the below apartment.
    We thought buying a home was the best solution but as they were tracking internet activity, they somehow knew in which neighborhood we bought the house. We moved to our new house in August 2023 and after two weeks of our move same thing started in my house (watching, interpreting, discussing). The sound was most prominent from the right side of my house. When we moved into the new house, a newly constructed community, a house that was on the right side of our house was also new and nobody lived there and opened for rent. It seems like before closing our house they might have put surveillance devices in my own house and when they found out the house next to me was in rent, they followed us and shifted to the house next right to us.
    Then torment began, at first, they started to discuss my sex life and started talking filthy, I felt humiliated. I choose to sleep in the loft of my house. Then I began to scream in my own house because I knew they were listening, I asked them why they were doing this. They terrorized us saying that we were suspects. I screamed we have been in the US for ten years, Our jobs are highly respected ones we cannot be employed without a background check. They continued to terrorize us in our own homes saying they were hunting illegal immigrants, their target was Hispanic. I thought it might be hate groups active in NC targeted us. Okay if it was Hispanic, we were not Hispanic then why we are still under surveillance? Their activities do not make sense at all. I always beg their mercy and ask them to please be empathetic, not me but towards my baby.

    But they intensified their activities when my husband was not at home. when he was at home they spoke in small voices and my husband barely noticed. They intentionally targeted me and intensified their harassment towards me because they knew I was the vulnerable one and I was sensitive to their actions. I tried to ignore but it has been going on for 24 hrs for more than one year, I feel extremely irritated, my mental health is in jeopardize and my career is under threat. Like the above victims, when I tried to tell everything to my husband, he was also in denial and he kept saying that there was no logic in what i was saying and why anybody would do it without any reason. Now he starts saying I am going insane or there are hormonal imbalances that might be going on me. I don’t blame my husband.

    All I need is help. Please help me to take out from this. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I do not know how long it will continue but it’s sure their activities are slowly killing me like slow poison. Please Help!!!!!!

  • Eleanor White says:

    Journalists like to portray themselves as giving a “balanced” view of a story.

    OK, so I urge thereporters.org to actually DO that, and give equal column space to analyzing the mental health of the top-ranked people in organizations which do research into technologies which are provably capable of doing some of the attacks reported by targets. I never see that in articles like this one.

    Kim Whiting, are you aware that voice to skull technology, is simple to explain, easy to acquire of one has a bit of cash, and is HALF A CENTURY OLD? Did you know that?

  • Eleanor White says:

    Lady with PhD from Charlotte, North Carolina and Wyoming:

    You are desperate for answers, according to your post.

    First, as a decades-long target I can tell you that the perpetrators of this crime, which some call organized stalking/electronic harassment (OS/EH), are pretty well able to do anything an evil-doer’s mind can think up.

    Even powerful vibration can be transmitted at a distance, and we targets do not know how, as a provable fact, this is being done.

    My suggestion to you would be to join in some discussions with other targets. If you email me, I can put you in touch. My email address is: ewraven1 (at) sympatico (dot) ca

    I’m Eleanor White, and I live in Canada.

    After over 4 decades of this, my assessment is the reason we are stalled in getting the public made aware of this crime, and officials doing their jobs to help us stop it, is that we lack proof the crime is actually happening. The level of secrecy is incredible. Officials deny, or shrug our reports off.

    We can prove a number of technologies are CAPABLE of doing SOME of what we experience, but proving to the satisfaction of a court that the attacks ARE ACTUALLY BEING DONE is a different matter.

    The mental health system is also holding us back by always, when making public statements, saying we are probably mentally ill. (Privately, a number of doctors have acknowledged they are convinced this crime is happening.)

    I personally believe that if we can at least bring the public to where they are aware “something wrong” is going on, we can probably begin to budge officialdom. Unfortunately our best spokespeople seem to encounter “personal issues” and are forced to drop out of activism.

    So in case you are a relatively new target who has not participated in discussions among our members, that’s briefly where things stand in terms of getting this crime acted upon in our favour. I hope you will join some of our discussions.

    Wishing you and your husband the very best,

    Eleanor White

  • Dante Phoenix says:

    I write about the Stalking and RNM in “Day Thief” by Dante Phoenix, and “Don’t Tread On Me” by Dante Kali Das. The 2nd mentioned book is a mess because of RNM but has a lot of valuable info. Agencies use RNM, and teams of agents wield it- & they organize the Stalking. Its how & why it follows you. In my case I know personally the agency involved – FBI, as does everyone around me in my life. Its no secret. Next book to be shadowbanned “Mind Virus the Hidden Threat- A True Story”. Best regards, Dante in this 30 years as of April 13th 2024…….

