17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (2024)

Most of us are familiar with major Greek goddesses like Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. These female deities play important roles in Greek mythology as wives, mothers, and leaders.

Classic Greek literature has kept the mythology of major Greek gods and goddesses alive for centuries. These gods and goddesses are popular because of their prominent roles in traditional Greek stories.

The minor goddesses included in this list are also important to the understanding of Greek mythology. Their characteristics and stories are extremely interesting and reveal much about ancient Greek society and knowledge.

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (1)

The following are 17 lesser-known or obscure goddesses from Greek mythology. These goddesses are considered “minor” but still play important roles similar to those of the main pantheon of goddesses.

Many of these goddesses are related to each other as mothers, daughters, and sisters. We have organized our list to show these relationships and the interplay between goddesses.

1) Nyx

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (3)

Nyx is the goddess of night and the daughter of Chaos. She is a primordial goddess, meaning that she is one of the oldest deities in Greek mythology.

This mysterious goddess lives in the underworld of Hades. Although related to darkness, Nyx is not an evil goddess.

Because of her great age and power, she is the only deity Zeus fears. Nyx is the mother of many children, including Nemesis and the Fates (described below).

2) Hemera

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (4)

Hemera is the goddess of the day. She is one of the oldest goddesses in Greek mythology and is a daughter of the primordial being, Nyx.

Hemera is the wife of Aether, the god of light, and the mother of Gaia and Uranus.

3) The Fates

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (5)

The Fates, or Moirai, are three daughters of Nyx. These goddesses control human destiny. The sisters each play important roles in determining fate.

Clotho spins the thread of life, which represents our time on earth. Lachesis measures the thread of life, which determines a person’s lifespan. Atropos cuts the thread with her shears. The cutting of the thread represents death.

4) Nemesis

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (6)

Nemesis is another daughter of Nyx and represents divine retribution. In one of her most famous stories, Nemesis lures Narcissus to a pool.

The vain Narcissus falls in love with his own reflection and eventually dies because he is unable to look away from himself.

5) Apate

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (7)

Apate, a daughter of Nyx and Erebos, is the goddess of deceit. She was originally trapped in Pandora’s Box, but was released into the world along with other evils.

Apate is the sister of Geras, Moros, and other minor deities.

6) Mnemosyne

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (8)

Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory. The English word “mneumonic” stems from this goddesses’s name. Mnemosyne is the daughter of Gaia and the mother of the Muses.

Although a minor goddess, statues of Mnemosyne were featured in many temples designated for other gods.

7) The Muses

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (9)

The Muses are nine Greek goddesses of the arts. These beautiful women embody main artistic styles of the ancient Greece.

Calliope is the goddess of poetry and speech. She is the wisest Muse and serves as their leader. Erato is another poetic Muse, but she represents love poetry in particular.

Clio is the goddess of history and retells important events. Terpsichore tells stories through dance and lyrical poetry.

Thalia is the goddess of comedy, while Melpomene’s art is tragedy and chorus.

Euterpe specializes in flute playing and music. Polyhymnia also loves music, but focuses on sacred hymns and arts.

Finally, Urania is the patron of astronomy.

8) The Furies

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (10)

The Furies are another group of Greek goddesses. Unlike the beautiful Muses, the Furies are depicted as ugly winged women wearing snakes.

These goddesses embody retribution. They are in charge of punishing serious crimes. They inflict the guilty with madness, disease, and other punishments.

The Furies serve Hades in the Underworld.

9) The Graces

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (11)

The Graces form a trio of goddesses who represent beauty, charm, creativity, youth, elegance, and mirth. The goddesses included in the trio vary depending on geography.

Different parts of Greece included different goddesses. An example is Peitho, an attendant of Aprhodite. This goddess embodies persuasion and seduction. She is credited with giving Pandora golden necklaces.

10) Hebe

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (12)

Hebe is the goddess of youthfulness. The Greeks believed they could achieve youth by blessing Hebe. This goddess is the daughter of Zeus and Hera.

She serves as a cupbearer on Mount Olympus.

11) Iris

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (13)

Iris, goddess of the rainbow, is the female counterpart of Hermes. As such, Iris serves as a messenger of Mount Olympus. She carries a pitcher, which she uses to transport water to the clouds and serve nectar to the gods.

12) Bia

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (14)

Bia is the embodiment of force and power. She helps fight the Titans and earns favor with Zeus through her actions.

Bia is credited with binding Prometheus to a rock after Zeus becomes fed up with him.

13) Enyo

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (15)

Enyo is the Greek goddess of war and destruction. She is the sister of Ares and the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Enyo instilled terror in the hearts of citizens of Troy during the city’s fall.

She is featured in Homer’s Iliad.

14) Eris

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (16)

Eris is the goddess of conflict and dispute. Like Enyo and other goddesses, Eris is the daughter of Zeus and Hera.

This goddess is known as Discordia in Roman mythology. She started the Trojan War by causing discord among fellow goddesses in Mount Olympus.

15) Eileithyia

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (17)

Eileithyia is the goddess of pregnancy and childbirth. She is a daughter of Zeus and Hera and was born in a Cretan cave. This cave became the main location of her worship.

The cave represents the womb, which Eileithyia was thought to control. While Eilethyia could bless women with healthy pregnancies, she could also cause miscarriages and stillbirths.

This goddess represented the joys and struggles of mothers in ancient Greece.

16) Circe

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (18)

Circe is a nymph or enchantress who embodies magic. This goddess uses potions and other magical knowhow to turn her enemies into animals.

She is credited with birthing the minotaur.

17) Amphitrite

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (19)

Amphitrite is a minor sea goddess and the wife of Poseidon. According to mythology, Amphitrite originally rejected Poseidon’s advances until a dolphin persuaded her to marry him.

This goddess gave birth to different sea creatures and is the general personification of the sea.

17 Lesser Known Greek Goddesses [Facts & Pics] - Working the Flame (2024)


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