  • Gregory Enkhaus says:

    I recently read your article which provoked my immediate response. You see, I, myself am a targeted individual, and as such, a custodian of the truth. I respect logic and reasoning, not rumor or heresy.
    As you mentioned, you received many responses which influenced your belief that T.I.’s are suffering from mental illness based on nonsensical and disjointed gobbledygook. This infuriated me, considering the main tenet of this horrific program is “DISINFORMATION”, which is the MAIN reason that the mainstream public is still in the dark and torture still continues. While researching this article, did you not surmise that there is a large contingent of “agents”, monitoring social media and pretending to be T.I.’s exhibiting non-sensical behaviors and speech/comments? If you sign up to Quora or other social media, you’ll notice that there are two distinct categories of Targeted individuals; 1) Intelligent people whom are able to form logical conclusions and utilize language to rationally convey their condition.*(Some of these people are unaware of the entire truth regarding the program, but no less intelligent). 2) T.I.’s that spew insane and illogical commentary vomit, which indicates severe mental illness—which no psychiatric diagnosis I’ve ever heard of can explain). Further examination of the latter group provides the necessary insight, as most of these profiles contain no history, no details, no pictures, everything absent from a genuine social media profile. It can be surmised that these people are too “crazy” to be bothered with such things, but I find it wholly convincing that it’s a “proxy/agent” when the profile has been recently created, contains no data, and nothing of a personal nature, yet says the most remarkable line of bullsh*t that leaves one feeling less intelligent after having to read their comments.
    Now that I know this, it’s increasingly more easy to differentiate between the authentic T.I.’s and the FAKE-T.I.’s—which are only part of the manipulation machine. The other mechanism of disinformation is employed by Fake-Commenters. These are sometimes real profiles as they can be community based agents, retired cops, or NGO contractors as well. Their job is further discredit the original T.I. by posting things like: “Somebody forgot to take their medicine today.” Or “You should seek mental health assistance” to complaints of electronic torture or other targeting methods. This is so obviously “staged commentary” that you’d have to be stupid to not realize it. I mean, really… Think about seeing a post from a frantic middle aged housewife, terrified and complaining of burning sensations on her body. Would either of those comments be appropriate? At one time I posted something about intruders contaminating my food and water in my home with a salty chemical. I even posted a video where I dumped my sugar bowl into a glass of Isopropyl alcohol as sugar is alcohol soluble and salt is not. The video clearly showed a known scientific method indicating quite a bit of salt added to my sugar. However, in response to my absolute proof, I was advised to seek therapy. At first, I was confused as to why. Am I to supposed to see a psychologist to learn coping strategies regarding the poison? Is this counselor going to come to my house and provide security for my pantry? Then I realized that all the innappropriate comments that didn’t make sense aren’t for me, they are to manipulate other people into disbelief so it gets shrugged off. However once you understand the principals behind what they are doing, all it takes is common sense and you cannot unsee the fakery and absurdity that lies at the surface.

    Also, please consider that the Air Force was quoted saying that they were going to experiment on the public, and then label them as mentally ill if they complain. The FACT is, the government has been experimenting on its citizens, such as the CIA since its inception. Numerous articles can be found regarding illegal experimentation now come to light regarding all manner of drugs, biological agents, nerve agents, chemical gases, and other weapons. It only stands to reason that the newest weapons technology would also be thoroughly “tested”. Down that road of understanding, one can reasonably conclude that the CIA has gotten BETTER at hiding their illegal activities, not WORSE. It stands to reason, we know about A LOT of bad stuff they’ve done, the amount we don’t know about can only be greater, as technology in intelligence IMPROVES, not depreciates.

    If you have any further questions or require actual solid proof and evidence, I have that as well in my possession—contact me and I’d be more than happy to show you proof.

  • Erin De Cesare says:

    I suppose the repeated vehicular vandalism, break-ins, druggings resulting in fainting and serious bodily injuries, same owner/ tail # low flying aircraft overhead (now blocked) 24/7 NATIONWIDE, since robbed of my $5.5 mill home with videos of the same aircraft everywhere I go is imagined? And my PC, phone, and bank account were hacked, etc. EVER SINCE I CALLED OUT THE PERPS; MANY OF WHICH ARE LAWYERS, JUDGES, AND LEOS?? RESEARCH POLICE GANG STALKING! THE CIA, DOD, FBI, NSA, AND DIA WHISTLE-BLOWERS ATTEST TO THIS SINISTER AGENDA. SO GO F YOURSELF! Many of us are highly educated intellectuals, very wealthy entrepreneurs who did not experience this phenomenon until becoming elderly financial crime victims!

  • Ema says:

    Any reasonable person has to consider that symptoms are most likely schizophrenia. The problem is that whichever specialist diagnosed usually dictates the cause. We need cases to be organised into groups which are reviewed by specialists, including experts in emerging technologies.

    I am no expert but energy weapons surely have very clear biological signature which can be determined.

    My main concern is BCI, specifically stentrode. A MRI / CT scan will not detect stents, but it will identify abnormalities; a cerebral angiogram is the Gold Standard for identifying stents in the brain. A simple led lined room may be effective at determining the legitimacy of some claims, if it has blocked communication.

    Stentrode at a commercial level has enabled disabled to write emails and purchase goods with their minds. Transformer technology in 2016 opened the door to LLMs like ChatGPT.

    BCI technology typically shows a large cable connected to the person’s head. Stentrode grows into the lining of the brain blood vessel and it doesn’t take Einstein to figure out that it requires little power and our wireless communication is extremely good. Stents see completely invisible, the individual would not know their brain is fully accessible.

    Anyone considering themselves a TI, in terms of stentrode and BCI, should be clear that this technology is growing so quickly that any criminal abuse is likely readily detectable and fully traceabile within a decade.

    Today AI massively reduces the cost and effort in processing massive datasets, making it possible to collect useful data.

    A civilian has to consider any condition as most likely schizophrenia. The brain will try to rationalise abuse into a fantasy it can manage. Be sure to understand it and not to chase down rabbit holes, that is not to your benefit.

    Currently we rely on experts; and on an individual level that is understanding that the pain is real; and on a professional level to broaden expertise to include technology and injury experts, including proper analytics which is massively cheaper in the age of AI.

    Yes this will happen in the next decade, but it is extremely important, discovering the impact of covid on the brain blood vessels helps people understand and treat challenges. But when people get thrills by imitating diseases to target people there is a something profoundly sick about it; the despicable experiments Hitler perpetrated against Jews and the disabled because he did not see them as humans.

  • Rita Geiger says:

    A Remote Neural Monitor causes Cancer, Breathing Difficulty, Loss of Balance and many other serious health problems. The people who are Gang Stalking me are aware of these facts. A Remote Neural Monitor has the Gang Stalkers see everything I see at the same time and hear everything I hear at the same time. I cannot look in the mirror without them seeing me. They can also hear my thoughts. These Gang Stalkers know everyone I contact, this has not deterred any of them from Gang Stalking me.
    As of today March 23, 2024, I have been Gang Stalked Interstate by the people listed below. This has been happening to me for more than 8 years, 7 months. These people will not stop until they are actually arrested. The information these people have on me is my name, address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, weight, bank account number, medical insurance numbers, passwords, usernames, email address, lease information, doctor names and names of the medicine I take. Below is my story, I would like to have the remote neural monitor removed and be put in Witness Protection.
    Stolen Lawsuit Money Human Trafficking Gang Stalking Interstate
    Motive: $5,000,000. Lawsuit
    I, Rita Geiger, won a lawsuit in the amount of $5 million, years ago. I have been trying to receive my stolen lawsuit money for more than 8 years, 7 months. I have moved from PA to NV due to the fact that I had stalkers follow me everywhere I went in PA. I also had listening devices and cameras in my apartment. I have been threatened by PA Judge Ida Chen and PA Senator Christine Tartaglione with My Life and My Lawsuit Money which was stolen by Judge Ida Chens assistant. Judge Ida Chen had me in her courtroom for a divorce and tried to involve me in Human Trafficking with what she calls 4 of her guys. I did not cooperate. Since then, she has tried to destroy my life for her 4 guys. When I was in that judge’s courtroom for my divorce, she told me that I was going to marry a man named Tom Kenny who worked for the court system. After that she involved a man named Vincent S Talotta and then a man named Salvatore Accardo and then her assistant Jack Kelly aka Mr. Daymond. They all work for the Philadelphia Family Court. When she involved her assistant, she kept threatening me that I was going to marry him. She called my house, and came on my job with her 4 guys threatening me that I was going to marry Jack Kelly aka Mr. Daymond. Since then, her and her 4 guys have been stalking me, harassing me and stealing from me by using a Remote Neural Monitor. This is Gang Stalking and Interstate Stalking and has been going on for more than 24 years. As of today, I still have not received my stolen lawsuit money. Due to this fact I spent more than 4 months in the hospital. I also have had to sleep in my car. I have been surrounded by Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, Prisoners and Mental People. If I had my stolen lawsuit money none of this would have ever happened. I lived in the same apartment for approximately 15 years. I worked at the same place of employment for at least 15 years. There is no reason why the attorney could not bring my stolen lawsuit money to me or no reason why they could not contact me as I had the same phone number for 15 years as well.
    On February 5, 2018, I was evicted from my apartment and was out on the street for 11 months. My life is in danger. They have ruined my perfect credit and as of today no one has given me my stolen lawsuit money or has had anyone arrested.
    I have been Gang Stalked by Judge Ida Chen from Pennsylvania for the past 24 years. Her Gang Members who have been stalking me for the past 24 years are as follows, Senator Christine Tartaglione, Vincent S Talotta, who repeatedly names my doctors and should not know any of their names. Tom Kenny, Jack Kelly also known as Mr. Daymond, along with his girlfriend Judy, Salvatore Accardo and Anthony Rossi. An unknown person who claims he will blow my head off. This unknown person is also making lewd comments about girls. During the past 8 years, 7 months, with a motive to take my $5,000,000. from me are as follows. Thomas P. Geiger, my ex-husband, Divorced 2002. He brought in members of his family who are as follows, Paulina Geiger, Nicolette Geiger, who when I spoke to her claims, she did not know what I was talking about, nothing further was ever said, she continues to Gang Stalk me. She also has her boyfriend’s Gang Stalking me. Carolyn Geiger, who is knowingly and willingly committing the crime of Gang Stalking believing she can actually commit this crime with no consequences stating Judge Ida Chen is involved. Bill Geiger, who thinks he has a right to Gang Stalk me and is sitting there with his wife, making rude remarks to me. Also, there is Bob Geiger and James Geiger, I have not seen these people for 30 years. Also involved is Rita Chieffo, who when I told her numerous times I was being Gang Stalked and had Lawsuit Money in the amount of $5,000,000. she acted like I was Mental, yet she continues to Gang Stalk me. Eugene Chieffo, and people from H & R Block who include Frank Russo, Barbara Willamen and Rosemarie Maribello. Neighbor Nikki Liberty. These people watch everything I do and make comments. They even watch me go to the bathroom, shower and get dressed. They also announce what medicines I take.
    Judge Ida Chen has stolen from me for the past 24 years. This would include any Child Support, Alimony, Attorney Fees and Divorce Settlement that should have been paid to me and never was. When I went to the Court System to see Tom Kenny, instead of him being there, there was an Imposter who introduced himself as Tom Kenny and was not, I will be able to identify that man.
    My Lawsuit Money is from me suing the City of Philadelphia and should have been paid to me in 2004. The person who should have given it to me is Salvatore Accardo. For some reason I was told that Jack Kelly also known as Mr. Daymond stole it and has never given it to me. He works for Judge Ida Chen as her assistant and has been Gang Stalking me for the past 24 years.
    If any further damage happens to me, above are the people to look at for any damage caused and my Lawsuit Money that does not belong to any of them. I am not safe anywhere.
    Rita Geiger
    900 Brush Street Apt 411
    Las Vegas NV 89107

  • Lady J says:

    Targeted Individualism is real. It is happening at a rapid rate in conjunction with much more evil that only those who inflict this mess on the innocent know about. I have become one of the victims; however, I trust God in the midst of it all and those behind this, regardless of their reasons, will not go unnoticed by the Almighty for what they have done and the impact to my life in a not so good way and the lives of others. It is awful , dehumanizing, and demonic to say the least. No one, in my opinion, should undergo this type of harassment and torture on a 24/7 basis. Lord help those who do not have anything better to do with their time, money, or grey matter/skull. So many people need help and they sit and commit this silent crime all day every day. HELP!!!

  • Rita Geiger says:

    A Remote Neural Monitor causes Cancer, Breathing Difficulty, Loss of Balance and many other serious health problems. The people who are Gang Stalking me are aware of these facts. A Remote Neural Monitor has the Gang Stalkers see everything I see at the same time and hear everything I hear at the same time. I cannot look in the mirror without them seeing me. They can also hear my thoughts. These Gang Stalkers know everyone I contact, this has not deterred any of them from Gang Stalking me.
    As of today March 31, 2024, I have been Gang Stalked Interstate by the people listed below. This has been happening to me for more than 8 years, 7 months. These people will not stop until they are actually arrested. The information these people have on me is my name, address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, weight, bank account number, medical insurance numbers, passwords, usernames, email address, lease information, doctor names and names of the medicine I take. Below is my story, I would like to have the remote neural monitor removed and be put in Witness Protection.
    Stolen Lawsuit Money Human Trafficking Gang Stalking Interstate
    Motive: $5,000,000. Lawsuit
    I, Rita Geiger, won a lawsuit in the amount of $5 million, years ago. I have been trying to receive my stolen lawsuit money for more than 8 years, 7 months. I have moved from PA to NV due to the fact that I had stalkers follow me everywhere I went in PA. I also had listening devices and cameras in my apartment. I have been threatened by PA Judge Ida Chen and PA Senator Christine Tartaglione with My Life and My Lawsuit Money which was stolen by Judge Ida Chens assistant. Judge Ida Chen had me in her courtroom for a divorce and tried to involve me in Human Trafficking with what she calls 4 of her guys. I did not cooperate. Since then, she has tried to destroy my life for her 4 guys. When I was in that judge’s courtroom for my divorce, she told me that I was going to marry a man named Tom Kenny who worked for the court system. After that she involved a man named Vincent S Talotta and then a man named Salvatore Accardo and then her assistant Jack Kelly aka Mr. Daymond. They all work for the Philadelphia Family Court. When she involved her assistant, she kept threatening me that I was going to marry him. She called my house, and came on my job with her 4 guys threatening me that I was going to marry Jack Kelly aka Mr. Daymond. Since then, her and her 4 guys have been stalking me, harassing me and stealing from me by using a Remote Neural Monitor. This is Gang Stalking and Interstate Stalking and has been going on for more than 24 years. As of today, I still have not received my stolen lawsuit money. Due to this fact I spent more than 4 months in the hospital. I also have had to sleep in my car. I have been surrounded by Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, Prisoners and Mental People. If I had my stolen lawsuit money none of this would have ever happened. I lived in the same apartment for approximately 15 years. I worked at the same place of employment for at least 15 years. There is no reason why the attorney could not bring my stolen lawsuit money to me or no reason why they could not contact me as I had the same phone number for 15 years as well.
    On February 5, 2018, I was evicted from my apartment and was out on the street for 11 months. My life is in danger. They have ruined my perfect credit and as of today no one has given me my stolen lawsuit money or has had anyone arrested.
    I have been Gang Stalked by Judge Ida Chen from Pennsylvania for the past 24 years. Her Gang Members who have been stalking me for the past 24 years are as follows, Senator Christine Tartaglione, Vincent S Talotta, who repeatedly names my doctors and should not know any of their names. Tom Kenny, Jack Kelly also known as Mr. Daymond, along with his girlfriend Judy, Salvatore Accardo and Anthony Rossi. An unknown person who claims he will blow my head off. This unknown person is also making lewd comments about girls. During the past 8 years, 7 months, with a motive to take my $5,000,000. from me are as follows. Thomas P. Geiger, my ex-husband, Divorced 2002. He brought in members of his family who are as follows, Paulina Geiger, Nicolette Geiger, who when I spoke to her claims, she did not know what I was talking about, nothing further was ever said, she continues to Gang Stalk me. She also has her boyfriend’s Gang Stalking me. Carolyn Geiger, who is knowingly and willingly committing the crime of Gang Stalking believing she can actually commit this crime with no consequences stating Judge Ida Chen is involved. Bill Geiger, who thinks he has a right to Gang Stalk me and is sitting there with his wife, making rude remarks to me. Also, there is Bob Geiger and James Geiger, I have not seen these people for 30 years. Also involved is Rita Chieffo, who when I told her numerous times I was being Gang Stalked and had Lawsuit Money in the amount of $5,000,000. she acted like I was Mental, yet she continues to Gang Stalk me. Eugene Chieffo, and people from H & R Block who include Frank Russo, Barbara Willamen and Rosemarie Maribello. Neighbor Nikki Liberty. These people watch everything I do and make comments. They even watch me go to the bathroom, shower and get dressed. They also announce what medicines I take.
    Judge Ida Chen has stolen from me for the past 24 years. This would include any Child Support, Alimony, Attorney Fees and Divorce Settlement that should have been paid to me and never was. When I went to the Court System to see Tom Kenny, instead of him being there, there was an Imposter who introduced himself as Tom Kenny and was not, I will be able to identify that man.
    My Lawsuit Money is from me suing the City of Philadelphia and should have been paid to me in 2004. The person who should have given it to me is Salvatore Accardo. For some reason I was told that Jack Kelly also known as Mr. Daymond stole it and has never given it to me. He works for Judge Ida Chen as her assistant and has been Gang Stalking me for the past 24 years.
    If any further damage happens to me, above are the people to look at for any damage caused and my Lawsuit Money that does not belong to any of them. I am not safe anywhere.

  • Jacqueline Di says:

    If you think targeted individuals are delusional tweaked out cranks, watch my tiktok. I post footage daily that I’m under 24 7 surveillance since 2018. And videos of drones shooting direct energy weapons at me. Some TI may be delusional or mentally ill, but most of us are pretty chill & normal and out of no where this chaos just started happening to me. I’m sober and no history of mental illness. I post daily to prove its 24 7 365 since 2018!! If you don’t believe you just might after Watching my channel

  • Atoraxic says:

    Really a well written article. I like others had no knowledge of this and really only recently started participating in online communities. I’m in year eight on this inhumane dystopian nightmare.

    Here is a what I believe is a good thread that I wrote about how a portion of this program works.


    Journalists and Researchers need to realize and take into account that this is highly organized crime. There are active campaigns to discredit victims reports. The filth behind this actively participate in social media surrounding this to discredit their victims and its existence. One powerful simple technique is to pretend to be a victim and post easily identified delusion with the real atrocities that are being committed. Seems to work like a magical charm.

    Great article and we will take this down or there are going to be billions of victims subjected to this technological gulag and intended tech-authoritarian society. Its a big deal good people and really we don’t know the filth thats behind it, but they are certainly monsters that require a doorless cage.

    Inextinguishable Hope and Unbreakable Resistance!

  • Steven Simmons says:

    The fact is perps, who are doing the gangstalking, will come to a forum like this and post crazy nonsense to make the real TI’s look like they have mental health issues. They do this type of nonsense on every TI forum on the internet. If all you got out of researching this topic is that you think most people who claim to be targeted are really mentally unstable, then you have failed, both as a researcher and as a journalist. Shame on you, parroting the media lie that there is no such thing as gangstalking.

  • Atoraxic says:

    It went from the sound of footsteps to voices in my house coming from the fan, the HVAC, or power tools saying things like look at him, watch him, wow, look at him, omg.”

    Here is the explanation for this so this is solved.

    Demystification takes this filth down! The title was posted to discredit the discrediting attack we face. I don’t think it ended up being the best decision as it may have angered some of us to the point that our hyper primed defense responses may be triggered.


    Reading through all our responses.. my take is consider shifting some of our efforts that almost compulsively attempt to convince ignorant people that this is real and that we’re not suffering from a mental illness and instead focus your energy and considerable talent on beating this system at its own games. Demystify its components, identify and teach successful psychological anti venom techniques and therapy to its influence and manipulations.

    It’s extremely difficult to open a persons eyes to this. It’s especially designed to illicit behavior and reports that discredit victims. This is by design. Consider this, other than validation of something you already know is utterly true, what help and assistance can these people be?

    We need to generate some funds and attack the technology of the system directly. In my humble opinion its Achilles heal is infrasound.

  • Carlton M Byrd says:

    My targeting/gang stalking went overt in the summer of 2018. It’s covert harassment that is very difficult to explain and prove. Becoming aware of this was traumatic for me.

    It caused me to wonder, how all of this could even be real. My nightmares don’t even have this kind of organized chaos.

    Prayer is what’s needed because it’s psychological and spiritual warfare. We’re being gang stalked by the demonic spirit realm.

    A great book for all T.I.s to read is, “Treading On Serpents” by Tina Plakinger.

    Most all, read your Holy Bible everyday.

  • James says:

    There is a “self help” community for TI’s. It is here: targetedjustice (dot) com

  • Tony says:

    Many people experiencing the same problems. I’m troubled by some of the people involved in this movement. There is Timothy Shelley board leader of Targeted Justice and his site fighting monarch dot com who claims Jews attempted to force him to rape blonde and brunette women with it beginning as a young kid watching TV thinking of raping wonder woman and than he forced himself to watch Nazis punishment movies with sex involved. But to me his answer is all physiological mind control over peoples brains and than he involves Dr. Katheren Horton from Switzerland to convince people that sex is being used to manipulate people and I’m seeing biologic mind control suggestion with these people, it reminds me of cult leadership. I can see people purchasing a Dr.Horton Chasity belt that you have to put a quarter in donated to Katherine Horton to open up and than a recording plays reminding you that the wrong way sex is bad as the doctor prescribed it’s Jewish control used in Hollywood. That is mind control.
    These suggestions by the master control people form a new society implant false ideas in people minds that people will have a hard time getting out of their heads while trying to accomplish private moments.
    Another issue for people to contend with.
    There are so many of us claiming technological mind control assualt it would require a computer brain interface to accomplish this type of criminal genocide. My mind control assault is so terrible. I don’t need Tim Shelley , Katherine Horton mind control to add problems. the 2024 solar eclipse is beginning now 1:41 pm.
    Hopefully we find a solution.

  • Luckie Collins says:

    This began with me in June of 2022.
    Mine is V2K. I tell everyone I know. Some of them believe me, some don’t. I hoping with new technologies we will be able to tell or pick up the voices that I hear. People don’t just wake up and become schizophrenic! My life was going good until I felt the pressure in my head and ears then the voices came! It’s taken me a year to find info about this and I’m thankful for article like this! We need awareness and attention brought to this subject.

  • Dante says:

    Aliens are here and they are manipulating many humans. Most are unaware of the manipulation. Our government is being controlled by them. The aliens have the ability to mind control humans and there are people within the government willfully cooperate with them. Certain ET’s know as Zetan, which are many different entities (from different systems; i.e, Orion, Sirius A, Procyon, Altair, etc.) tied to these roboids. They can abduct people in place without leaving their home (from the 5th dimension). They can possess you against your will and torture you with all kinds of hideous psychic exercises that will have you constantly battling them psychically which they like to generate loosh or andromicrom from your body for which they feed upon. I know all of this because they have been doing this to me for many years. What’s more they are flying around in our skies in conventional craft (airplanes, helicopters) and no one seems to notice them. These beings are very cold blooded towards humans. They seem to be a hybrid of reptilian, feline, and other species tied to artificial intelligence. What should most disturbing to humans is that these beings have the ability to seize all of your online activities and undermine all of your means of making a living, particularly if you depend on the internet for work or business as most people do today. They can hijack all of your social media accounts, websites, email accounts, bank accounts, online wallets, etc. They can completely hinder all of your activities this way and drive you into destitution. This is something they are doing on a routine basis, and I have tried several times to inform the government of this but they still have said nothing to the public about this. Do not trust the government. These beings are here and they are undermining our country and our world. These are the same as the angels spoken of in scriptures. They have been here for centuries, however, more are coming in (anunnaki, etc.) and they also have many hybrids that were born here. We must insist on the elimination of the security clearances except for the most crucial secrets pertaining to an ongoing war because I believe we have created two separate societies where there are people within our government that are working with the aliens to our detriment, and we are completely oblivious. Time for us all to wake up!!!

  • Doug says:

    voice to skull evidence not my mind. Nothing around me is making that noise or those voices it’s late at night so no reason to have that kind of noise. I didn’t make it up in some studio or anything.
    @Tony there is AI is doing it. my recording above you will hear what is an AI electronically pulsed voiced. Nano bots are and have been found in the blood of vaccinated and un-vaccinated people. Blood clots rubbery ones not related to any disease that would cause them being found and still growing in dead people.
    I care less about the Timothy Shelly crap who cares it’s most likely true, revelations and transhumanism is what is going on or forced evolution which we never have evolved God created us not evolved.
    But here too another one…https://youtu.be/3lXAmjZmp5M voices are heard or AI bot things something that is a computer interface being used but remotely. So yes v2k is real it’s hurting me daily and I need help Havana Syndrome is this v2k it’s all over and it needs found…

  • jank says:

    The problem with all this is none of these victims tells us why they’re being targeted. I mean, what did they do, say, write, to piss off the crews after them? Racism? Antisemitism? Pissed off westboro baptist church types?
    You need to tell us why you are a TI.

  • m says:

    This is very real (TI) people. I am one also i wrote a note with more info and this site erased it or computer. I been going thru evil devilish experiences for 10 yrs. Will keep this short in case it erases as my main computer was somehow tampered with they put some people in apts. next to yours then you can hear them late at nite messing with wiring system. It obvious i had main computer diagnosed; and, they said it was fried; yet, the wal sockets near my computer area were fine when this happened. There many things they do depending on community you live in. They can also do scams excessive car repairs, then car breaks down. Some communities are set-up todo this financial loss scam. I believe there are rings of bad people who do various things after one thing then it another tactic. In some small towns there also small behavioral clinics i believe funded due to the numbers of targeted people who i have noted where i live are heavy beer, alcohol and now weed consumers…if they do other stuff i not sure; but, i believe other stuff goes on. I like so many reporting here reach my limits at times which i believe is part of these behavioral clinics. I now have no car because of a years worth of no good repairs that all were costly. It did not help when dealers started refusing to repair older cars around 2017. I also am victim of MKULTRA mind thought control. It very bad in this area. They recently caught a russian spy who lived in St Petersburg ,FL; however, was traveling evidently around this part of state. They caught him in Marathon or Keys areas with hand-held frequency type devices. I been a victim of very strange testing in vehicle which is unexplainable; but, very dangerous. Now, no car. You figure. I’ve had enough of this place i am way anxious; yet, should not be; but, it due to all the pranks and nefarious stuff they do to some people who are TIs. I was once in a car shop nearby sat all day for car pd bill; then told if u want your car fixed come back. I left only to find that car had very terrible high pitched sound that i put up with for a long time as i did not have funds to go back so soon. I always depleted over car because of this kind of activity obviously intentional. No,we are not mental; however, they push your buttons to see how much they can do to the chosen targeted ones. I believe this also goov. or military experiments on innocent individuals. Read super military men experimented with helmets that frequencied so men can stay in field longer and endure more in field. Just a few examples i not sure why or what for other than very mean experiments. I was listening to a Ps. out of Australia church who said to “watch what you say”..however, i could not listen any longer because they can initiate anyone to say anything thru targeting with frequencies things u never said in your life. they can also cause their thoughts to enter your mind hold you sort of at bay; then release you when they look away and walk away. It more of this military experimenting i believe who or what else can it be. I believe some are controllers and possibly were chipped and programmed as i note those persons do not carry a cell or device they do it with their mind and vision control. There are some that are like this that have been in area where i live; and, some who are always around doing these other bad things. I read recently they now experimenting with use of micro electronic frequencies i believe they have done this to myself. I very tired of all this that what they intentionally try to do to some victims. There is alot more; but, whoever thereports are they seem to think everyone mental. Well most of us are not we being illegally guinea pigged to death. I could say alot more;but, i left enough examples to verify to some of the others this is very real you have been targeted and it most likely the above i have mentioned as it been a long time for me; and, i very weary. If you believe in the Lord, Jesus and salvation it helps to endure this activity. I could go on and on with more examples; i just wanted the reporters to go report and read what really going on study MKULTRA mind thought, super military men with frequencied helmets (by the way they get out of service sooner or later so what do you think their behaviour going to be like). That for starters please report on this too many others being victimized and they do not know what to do neither do I. We really are suffering. Now, i have to figure how to get around without a car. I am an senior older lady now. Many senior women in past have gone thru the car ring problems and asked if i new what to do…i could only answer i going thru same things and i do not know what to do. The end. please God our Saviour please help these reporters understand this is very real and we are being guinea pigged.

  • Anonymous says:

    Articles like this are part of the problem!Claiming to be neutral and doing proper research.Clearly throughout it is implied that the majority of claims are simply from mental illness.This is not uncommon
    amongst certain “journalist” who cover this topic.
    There is plenty of research on this topic and about the technology used especailly from certain goverment officials to and in documents revealing the unethical research and weapon use on innnocent civilians.So unfortunatley when you see this article for what it is.Its another article that claims to be neutral and seeking information,it is clearly another article to discredit GENUINE victims and the main topic is the mental health of the victims.Quite clear the real intentions of the so called article which is just another blow to the community who are not listened to because articles like this.Which is part of the problem.So disspointing im thankful for the very few who speak on behalf of the surviots with respect and truth.Not speaking on behalf of people who are suffering by leaving the same undertones which discredit them.Such a shame!

  • ATORAXIC says:

    Discrediting 101

    @m I’m really sorry to read of your hardships. Your post is frantic but i didn’t recognize any commonly reported symptom of an actual covert assault. What i did read is a “keep it short” lengthy rant that’s utterly filled with discrediting techniques.

    Im surprised that TR chose to approve it.

    Discrediting is really easy to do, very effective and effectively passes through screening and moderation as it won’t break common site rules or societal correctness.

    What we see here is really classic discrediting. It’s an “in favor” or “supporting” discredit. This post is utterly filled with abstract fantastical disjointed concepts, spelling and grammar errors and claims that are easily identified as delusional. It does not reflect the experiences or conclusions of victims of this and instead attempts to discredit victims reports by posting legitimate claims amidst easily recognized paranoid illegitimate and or delusional claims.

    A large reason the public has trouble believing in these vile crimes is some of the reports victims give are clearly impossible and or delusional. The truth is that anyone can pretend to be a victim, post fictional accounts of covert or sanctioned crimes and infuse them with obvious delusion, transparent impossibility and rampant language errors to successfully discredit the legitimate victims accounts.

    “m’s story is a perfect example of this.

  • Alex Ginger says:

    Hello, I found your article to be extremely informative. I personally have suffered the same as others, with the exception of the bizarre stories that do not make sense. Please reach out to me, this has happened to me recently (within 4 years). Thank you!

  • Radhika Natarajan says:

    Hello All,

    I have been going thru the same since 2018. Please try to buy Anti Radiation Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) products from all reliable resources that including Amazon. They do have Anti Radiation EMF paints, roofs for the top of the houses and EMF neutralizer for plugins and etc. AntiRadiation stickers for phone, dollars to wear to protect us when we go outside and etc, We can protect entire house and car too thru by buying Anti Radiation 5G WIFI EMF products

    https://www.amazon.com/emf-protection-clothing/s?k=emf+protection+clothing ( Faraday Cages from Faraday company)

    God Bless. Love Jesus

  • Radhika Natarajan says:

    RADHIKA NATARAJAN SAYS: Anti 5G WIFI Microwave Radiation Products to protect US, Home, Electronic Appliances, Phone, Laptop, Car and houses thru Blockers, protectors, shield, filters and etc

    Hello All,

    I have been going thru the same since 2018. Please try to buy Anti Radiation Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) products from all reliable resources that including Amazon. They do have Anti Radiation EMF paints, roofs for the top of the houses and EMF neutralizer for plugins and etc. AntiRadiation stickers for phone, dollars to wear to protect us when we go outside and etc, We can protect entire house and car too thru by buying Anti Radiation 5G WIFI EMF products

    https://www.amazon.com/emf-protection-clothing/s?k=emf+protection+clothing (Faraday Cages from Faraday company)
    https://emfknowledge.com/2019/09/19/emf-shielding-building-materials/ https://outliyr.com/best-emf-radiation-protection-devices-companies-review https://www.radiansa.com/en/electromagnetic-radiation/architectural-shielding.htm
    https://havenhometech.com/best-whole-house-emf-protection/ https://emfguide.com/home-emf-shielding-for-bedrooms-and-living-areas/

    God Bless. Love Jesus

  • Jennifer R Swinney says:

    This is an absolute nightmare. It has to be the cruelest form of human trafficking that I can think of. I faced institutionalization for reporting infrasound in my house. I was forced injections and after receiving the injections, the tortures started getting worse. They are trying to make me believe that billionaires, such as Elon, are behind these attacks. What is scarey, years ago ,I had a scar and a lump above it to the back of my head. We’ll after that incident, all the sudden the gangstalkers know my thoughts and I get some awful headaches. Also,, on another occasion, I woke up 5 days later on my living room floor. No idea of where the days went and in tremendous pain. My right eye had a perfect black circle in it, I had an odd scar on my right wrist, and my pelvis was vibrating vigorously. I pointed out what appeared to be needle marks on my upper butt to the cops one time, of course they said it was a rush and then threw me in psychward. I swear to God. I carry every dang diagnosis the DSM has. Oddly. I would be threatened of not going home when I wouldn’t speak in the psychward. They also fabricate things you supposedly said in your chart. I pick up infrasound in my home and that is debilitating to the point of exhaustion. Then they use the DEW attacks to further disrupt my sleep. These are the tactics that has been used on me:
    What are some common tactics used by stalkers to intimidate their victims?
    Surveillance Tactic -cameras are installed on your property and you are monitored 24/7. This may include EVERY ROOM in your home

    Hope Tactic- your hope is built up in order to be let down time after time

    Derogatory Words Tactic- you get called every name in book. Sometimes offensive ones, including cuss words as well

    Saving Tactic- Where there is someone that is wise and empathetic enough is on their way to save you but never show up. This is when street theatrics are involved (car horn or knock on door)

    Sympathy Tactic- when the gangstalkers pretend to feel bad for your situation. Say how they would never want to be in your shoes

    Fear Tactic- when they do stuff that makes you scared. Like put big spiders in your house or put lighter fluid around your house and then say they will burn your house down

    Financial Burden Tactic- when they hack your accounts, steal your cash, purse or belongings

    Intrusion Tactic- when you KNOW someone has been on or in your property but have a hard time providing proof

    Forgetful tactic- your stuff will be moved to another location or it will disappear and then reappear months later in a different spot

    Family- they pretend to be certain family members and you become suspicious of these family members and it causes familial tension

    False belief tactic- they will impersonate some famous person and have you believe that famous person wants you and is doing stuff to you. They may even create social media accounts

    Creepy tactic- you are tortured with Direct Energy Weapons or infrasound. Things that are creepy feeling that you have no way to pinpoint where it stems from

    Bullsh*t Tactic- when what they are saying in complete nonsense. You know without a shadow of a doubt you are being bullsh*tted

    Isolation tactic- No one believes you and therefore stays away from you. You are so caught up in trying to figure out what is going on that you become lonely and isolated

    Humorous tacctic- there comment will make you laugh or the comment is so outlandish that you can’t help bit to chuckle

    Why ME tactic- you are constantly question why you are a TI or victim and try to figure out what you have done to deserve such treatment

  • dee says:

    Gold diggers international or at home and covering other stuff to make money situations for both them and their rich friends…….. and they benefit by it also later when your put away or set up in other ways……… get it!?!!! invisible unseen unheard games not silent but done secretly with groups friends, neighbors or even their own family on internet or out of city limits rodas not policed… where your not monitored and it’s hard to prove or get evidence!

  • A ‘Targeted Individual’ Follow-Up - Is Something Really Happening to Them? (2024)


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